Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Fake it seems. "Dickie Canine" apparently wrote it despite not existing from what I can tell and also the full tweet thread has screen shots of the article which read like what can only be parody. Even the most heinous caricature of a Conservative landlord would know to at least not these things out loud.
Additionally, it's a tweet being posted here by Seanchaidh, which are traditionally just propagated lies.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Fake it seems. "Dickie Canine" apparently wrote it despite not existing from what I can tell and also the full tweet thread has screen shots of the article which read like what can only be parody. Even the most heinous caricature of a Conservative landlord would know to at least not these things out loud.
Not that these people don't exist.

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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So we worried about idiots walking round marching and shouting impotently?

I mean I've seen probably equal articles yelling about White supremacist groups and woke colleges and well Woke college kids did this

A Woke College professor did this

This is leaving aside stuff like the Evergreen College stuff where some students were walking round with Baseball bad trying to intimidate and target other students because they supported Bret Weinstein's honestly pretty sane take of "it's not fair to teach and test on material while also demanding that a racial group don't show up to learn that material, that's not fairness it's deliberately biasing things and trying to literally adjust outcomes". Which got his students stalked and had people trying to dox them for daring to want to keep learning the material they'd paid to learn.

I'll take loud shouty idiots I can ignore and or happy yell that they're morons at over literal fires and places being facilities being destroyed if I have to choose. Ideally I wouldn't want either lot but one lot I can happily ignore and they don't care while the other lot really get pissed unless you join them and really act to make it so you can't ignore them.

What exactly are we meant to be worried about with impotent fools walking round trying to make a show of things when in the end it just looks laughable? I literally wouldn't have known this happened without the tweet of some-one giving them attention.

What was it Stephen Fry once said as a variation on another quote

"I mean not agree with what you have to say but I'd defending your right to say it so as many people as possible can know and see what a tremendous arse you are"

I think that applies very nicely in this case. Let them be arses, let them parade up and down like tool and let everyone see what stupid deluded tools they are.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
With no evidence.
Except them clearly having a Pepe avatar and spewing somewhat crazy stuff the fact they're claiming to be a Zoomer and the PhD tag on the profile (long story it's a sort of running troll joke)
Also identifying as
Orthodox Christian Incel. Very nice guy!
yeh because Incels typically self identify like that and the Nice Guy thing is a meme

Oh and this

He's also retweeted other PEPE accounts

Oh and the far right person is also criticising the far right for not marching in step lol

oh and also "Lets Go Brandon"

sorry dude it was a troll you caught


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020

Last week, residents in Hurricane alerted Washington County officials that strangers were coming to their doors asking questions about the 2020 election.

The questioners did not wear name tags and refused to identify themselves or what organization they were with, according to the complaints. Residents said they also appeared to have the personal voter information of the people they were questioning.

These questioners were part of a private statewide effort to root out voter fraud, an investigation by The Salt Lake Tribune has found.

The group knocking on doors calls itself the Utah Voter Verification Project (UVVP), and it’s the latest front in the “Stop the Steal” election fraud conspiracy movement.

The group has no mainstream online presence. Most volunteers are recruited through alternative messaging apps like Telegram, but even then there’s only a graphic linking to a website where potential volunteers can sign up for more information.

There is no evidence of any voting irregularities in Utah during the 2020 election. Gov. Spencer Cox and Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson have pushed back aggressively calling any such claims “absolute falsehoods.”

An investigation by The Tribune into UVVP, involving a review of confidential training materials, contracts, and a recording of a training session for volunteers, reveals the group has direct connections to the election conspiracy organization U.S. Election Integrity Project (USEIP), linked to the QAnon conspiracy and fronted by supporters of the Three Percenters Militia. The Tribune also found an indirect connection to My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell.

A training manual for the group says it is seeking to “ensure free & fair Utah elections” and to “restore confidence in our election system by either refuting or confirming concerns of fraud.” Whatever information they uncover, the manual says, “will be presented as evidence, both in and out of legal settings.”

UVVP volunteers are told to keep their work confidential to avoid disrupting their investigation.

“We want to make sure that we keep our information very quiet,” one of the trainers said. “As we’ve seen happen over and over again, when you release little bits and pieces, they destroy documents, they destroy evidence. We don’t want to release anything until we’re ready.”

According to posts on Telegram, one of the group’s leaders is Elaine Moore of Payson. Moore has almost no digital footprint on mainstream social media. According to publicly available databases, Moore first registered as a voter in Utah in 2012 and cast a ballot in the general election. She did not vote again until she registered as a Republican in March of 2018.

Moore is active in several Utah Telegram groups but keeps her account private. She first started using the secure messaging app in March of this year as she was heading up email and letter-writing campaigns to stop COVID-19 restrictions. She shifted toward pushing for an audit of election results sometime in May, which is around the same time as the controversial Arizona election audit started getting more attention nationwide.

In that unofficial audit, Republican leaders in the Arizona Legislature paid an outside firm known as the “Cyber Ninjas” to review ballots in heavily Democratic Maricopa County. The investigation, which concluded Democrat Joe Biden won by more votes than was reported on Election Day, was beset with controversy, including volunteers trying to find bamboo fibers in ballots to prove they had come from China.

Moore started posting on Telegram about the website on July 23, just three days after the domain was first registered. On July 24, the website was registered. It is nearly identical to the AuditUtah site with a nationwide focus. Moore has posted on Telegram about updating the national site.

The first solicitation from Moore about the Utah Voter Verification Project appeared on Telegram on Sept 8.

Moore did not respond to multiple attempts to reach her for comment.

You’re on camera
When UVVP volunteers knock on a door, they’re instructed to record audio or video without the consent of the person being recorded. This is legal as Utah is a single consent state, which means only one person needs to know they’re being recorded.

“We can record anyone without telling them. We don’t need permission,” one trainer said.

If they’re asked to stop recording, volunteers are instructed to comply or to leave the property.

A training manual obtained by the Tribune stresses secrecy.

“You do not have to identify yourself at all, but may not misidentify yourself,” it reads.

“Do not wear any logos/indications of a political party, politicians, or candidates — i.e. please look and act as ‘Team America’,” another section stresses.

Volunteers are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. The document specifies any “knowledge and proprietary information” generated through the canvassing activities cannot be disclosed to third parties. They’re warned that breaking the NDA could result in legal action.

What are they looking for?
The entire effort is focused on matching voters to votes cast in the 2020 election, to determine if any were fraudulent.

The group has obtained publicly available voter registration data, which includes name, address, and voting participation history. Working off scripted questions, residents are asked if they voted in 2020 and whether they cast a ballot through the mail or in person.

They’re also asked if they received any extra ballots at their address, and what happened to them.

In the recording, leaders told volunteers that they had already identified several instances of illegal votes in Utah.

“They were completely illegal ballots. Completely illegal. I’ve never found them so blatantly illegal before. They were extra ballots, and they’re not even real people,” one of the orientation leaders said, suggesting that ballots were sent to an address for people who had never lived there.

“[The residents] knew the names of the people they leased the house from, and it was not any of those people,” the trainer continued.

Organizers were hoping former representative Steve Christiansen would take whatever information they gathered through the door-to-door canvass to the Legislature, according to the call. But Christiansen resigned from the Legislature on Oct. 28.

“Sadly, we were going to do that through the Government Operations Committee, but with Christiansen’s resignation, that’s probably not going to happen anymore,” a UVVP representative said on the orientation recording.

On Sept. 14, Christiansen attempted to obtain the entire state voting database, including records that voters had asked to keep private. He was rebuffed by the Lt. Governor’s office.

Christiansen was a vocal supporter of efforts to conduct a “full forensic audit” of the 2020 election in Utah. He attended the election-denying “cyber symposium” sponsored by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell that promised to reveal information that the election had been stolen from Donald Trump. Christiansen also was a visitor to the GOP-led audit of election results in Arizona. He aired his election fraud theories publicly at a legislative committee hearing on “election integrity,” and was a speaker at a far-right conference in Salt Lake City in October.

Christiansen also discussed a plan for door-to-door canvassing on the Oct. 16 episode of his podcast.

UVVP is seeking the very same information Christiansen tried to obtain. In a Telegram post on Sept. 5, Moore said it was important for the Utah Legislature to obtain all the voter data, which would make it easier to identify who had voted.

“To find red flag voters it takes: Election Summaries, detailed demographics, and Voter Registration Rolls. One without the other leaves an incomplete picture,” Moore wrote.

Christiansen did not respond to a request for comment.

The affidavit game
The real point of the game is to get Utahns to provide an affidavit of a voting irregularity.

UVVP organizers repeatedly mentioned the need to get people who had stories of illegal votes to provide an affidavit, which they described as a written statement signed by two people, usually the voter and a volunteer. If a voter does not agree to an affidavit, volunteers would be able to use the surreptitious recordings of residents to generate one.

Mike Caulfield, a research scientist at the University of Washington who studies online misinformation, says affidavits are a critical part of the “Stop the Steal” effort to demonstrate election fraud.

“Affidavits have become a way to launder evidence — that is to take low-quality evidence of unproven provenance and give it the feeling of something official and substantial that deserves public attention,” Caulfield said.

If a resident reported receiving extra ballots, the UVVP canvass training manual instructs volunteers to ask if the resident would be willing to fill out a statement so they can “correct the error in the state’s records.”

“Once we have gotten to the point where we think we have enough information, we can bring it to the attention of the officials in the county. We need the public to witness that and what we have learned,” a trainer said during the orientation. They also mentioned the possibility of taking those affidavits to court.

Caulfield says that’s a tactic right out of the “Stop the Steal” playbook.

“You get a person to say they observed something — even if they are not qualified to understand what they saw — and have it put in a document for a lawyer and attach it to a case,” Caulfield says. “The case doesn’t have to have a chance of succeeding because the point is to generate news coverage.”

Once there’s a case, then activists can put pressure on media outlets to cover the affidavit, even though it’s nothing more than a piece of paper signed by two people.

“The affidavit appears to be weighty because it carries possible consequences for lying, but in reality it doesn’t, as the affiants are using them to put out suppositions that are not claims of fact,” Caulfield says.

This scenario played out in Michigan following the 2020 election. Lawyers who supported Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the election submitted more than 900 pages of affidavits alleging various types of election fraud, but most of the claims were quickly debunked when submitted to the smallest amount of scrutiny.

Troubling connections
The Utah canvass is not the only canvassing effort happening right now. The first such group to embrace the strategy is the Colorado-based USEIP. That group is currently training organizers in other states, including Utah, on how to implement a door-to-door strategy.

It’s not known whether groups have started in-person canvassing in other states yet, but there are groups on Telegram working to organize door knocking in several states, including Florida, Mississippi and Nebraska.

Moore has posted on telegram that USEIP is handling the background checks for UVVP volunteers. The background checks were implemented by USEIP after they discovered some of their early volunteers were sex offenders.

USEIP did not respond to a request for comment.

One of USEIP’s leaders, Cory Anderson, has been identified as a member of the anti-government Three Percenter’s Militia. His group provided security at campaign events for Colorado Rep. Loren Boebert.

Another leader of USEIP, Shawn Smith, a retired Air Force colonel, is a follower of the QAnon conspiracy theory and was recently part of a video posted online where he said violence is a legitimate response to “a tyrannical regime that stays in power.” USEIP volunteers have been known to wear firearms while knocking on doors.

Colorado election officials have reminded residents they are not obligated to answer questions from the volunteer canvassers.

The Tribune’s investigation uncovered a direct link between Smith and Moore. The metadata on some of the UVVP training materials lists Smith as the author of the document. Additionally, UVVP did not scrub some of the training materials, which still mention correcting Colorado election data.

USEIP’s efforts are now going nationwide with the help of My Pillow’s Lindell.

Neither Lindell nor Cause of America responded to a request for an interview.

Moore has an indirect connection to Lindell through his site. She produced several videos about Utah’s canvassing efforts that aired on Lindell’s 96-hour “Thanks-a-Thon” over Thanksgiving.

Can they do this?
Henderson, who oversees elections for Utah as the lieutenant governor, says they’ve already fielded several complaints about the canvassing efforts. But what the group is doing isn’t illegal.

“It’s creepy. I hope people don’t answer these questions. But unless they’re doing something like targeting protected groups of people, there’s not much I can do,” Henderson says.

Organizers of the Arizona election audit also planned to go door-to-door to verify votes but backed off after the U.S. Department of Justice warned the plan might violate federal laws against voter intimidation.

Henderson says they have alerted the FBI task force that handles election security issues simply because the activity is so unusual.

The FBI would not comment.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020

Can capitalism just cut it out now plz? A polite hand on its shoulder to calmly ask it to settle the fuck down?

If you ask the developers behind a new cryptocurrency called Unvaxxed Sperm if they’re opposed to vaccines, they’ll claim to be unsure.

“We’re not anti-vaccine,” one of the developers called Jason, who would only provide his first name, told VICE News, claiming that the project is “here to ensure the continuity of objective scientific inquiry and the freedom of discourse.”

But moments later, another developer who wouldn’t reveal his identity and simply goes by the name “Fauci,” said: “To a degree, I'd say we are anti-vaccine.”

To be very clear, Unvaxxed Sperm and the people behind it are not anti-vaccine to a degree; they are completely anti-vaccine, baselessly claiming that 90 percent of the population has no need to take a COVID-19 vaccine and advocating that the pandemic can be medicated with alternative remedies like ivermectin, even though the only studies to claim the drug typically prescribed as a horse de-wormer can treat COVID-19 have been retracted.

Unvaxxed Sperm launched just over a week ago and saw explosive growth last Thursday and Friday. However, over the weekend, the price once again plummeted, leaving many in the group’s Telegram channel to question the future of the coin—which trades as “nuBTC”—and whether the whole thing was simply a scam.

“Dang, what happened here,” one used wrote on Telegram on Monday morning.

The cryptocurrency is a offshoot, or fork, of SafeMoon, a cryptocurrency that went viral earlier this year thanks to the support of celebrities like Jake Paul and KEEMSTAR.

“Fauci” said he has a group of around seven “cryptocurrency veterans'' who are advising him on the project, though he was unwilling to name any of them. When VICE News pointed out that the anonymity surrounding the project could create a sense that this project may be a scam, “Fauci” said such a situation wasn’t unusual in crypto circles, adding that one of the benefits of blockchain technology was privacy and anonymity.

While this is true, that aspect of crypto-culture has also allowed many scammy developers to disappear with people's money without being caught, and has encouraged a trend of promoting so-called “doxxed devs” to lend a project legitimacy by having a public face.

While SafeMoon promised to make investors rich, the developers behind Unvaxxed Sperm say their plan is to use the meme-able nature of their coin to make it go viral and draw people into their anti-vaccine community, promising big plans that include a “pureblood” version of Tinder, cryogenically frozen unvaccinated sperm, and something called “Project Super Sperm.”

It’s worth noting, however, that many new projects in crypto seek to draw investors in by touting a vague and unrealistic roadmap of new features and experiences like an app or a game. Some of these promises turn out to be part of a scam’s lure.

Meanwhile, Unvaxxed Sperm's whitepaper page (where project developers typically lay out their schemes in detail) is blank and only says “cumming soon.”

The developers say they were inspired by the success of a “Let’s Go Brandon” cryptocurrency that gained some momentum last month when right-wing commentator Candace Owens backed it.

“It really showed me that political movement can kind of happen on the blockchain,” “Fauci” told VICE News. “You can really organize on the blockchain and it's a much harder thing to suppress just because of the decentralized nature of all of it.”

Then they saw protesters at an anti-vaxxer protest holding signs that said: “Unvaxxed Sperm is the new Bitcoin.” This is based on the erroneous belief that in the future, the sperm and eggs of unvaccinated people will be worth a fortune when people realize the COVID-19 vaccines have damaged their ability to procreate.

In fact, studies have shown that getting vaccinated does not affect sperm quality or count. "There is evidence that the vaccine is safe for men and that it does not affect sperm production/quality," Dr. Tony Chen, clinical assistant professor at the Stanford School of Medicine urology department, told VICE News last August.

The developers compare their project to how powerful memes were in the lead-up to the 2016 election, drawing people who weren’t typically engaged in politics into the Republican Party and in support of former President Donald Trump.

A lot of cryptocurrencies lure investors with promises of benefits that ultimately don’t happen. And in Unvaxxed Sperm’s case, the cryptocurrency is just the beginning of their plans. Next up will be a DAO or decentralized autonomous organization, which the developers say will allow investors to vote on a variety of topics, including which groups or individuals the project should donate money to. This list includes a who’s who of anti-vaxxer doctors, influencers, and grifters, who already earn plenty of money from speaking engagements and selling bogus health supplements based on their infamy within the anti-vaxxer community.

The developers also plan to launch a version of Tinder for “purebloods.” The term “pureblood”—taken from the “Harry Potter” books—has become a rallying cry for unvaccinated people who are trying to reclaim the term as a way to tout their “superiority” over their jabbed fellow citizens.

From here, however, the project’s plans become even more ambitious—and unhinged.

Due for launch in the first half of 2022 is the “Freedom Apothecary,” an online marketplace where people can buy “suppressed supplements and medicines” such as ivermectin (using their Unvaxxed Sperm crypto, of course).

And in the third quarter of 2022, they plan to launch “Operation Noah’s Ark,” a repository for cryogenically freezing unvaxxed sperm and eggs—which in a worst-case scenario “would be required for the continuity of the human race,” Jason said.

Finally, in the last three months of 2022, there will be “Project Super Sperm” but the developers couldn’t say more about this. “It’s secret,” they insisted. “We can't really go into that right now; it's kind of a work in progress.”

The developers seem convinced that the viral nature of the Unvaxxed Sperm cryptocurrency will help open the eyes of millions of people to the “truth” about COVID-19 vaccines, claiming that once people begin investigating the community, they’ll be quickly convinced.

But a quick trawl through the meme-heavy Telegram channel where investors speak to each other and the developers, it’s clear that the people who are investing in Unvaxxed Sperm are completely uninterested in hearing about the efficacy of ivermectin and only interested in making money.

When Jason announced Monday morning that “Fauci” had been hospitalized but plans were progressing as normal and that the price should begin climbing again, one user called Dave responded by writing: “Wow. Great fucking news. Time to shill guys.”

Finally, in the last three months of 2022, there will be “Project Super Sperm” but the developers couldn’t say more about this. “It’s secret,” they insisted. “We can't really go into that right now; it's kind of a work in progress.”
I'll take "blatant eugenics program" for 500 on that one plz.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Isn't impotence one of the long-term symptoms of a COVID infection? These guys may be barking up a limp tree.
Probably only indirectly - "long Covid" is characterised by symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, low mood (and probably several others) which are bad for libido.
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Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
I'm still wondering how trans people got attached to this. These people's brains are not well
Well, it started with Black people no longer being an acceptable boogeyman, and conservatives moved to blaming "the gays" for everything. As that became no longer acceptable in the past couple of decades, they had to pick a new group to rally around being afraid of.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Well, it started with Black people no longer being an acceptable boogeyman, and conservatives moved to blaming "the gays" for everything. As that became no longer acceptable in the past couple of decades, they had to pick a new group to rally around being afraid of.
I mean, I get the meta, sure, but specifically the "I started changing in the communal changing area of a set of unisex changing rooms instead of waiting for a booth to open up and two cis dudes opened up some booths immediately and ignored me with my top off, how dare the transes"


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I'm still wondering how trans people got attached to this. These people's brains are not well
Oh........ yeh now that makes more sense....I thought I'd missed something

This one shows it a bit more fully

Basically you know that thing people claimed would never happen and no man would claim to be a trans woman just to act like a perv? Yeh turns out it's apparently something that does happen just like the Wii Spar incident seemingly turned out.

Turns out the push to abolish the idea of social transition has created consequences as now there is no clear way to know and everything must be taken on claim alone and some weird belief the person wouldn't possibly lie.

How are Trans people to blame?

My guess at a sort of reason was pushing for characteristics like a beard to no longer be seen and gendered. Like I can understand maybe 5'o clock shadow but full on beards so there's no longer any requirement to show an attempt at passing even vaguely.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Except them clearly having a Pepe avatar and spewing somewhat crazy stuff the fact they're claiming to be a Zoomer and the PhD tag on the profile (long story it's a sort of running troll joke)
Also identifying as

yeh because Incels typically self identify like that and the Nice Guy thing is a meme

Oh and this

He's also retweeted other PEPE accounts

Oh and the far right person is also criticising the far right for not marching in step lol

oh and also "Lets Go Brandon"

sorry dude it was a troll you caught
None of that proves a thing.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Oh........ yeh now that makes more sense....I thought I'd missed something

This one shows it a bit more fully

Basically you know that thing people claimed would never happen and no man would claim to be a trans woman just to act like a perv? Yeh turns out it's apparently something that does happen just like the Wii Spar incident seemingly turned out.

Turns out the push to abolish the idea of social transition has created consequences as now there is no clear way to know and everything must be taken on claim alone and some weird belief the person wouldn't possibly lie.

How are Trans people to blame?

My guess at a sort of reason was pushing for characteristics like a beard to no longer be seen and gendered. Like I can understand maybe 5'o clock shadow but full on beards so there's no longer any requirement to show an attempt at passing even vaguely.
Can I just ask.... is it any better if its a cis woman perving at this woman?