Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist


New member
Nov 29, 2010
Wait... correct me if i'm wrong, but haven't incidents of violent crimes like rape actually been going DOWN in the past 20 years...?

DVS Storm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
Damn. It seems that we have an evil game in our midst again. Thank you Fox news for this information.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
I think Fox news can go crawl under a bridge and stop pretending they are not trolls. I don't think the video game industry is making it any easier for themselves here. I remmember seeing early previews of BulletStorm a while ago and I don't remmember it looking as gory as it does now. Did they ramp up the gore to compete with Duke Nukem Forever? Is this a new trend in gaming? Ramp up the volume of blood in games to market it to kids as the "Forbidden Fruit"? You know like the Dead Space commercial thats basicaly says "Your mom hates it so it must be AWESOME to the EXTREME". O this takes me back to the 90's
Feb 19, 2010
HAHAHAHAHAH, oh god, make it stop!
the faux propaganda machine has gone to far, in its quest to deliver truthful honest, and intelligent information to the world.

see, i can make shit up too.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
To be brutally honest, it's more than likely that the 'precious, innocent. little angels' of the parents who will believe this will probably pick up harsh, offensive language and sexual thoughts and imagery from their friends and classmates at school (I still remember us playing a variant of tag called 'bullshit' back at school when I was about 7).

If anything is going to make little Timmy into a rapist it isn't going to be a video game, it'll probably be because his parents weren't open and truthful about sex with him (you know, that whole 'sex education' thing that some parents have a problem with)) and the poor little bugger got fixated on it out of curiosity.

I would honestly like to see a rapist scincerely say 'Bulletstorm made me do it'.

Admiral Stukov

I spill my drink!
Jul 1, 2009
Simalacrum said:
Andy Chalk said:
In other news, Bill O'Reilly still isn't sure where the moon came from.
Oh snap! XD

OT: meh, usual Fox's scare mongering, nobody outside of America really takes Fox seriously anyways, we generally just point and laugh at the silly Americans and their silly ways :p



New member
Sep 9, 2009
if parents dont want their children becoming homicidal rapists they shouldnt play video games is what fox is basically saying so i ask you this, what about all the TV shows, documentaries and movies which show just that? how come your not poking at them? now fox i ask you to do us all one big favour, suck my dick and choke on it


New member
Jul 31, 2009
SlainPwner666 said:
MrSnugglesworth said:
Well if videogames aren't the cause of violence, tell me where it comes from.

You can't can you?
Violence has been around since even before man has. It's "Cause" is still a mystery, but allow me to speculate.

Anger, hatred, greed, and fear. Four of some of the oldest emotions, and some of the most dangerous.
Dude, he was joking, he's simply replaced the word "moon" with "violence". It's the exact same childish rhetoric that Bill used to try to weasel his way out of being ridiculed publicly for the embarrassing statement during an interview when he admitted he didn't know how tides or sunrises worked.


Andy Chalk said:
...experts say can cause serious damage to young minds.
Yeah, an "expert" from Fox News is like being a creationist in a natural history museum; no intelligent person is going to care what you have to say and they'll likely stop listening before you can say "how come there are still monkeys?"


New member
Jun 12, 2009
if fox news is calling gamers rapists, cant we sue them? last time i checked you can sue someone for accusing you of being a rapist without any actual proof


New member
Jul 19, 2010
this doesnt suprise me in the slightest. both that fox news is making up shit to once again demonize the games industry and that bullet storm will fuck you up. seriously have you played the demo? ive never not wanted and wanted something at the same time!

Psyco Slim

New member
Apr 16, 2008
"The incidence of rape is going up and it's all the fault of videogames"

So i guess all that raping and pillaging that Attila the Hun did must have stemmed from playing video games..oh wait.

" And with kids as young as 9 playing such games..."

Who the hell is letting 9 year old play an M-rated game? Maybe FOX should do a story on that.

"The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), rates all video games as a guide for parents; each game carries a letter-label at retail (T for Teen, M for Mature) and an online-only summary. Lieberman and others say it's useless, because it isn't enforced at retail."

This is pure bullshit. I work at Best Buy and if you scan and M-rated game the register asks if the person buying the games is over 17.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Ah yes, finaly they point out the black sheep (again)! Violonce in videogames (just like in films and music) has to be responsible for violent people for sure, not to mention rape! And high school massacres like in Columbine, all of us know it was videogames, rock music and not to forget Marilyn Manson to make responsible! What else could be? Society? A lack of proper education, interest of pedagogues or surrounding people in general? NEVER! Gladly we can blame lots of other things before we have to look at ourselfs.
Bulletstrom you vile thing!
Rainbowish unicorns and "reality-simulation" should be everything allowed in games at all to socialise gamers correctly.


Don't get me wrong, i don't think everything should be allowed in games (or films, or music or whatever) and ratings are necessary to protect children (when parents for example aren't capable of), but the way most media discuss this annoy me so much, while i don't even know why i should bother anymore. Maybe because i still hope we are able to grow out of such stupidity? Maybe i should give up the illusion...


New member
Apr 14, 2008
So if I buy this game while I am out I should get an all black outfit, a mask and some nice leather rape gloves? Thanks for the heads up, that will save me a trip.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
FOX news, did you all huff paint thinner before making this claim the Bulletstorm makes you a rapist?
Then I guess you all are retarded.


New member
Aug 6, 2010

Seriously, why can't people just let the ESRB do what its supposed to do, stfu, and carry on with ranting about terrorists in your back yard?
I'm waiting for a game to come out where you are ACTUALLY a terrorist, so these stupid "reports" actually have any kind of merit.
Think I'll go buy Bulletstorm when I get home.