Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist


New member
Aug 9, 2009
one of these days im gonna go on fox news myself and tell the facts right to their face! and expose them for the idiotic batshit insane morons they really are! how do the get away with this!? WHO'S SUPPORTING THEM!?! DX


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Um, Andy, the Game Heroes over at Blistered Thumbs would like to have a word with you over your article.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Yeah, I saw that this morning, thanks. As tempting as the prospect of engaging in conversation with the "heroes" may be, I think I'll pass.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Rocketboy13 said:
Um, Andy, the Game Heroes over at Blistered Thumbs would like to have a word with you over your article.
Ah, ninja bastard.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Way to misrepresent Chalk. You imply that Fox news is saying this when it was simply a quote they gave of someone else. They also had quotes from the other side, even giving one of them the last word. How about the fact that many liberals are also against violent video games? But I guess mentioning that doesn't fit your little agenda.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
See, your problem (and that of many others, too) is that you're determined to turn this into a political issue. It's not. It's lies versus truth, plain and simple.

If there is an agenda at work here, it's certainly not mine.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
godofallu said:
Who has got time to rape with all this gaming to be done? Seriously i've only got so much time to finish playing every game in existence before skyrim comes out.
yeah I have to get over my addiction of minecraft then skyrim when it comes out, then duke nukem THEN bulletstorm... I'm sorry fox news I just don't have time for rape.

Cheesy Goodness

New member
Aug 24, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
See, your problem (and that of many others, too) is that you're determined to turn this into a political issue. It's not. It's lies versus truth, plain and simple.

If there is an agenda at work here, it's certainly not mine.
You see, your article reflects otherwise. This rant was pasted and slightly altered from, which made me aware of this story in the first place.

Your article is just as sensationalistic, if not more, than the Fox News article. Your news story reads more like an editorial. I'm not sure which one it is supposed to be. Please clarify. Your personal opinion of the news outlet is apparent numerous times in the article and has an equally over-the-top-attention-grabbing headline. The jab at O'Reilly comes way out of left field.

This is sloppy, uninteresting writing with the intent to push an agenda, even more so than the Fox News article, and get knee-jerk reactions. While the headline for the Fox story was sensationalist too, I don't feel the article itself even reaches the lows of your article. Fox basically quoted a single person?s opinion and the actual writer of the story didn?t fire outrageous accusations towards the game. As far as I can tell, the writer was mainly neutral.

Your article, on the other half, not only reflects poorly on the integrity of the writing staff, but the website as a whole. You want to hate on Fox News? Go ahead. You have every right not to like them. Call Fox out on the article - you should for the title alone - but do not become even more ridiculous than the original piece being criticized.

I personally believe that the Fox headline was completely stupid. The worst game in the world is one of hell of a loaded question. However, the actual contents of the article was pretty much nothing to get riled up about, not including the totally unfounded rape charge from Carole Lieberman. I would have written your article in much different manner.

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
Siding with Andy here.

Fox is endorsing the "violent video games cause an increase sexual violence" statement as a valid argument by publishing it their article and since the article is ABOUT bulletstorm its connecting that sexual violence to it. So I would consider "bulletstorm could make you a rapist" seems like a valid simplification to me. And the article definitely says that, if not the writer directly.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Cheesy Goodness said:
Fox basically quoted a single person?s opinion and the actual writer of the story didn?t fire outrageous accusations towards the game. As far as I can tell, the writer was mainly neutral.
Then you can't tell very far. And I really can't help you with that, except to suggest that instead of reading, maybe you'd have better luck sticking with watching videos where guys yell "SMOKED" and do fist-pounds and whatnot.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Cheesy Goodness said:
Fox basically quoted a single person?s opinion and the actual writer of the story didn?t fire outrageous accusations towards the game. As far as I can tell, the writer was mainly neutral.
Then you can't tell very far. And I really can't help you with that, except to suggest that instead of reading, maybe you'd have better luck sticking with watching videos where guys yell "SMOKED" and do fist-pounds and whatnot.
And kind of bash the entirety of the Escapist because they didn't like one article. Cool stuff.

Cheesy Goodness

New member
Aug 24, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Cheesy Goodness said:
Fox basically quoted a single person?s opinion and the actual writer of the story didn?t fire outrageous accusations towards the game. As far as I can tell, the writer was mainly neutral.
Then you can't tell very far. And I really can't help you with that, except to suggest that instead of reading, maybe you'd have better luck sticking with watching videos where guys yell "SMOKED" and do fist-pounds and whatnot.
No other thoughts on the rest of what I said? I'm really not even a fan of the Game Heroes. I guess I just got interested in the controversial subject matter. If you think they're stupid, by all means think that. That has nothing to do with me.

I take no issue with your hate for Fox News or the article. The article has very little merit even without the rape charge.

I believe you could have written a better story free of the hyperbole and venom. Outside of editorials, I think all journalists should keep their print as neutral as possible. I think both you and Fox News are in the wrong. If you disagree then that's the way it is, I guess.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
The Imp said:
That chick is right about one thing though, M or 18 rated games should not be played by minors - thats the bottom line.
Nonsense, I played hundreds of hours of DOOM 2 and Mortal Kombat before I was fifteen years old. It has damaged me none.

Incidentally, the maimed corpses in my basement tells me they agree with me.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
Yeah, I saw that this morning, thanks. As tempting as the prospect of engaging in conversation with the "heroes" may be, I think I'll pass.
I think you should give a response in the spirit of internet journalism ethics - reply at least something. IMHO.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Cheesy Goodness said:
Andy Chalk said:
See, your problem (and that of many others, too) is that you're determined to turn this into a political issue. It's not. It's lies versus truth, plain and simple.

If there is an agenda at work here, it's certainly not mine.
You see, your article reflects otherwise. This rant was pasted and slightly altered from, which made me aware of this story in the first place.

Your article is just as sensationalistic, if not more, than the Fox News article. Your news story reads more like an editorial. I'm not sure which one it is supposed to be. Please clarify. Your personal opinion of the news outlet is apparent numerous times in the article and has an equally over-the-top-attention-grabbing headline. The jab at O'Reilly comes way out of left field.

This is sloppy, uninteresting writing with the intent to push an agenda, even more so than the Fox News article, and get knee-jerk reactions. While the headline for the Fox story was sensationalist too, I don't feel the article itself even reaches the lows of your article. Fox basically quoted a single person?s opinion and the actual writer of the story didn?t fire outrageous accusations towards the game. As far as I can tell, the writer was mainly neutral.

Your article, on the other half, not only reflects poorly on the integrity of the writing staff, but the website as a whole. You want to hate on Fox News? Go ahead. You have every right not to like them. Call Fox out on the article - you should for the title alone - but do not become even more ridiculous than the original piece being criticized.

I personally believe that the Fox headline was completely stupid. The worst game in the world is one of hell of a loaded question. However, the actual contents of the article was pretty much nothing to get riled up about, not including the totally unfounded rape charge from Carole Lieberman. I would have written your article in much different manner.
Just OOC, have you read the other articles on this site? At least half of them editorialize to some degree, the other half are "news" items about some new minecraft video on youtube.

The Escapist is not a site of hard-hitting journalism. It's the "voice of the gamer generation", and so I think it's a bit silly to expect them to be neutral in any article, let alone one on a topic such as this. Most of their articles are opinion pieces, and even those that aren't have little snippets of the author's feelings.

So why is okay when the Escapist does this, but not Fox News? To put it simply, the Escapist makes no pretenses that you are getting a balanced story. They quite unabashedly state you are getting the "gamer" point of view. This is much different from Fox News, who brazenly put the motto "Fair and Balanced" under their logo on every page of their site. Tell me, who is really the hypocrite here?

Cheesy Goodness

New member
Aug 24, 2009
I actually think this is a good site and I have read plenty of news stories here. However, if this is what is expected form the "voice of the gamer generation", than it doesn't share my voice. I honestly expect better, but maybe my standards are too high.

Articles written for the sole purpose to pander or create knee-jerk responses is clearly sloppy journalism. As stupid as the Fox News article was, there was clear manipulation done on this site. That's not giving a point of view, that's being dishonest with the intent to create melodrama. I think both articles, in my opinion, are not worth reading.

To answer your other question, Fox should also hold themselves to a higher standard, especially considering they're a 24-hour news operation. Whatever the general consensus is on their usual practices, their credibility with video games is practically non-existent.

Two wrongs do not make a right, and manipulation, no matter where it comes from, I cannot tolerate. That's just how I feel on the matter. Sorry if you disagree.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Dawkter said:
My 8 year old cousin plays GTAIV. He never gets into fights, never cusses, and does well in school.
I'm not completely sure who you're responding to, but I agree with you.