Michael826 said:
And, as someone before me has stated, why wouldn't you rob something of a little more value? You have guns, and tear gas - seriously.
Like what? I'm not trying to troll, but I can't really think of anything that would have better value vs. risk than this.
Also three quarters of a million Euro is pretty high value no matter how you look at it.
Anything like Banks, money transports or jewellers are way higher risk for obvious reason.
Most other high-grade goods aren't shipped en mass like this and would probably have better security surrounding them.
They know that the game will sell, so it's pretty much a guaranteed sale (ie. they won't be sitting on unsold stock). And I think this is the main point.
If they can start selling the copies right now, they can actually make a lot more than 60/70? off a sale too.
If it's console versions, then the games are untraceable. All you have to do is sell the item and it's done with. Things like cellphones for example have serial numbers etc.
Also games are low profile. If Jonny Noname comes home with a copy of a video game his parents probably won't even bat an eyelid.
They are easy to sell and transport vs. something like stereo systems due to size and weight.
Also it could be down to something as banal as a crook just getting the info about the trucks schedule. So a crime a of opportunity.