Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I'm thirteen and most of my games are M rated.

I'd like to think I've turned out alright.

Next, I must watch Reservoir Dogs, kill my neighbors, and rape the homeless.

/lame joke.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Well if the media is making stuff up, why shouldn't I?

Another great story by Fox News, so clear and intelligent to boot.
I wish all journalists had the capacity to relay the truth that Fox ones do.

- Yeah, it's as easy as it looks to lie about.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Grathius22 said:
I'm thirteen and most of my games are M rated.

I'd like to think I've turned out alright.

Next, I must watch Reservoir Dogs, kill my neighbors, and rape the homeless.

/lame joke.
It's okay. We expected it. You are 13.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
JWAN said:
It isn't beneficial to attack the messenger.
Sure it is, when that messenger is whipping up frenzies of ignorance and irrationality. There are always going to be nutjobs and shills who are happy to exploit whatever idiotic hot button they can get their greasy fingers on for a buck. I tend not to worry about them, but I do worry when a "respected" national news organization offers - not provides, but actively offers - them a platform to peddle their bullshit. That's what I see as problematic, not that media whores stay stupid things but that Fox makes a habit of parlaying that into sensationalist nonsense that it then shovels out the door as news.
:) before accusations about editor protecting rapists&questionable history. :p

Seriously, though - great post. Love it. Calling bullshit is something that has cost a lot of people their jobs. So seeing a concise argument about press-ethics like this actually being understood by an editor - that made me smile.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
XD the fearmongers would say that
gaming is much more an outlet for violent behaviour than a cause
all sexualised gaming abounts to is the production of trolls and lols
its like saying mario encourages me to curb stomp on people
gamers tend to be some of the most controlled and civilised people around
ignorance breeds violence and fox news seem to o nothing but breed ignorance


New member
May 9, 2010
Small shildren shouldn't be playing or watching this kind of game in the first place...


New member
Feb 26, 2010
Isn't f*x news' motto 'si in nuto , accuso video venatus'* by now? I laugh at them... huaghha harr ha *cough* well you all know what a laugh sounds like... chances are everyone who read this story has done it.

*(Latin for 'if in doubt blame video games')


New member
Mar 12, 2009
well no shit it could cause damage to young minds, that's why it's rated M+17, retards.

fox is lame, they're another cog in the machine, and not the good kind of cog like marcus fenix.

more to the point, if a child who's old enough to play video games, usually 12 years old, is effected in this sort of way, they probably had a personality disorder to begin with.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
No, they're got it all wrong.

It was all the sex-scenes in James Bond films that started it, videogames are just the next evolution of bond film. Mail-order Doctors such as myself also predict that video-games will, in the next forty-millions years, die out due to a meteor strike and that new-age pasta from the centre of the Earth will create a new form of entertainment system: possible some kind of bat and ball, or hoop and loop, that will continue the cycle.

Wow, I can see why FOX does this all the time. It's fun to write creatively.


New member
May 8, 2009
Ignore the fact that this isn't the first time Fox has gotten something video game and sex related completely wrong.

Also ignore the fact that forcible rape has been declining for about two decades.

And even ignore the fact that saying that violence in video games becoming more prevalent and rape numbers climbing implies any more of a link between the two than one could find between ice cream sales and shark attacks.

For now, just look at the 'doctor' who said this, and how the gaming community responded to her allegations. Did Cliff Bleszinski punch her in the mouth and rape her, as gamers are apparently want to do when encountering a problem? Or was her credibility irrevocably damaged over the electronic medium she decided to insult?


New member
Jul 16, 2009
kypsilon said:
Why does FOX news even exist anymore? Aren't they universally considered to be a bad source of information?
but so is CNN and MSNBC. unfortunately all three are still widely watched

New Frontiersman

New member
Feb 2, 2010
You know, I hate these people pick on a new medium the have no understanding of and making shit up about it to scare a misinformed public so they can score ratings or cheap political points. It's messed up, misleading the public like that, lying. I wish these people would just shut up, crawl back into their hole, and not bother the rest of us with their bile!

Sorry for going on like that, it just makes upset is all.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
People that come from bad households increase the incidence of rape, not computer games that use obscene language and strong images of violence and sexual content.

There are people who have never been taught moral differentiation because of the upbringing they had - this has nothing to do with violent or otherwise games.

If we want to point fingers - the ease of access to porn on the internet, dubious television programs with dubious content that actually encourages sexual behavior - like that Jersey Shore tv show whatever they call it. These are real depictions of people that propagate various social influences. In fact, TV shows would have a way stronger social influence than porn does due to porn's one-tracked mindset - it's just sex and nothing else - pure fantasy, there is virtually no indicator on how to get it (realistically - I mean, what? you get into an elevator with a hot chick and that's just grounds for a screwing? every secretary hired immediately wants to have sex with all the male interns? - anyone who believes that is a twit and was raised by twits). The suggestive nature of TV, and closer-to-real-life depictions of social interactions is far more able to bend suggestible people's expectations.

Interactive versions of this are hard to call a social influence because people identify them as artificial. People who were not taught this differentiation was obviously raised very very poorly; and thus the crux of the argument.