Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist

Jan 23, 2009
It's not really that surprising. Kids shouldnt be playing bulletstorm.

Fox should definitely tone it down though, they're going to end up as a niche news network otherwise.


New member
May 4, 2009
mattinkent said:
"Rape isn't necessarily forcible. For example, telling a girl that if she doesn't submit, her family will die isn't technically using force, it's threatening."

Force, coercion, it's the same I'm afraid. Rape is about power not sex. Non-consensual would be the best phrase.
We're arguing terminology here. Forcible rape refers to physical force - most common in violent relationships and psychologically damaged individuals. Coercion is more about humiliation than anything else. Both are similar in the way that power and dominance play a huge role in both, but I do believe that Fox were saying Bulletstorm will turn small children into the first kind of rapist - the forcible, violent sort.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Not that it matters, but it's kind of funny that my post got me put on probation here but all the other curse-laden comments about a news network I'd wager many only hear about on the Daily Show are totally fine.
For the record, I wasn't bashing the author, as he's entitled to whatever opinion he wants to have, and in fact I agree that the stuff about games like Bulletstorm leading to rape is total BS. However, the fact is that this article is pathetic. It's incorrect, dishonest, misleading, and hypocritical. I realize this isn't a real news outlet but there should be some integrity considering many people who read Chalk's article or perhaps just the headline probably just assumed it was right and didn't bother reading the FOX article.
Whether he's right about FOX in general is another debate but this article would be laughable if it didn't stimulate 15 pages worth of angry comments about something that FOX didn't actually do.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Something tells me that Fox News should acctually start doing what the name implies.... actual News....

Matthew Wilson

New member
Apr 27, 2010
I read the full article from a link in this thread and they mention that 'kids as young as 9 are playing this type of game' (or something to that effect)
Well Fox News you shot yourself in the foot there, complaining about a violent game but still testing the effects on 9 year olds, you hypocrites.
I know they didn't really test the game on kids I just thought it was a humorous irony. Seriously though people need to stop blaming game companies and blame bad parenting, if a parent buys their 9 year old an 18 (M) rated game then it's their own fault when little Timmy kills the family dog. Besides having the words 'Topless' and 'Gangbang' aren't going to teach kids about sexual stuff, most of them won't know what they mean and the rest will have learnt it at school.
And when the hell did 'Topless' mean rape.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
chalkfail said:
Not that it matters, but it's kind of funny that my post got me put on probation here but all the other curse-laden comments about a news network I'd wager many only hear about on the Daily Show are totally fine.
I'm still waiting for you to explain exactly how it's "incorrect, dishonest, misleading and hypocritical."

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
mattinkent said:
Decent article, albeit about a piece of adolescent drivel that the gaming world could do without. However I question the use of the phrase ?forcible rape' as rape is always ?forcible?. That?s what it means. It might be a small thing but even an off-hand suggestion that rape can be anything else undermines your point. It all adds up, you know?
Don't talk to me, talk to the FBI.

Red Right Hand

Feb 23, 2009
"The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in videogames,"
Waaaaa? So, the fact that all sex scenes in games are pitifully pathetic with the screen fading to black or some other similar mechanic that means that everyone who plays it will want to start raping people?

That is just a blatant lie.

I really don't think it's fair that Fox News be called Fox News, considering that they just report lies and slander. ALL OF THE TIME.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
To all, what, two or three of you who think I was unfair to Fox News in this post:

The original Fox article was entitled "Is Bulletstorm the Worst Game in the World?" It advocates stripping the game industry of its First Amendment protections. The industry's side of the issue is presented only by Hal Halpin, an industry figurehead, and a generic statement from EA (and it makes a point of noting that Epic refused to comment, essentially suggesting that it's trying to dodge the heat) while the anti-game position is put forward by "experts": psychologists and university professors.

Christ, the very first sentence is "PARENTS HAD BETTER BEWARE."

That may be fair and balanced where you come from. For me, when Fox trots out some "experts" to claim that videogames cause rape and only allows a response from a man they make clear is just an industry flunkie, well, the matter kinda speaks for itself.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
First of all, this game shouldn't get into the hands of kids.
Second of all, Fox News should get their facts straight and stop saying that "Studies show" without actually backing it up with a source. I can do that to :

Studies show that 71% of the news FOX News delivers is pure fiction.
Oh wait, that's actually true...


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Thibaut said:
Imbechile said:
Took them long enough. I was starting to get worried.
I wonder what will they say about Duke Nukem Forever?
DNF will be the prelude of the apocalypse.
That's actually a good question. I really hope we get coverage on Fox's reaction to the Duke. It's weird how Fox News is actually a great source of entertainment to me, but more in the "watching monkeys fling poo at children" kind of way.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
katsumoto03 said:
Rape, not murder Faux News? Well, at leasts they're mixing their shit-cocktails up a bit.

But seriously: Is there a specific mental illness that these people collectively have? Do we have a name for it yet?
I've heard of Foxtard.
Though I prefer Foxtardian.


New member
Aug 19, 2010
godofallu said:
Who has got time to rape with all this gaming to be done? Seriously i've only got so much time to finish playing every game in existence before skyrim comes out.
Well said sir well said.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
@Andy Chalk (need to sleep before I figure out how to reply properly here)

For starters, how about just the title of this article. As I recall, there were two sides presented in the FOX article.
Sure, there's some anti-video game slant there, but all news media has a skewed perspective on this medium and likely will for quite some time. I think this was as fair an article about a controversial game as any. And the article does mention that they reached out to Epic for a statement. They could've easily given the kind of common sense arguments we'd like for news media to report on.
Really, my problem with this particular article is that it's basically just an excuse for you to bash FOX. You claim that they ignore facts while at the same you ignore half of the story so you can spin it as FOX being crazy. If FOX was truly in the wrong here I'd definitely be on your side but I think this article is clearly unfair and inaccurate.


Reachin' out...
Mar 7, 2010
Rock Paper Shotgun is here to knock down any arguments that Fox weren't being insanely biased in their reporting. []