Full PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Cast Revealed


New member
Oct 2, 2008
Lol, they couldn't even get the rights to their original console's mascot (crash)...which is even funnier since Crash has been dead for a looooong time...


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Innegativeion said:
GenGenners said:
Innegativeion said:
While the prospect of the Ps2's big three platform stars in same game (move heroes doesn't exist. Shut up) is enticing, you can't help but feel a little underwhelmed when they had to use a character *twice* to fill a 20 person roster.

I've had this sneaking suspicion that this game was a tad underfunded, and am quite certain it was funded less than SSB, so I suppose the lack of the likes of Cloud, Spyro, and Crash is to be expected. We can still ***** about it though

... to the producers, of course, not the designers

... not until we've played it anyway.
Of course it was funded less than SSBB, as that was an already established IP that Nintendo knew would sell, released around the time EVERYONE was buying Wii's/DS's.
Well, yeah, that's why I said it.

Another problem for Sony (and one that whiners keep forgetting) is that because of the great 3rd-party support they had in previous generations, a lot of the IP's people consider 'classics' for Playstation aren't actually owned by Sony and more often than not were multiplatform games that just happened to be most popular on Playstation. An example of this is the Legacy of Kain games, which despite being considered a Playstation classic, are actually spread over 6 different systems, including the freaking Dreamcast of all things.
Nintendo had the advantage in this sense because Nintendo's games and Nintendo's 'classics' are the same thing. All their icons are their own property.
Which is precisely why I brought their funding up. Obviously sony doesn't want to shell out for the sake of fanservice, but when we consider this is a crossover fighter... I'd say that's kind of missing the point.

Of course, I'm still in favour of All-Stars here, because as I said in a previous comment, All-Stars just has a more refined roster and ultimately has the high-ground here. SSBB had palette swaps, useless characters and overly-used franchise representation galore. All-Stars has it's characters spread over a greater range of IP's. Aside from Cole, it has 1 character per franchise, which is great diversity.
For comparison, SSBB had 6 Mario characters, 4 Legend of Zelda characters, 3 Star Fox characters, 3 Kirby characters, 4 Pokemon characters (with a whole Pokemon level and numerous Pokemon items too), etc. etc.
I'm well aware of Brawl's roster.

For your edification, you keep using the term "palette swap". You're thinking of "clone", which is slang for a separate model with unique animations but similar moves, not just a different color.

Anyway on to the point; Brawl's roster sports 16 separate IPs, not counting assist trophies or stages (or trophies which would give us several dozen IPs). That's 19 IPs, the same number as Sony, if we're considering DK, Yoshie, and Wario to have their own franchises (they do). There's also only 5 (arguably 4) clone characters, of the 35 total. Oh yeah, and thinking on it, I would hardly consider Sony's eastern mascot to be on par with a full game IP.

So while I don't want to impress upon you that I think brawl is intrinsically better, since I've never played allstars yet, I can't help but find your argument for allstar's inherent virtues to be kind of moot.
I've basically been saying the same thing for months now, so sorry if my argument feels flat. It's been progressively watered down a lot over time.
Let's just wait for the reviews.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
xyrafhoan said:
GenGenners said:
xyrafhoan said:
GenGenners said:
The token Jigglypuff comes to mind)
You realize Jigglypuff was top tier in Melee, right behind Fox and Falco, right? Tiering even above Sheik? And Jigglypuff was also quite good in the original game. She was so broken they nerfed her hard in Brawl, but she's still above the likes of Ganondorf because of fast and long aerial time. If you're going to bring up terribly balanced characters/joke characters, Pichu is beyond awful.

As for this cast list, it's not bad but it doesn't really strike me as fantastic. The absence of certain characters like Crash or even Lightning (the FF one) really disappoints me. Nintendo has a hell of a time including female characters, much to my disappointment, and yet this roster only includes a measly 2? Not that it's a requirement for games to have females, but it's nice to have the option. Oh well. I heard from people playing the beta that this game doesn't really play like a Brawl rip-off as much as it looks like one, so I'll probably wait for more detailed reviews before I lay judgement on this game.

This captcha... Cole Slaw... Heh.
My experience is of SSBB only, so even if Jigglypuff was good previously, she's still useless in SSBB.
Also, lol at your captcha xD
Jigglypuff requires a very different mindset to play well, though chaining her moves in Brawl is much tougher than Melee. She basically needs to stay in the air to be effective, and needs to use Rollout to overcome slow ground speed. Her Final Smash on the more popular, smaller stages is one of the more deadly ones just from the sheer size. Though on the official tier list, Jigglypuff is only above Zelda and Ganondorf, I personally find Jigglypuff better than characters who tier slightly higher, such as Captain Falcon, Bowser, Samus, and Link. She isn't quite as much of a joke as some combatants such as Dan in Street Fighter.

For some reason the PS cat gives me vibes of possibly being a joke character in this game, not unlike the crappiness that was Pichu in Melee. I hope the All-Stars Team has more sense than to include a character that inflicts harm on itself with virtually every move.
I'm reminded of Yoshimitsu's attack where he stabs himself to hit an enemy behind him.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
Yep. This is where sony's great third party IP's start to hurt it. Sure, it'd be nice to have some of those famous characters like crash and spyro, but you can't expect Sony to shell out heaps of money for character rights. But really, who would prefer to have rubbish 3rd party games, just so that a mashup like this has a few more characters for free?

There are still some notable omissions though. I was hoping to see Wander from SotC in the final list, seeing as team ICO are owned by Sony, and SotC seems to be the pinnacle of the PS2 for a lot of people (although maybe that's just the escapist community.). Perhaps they might incorporate the colossi into the game as some sort of stage (pokefloats anybody?) or as a brawl assist-trophy-esque thing. A man can hope.

I was also hopeful they might get someone from demons/dark souls. Demons souls was published by SCE in Japan, but not anywhere else, so I'm not sure how that works. I would've liked to be able to play as Solaire, or even Smough and ornstein as a duo.

This aspect of the industry is what makes me sad. The fact that the people who actually create the characters that people love ultimately get no say in how and where they are used. Obviously I can't know for sure, but I suspect that a lot developers wouldn't mind having their characters featured in this sort of thing.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Eh.. this just feels really B tier. Most of the characters don't jump out at you as Big Name characters you know and love, but they also don't feel cool and sort of throwback/Easter Eggish either. It's like "Yeah, I've heard of them but I don't really care all that much."


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Aaah but the question is, which Big Daddy? I'd love to see the Bouncer using its drill in all its g-l-ory.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Kind of annoyed there are two versions of Infamous man, yet no Crash, Spyro, Solid Snake (But we get fuckin' Raiden!?) and a few others that I can picture but cannot name. More than likely will be as DLC. Also kind of annoyed the full roster is only 20 characters.

Geth Reich

New member
Sep 16, 2012
At long last we will have the answer to the age-old question: who would win in a fight between a British space Nazi and a two dimensional rapping dog.

Death to the ISA sympathising racoon thiefs and ape catchers!


New member
Aug 20, 2010
No spyro, no crash, no Gex the Gecko = No buy

Probably would be the only characters i'd even play...

Sorry, sony.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Spyro and Crash will be DLC then, because they know people will buy those characters.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
rhizhim said:
the only character that somewhat is interesting is Sir Daniel Fortesque

but his franchise has been dead for a long time[/QUOTE]

Seconded. Sir Dan looks like he'll be my main character in this one. I hope I can take off my arm and throw it at people. :)

Might give Nariko a look in as well.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Big Daddy doesn't quite seem to fit in there. No Crash? No Spyro? No Snake? NO ABE?! Hmm... I sense a lot of post launch DLC in the future!

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Grey Carter said:
While I can forgive the absence of PS1 mainstays like Lara Croft, Raziel, Spyro, Cloud Strife, Klonoa, Abe, Aya Brea, Chris Redfield, etc - as Sony doesn't actually own any of those franchises.
If that's the case, what's up with the Bioshock Big Daddy? Last time I checked he wasn't exclusive to the Playstation.

Not that it particularly matters to me since I don't have a PS3, just curious. :p


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Oh Fuck off fuck right off. COLE MACGRATH IS THERE TWICE! I don't care if one is evil and one's good, its gonna be a clone, and believe me there were enough clones in Brawl. It should have been an extra skin for him, I will give them credit if they play differently but I seriously seriously doubt it. And why are they almost all just PS3 characters? Why would you limit yourselves so much? If you don't own the property fair enough but surely, surely the companies would be more than willing to allow their characters to be in the game. Doesn't Naughty Dog own Crash along with Nathan Drake AND Jack and Daxter? This is just... blegh I know fanboys who wouldn't wanna buy this.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Wait a minute, wasn't Bioshock an Xbox 360/PC exclusive, until a PS3 edition was released a couple years later? How is the Big Daddy a "Sony All Star"?

OT: This has equal potential to suck or be great.

Harry Mason

New member
Mar 7, 2011
I couldn't give two flying shits how good or bad this game is or whether or not the roster of characters "belong" in it or anything else. I know I really should, and I grew up on Spyro and Crash, but there's just this one little fact that will pretty much force me to plonk down $60 come release time.

And that's the fact that, at some point in the near future, I will get to see Parappa the Rappa beat the ever loving piss out of Nathan Drake. That's just... Just... An almost orgasmic image...
Or... HAHAHAHAH!!! Sackboy wailing on Kratos! I wonder if Sackboy will have the Kirby ability where he can use a special move on other characters and wear their outfits!

Oh god... I just realized I may be part of the target audience for a shameless rip-off cash grab, and I might be OK with falling for it... I don't know how to feel about myself... What have I become!? NOOOO!

In all seriousness, It's a little strange that anyone would get worked up over something so obviously silly. There's certain quality about the type of person that bothers to "get good" at something like Super Smash Brothers that always makes me raise my eyebrow a little. If there is a type of video game that's really just meant for sleepovers or drunken weekend nights with your mates, it's this.