Funny events in anti-woke world


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Investigating that would be considering what that actually means and why. What does it mean to feel like the opposite sex?
Outside observers would be the absolute least people to know. Yet it's the only question that matters.

People often say incredibly stupid things about themselves, but actually, people stay incredibly stupid things about each others much much more frequently. Mankind's history is a history of prejudice and misconceptions from groups of people on other groups of people, and their hoorendous consequences. That's precisely what social and cultural sciences break, by actually investigating "otherness", quantitatively and more importantly qualitatively, assessing it without prejudices, reporting on it on a descriptive and not normative angle, and basically accounting for what it is, actually, to be the person that is being talked about. And that's why our mountains of fictions about "chinamen", "savages", "redskins" just like "inverted trannies" or "homos" are being more and more treated for what they are : horrendous ignorant bullshit, self-serving myths, self-reproducing stereotypes. We do lose a lot of romanticism in the process, but we gain all the more dignity and accuracy. Because damn does reality, in contrast with our imagination of alterity, makes us look like twats.

Now, undergoing sex change is enough of a difficult decision, with enough difficult consequences, to assume that it is not taken lightly, and that there is something profound enough, in its desire, to justify it. The irony is that if we had a magical ray or pill that allowed us to switch back and forth between sexes (should we be so lucky some day), the stakes would be lower, the motives could be more superfitial, and you'd probably have all the more issues with it. As it is, the trouble is that it precisely is a very serious thing.

But also, it's odd to see its seriousness as an argument to forbid it, as if people should be forbidden any life-changing choice based on the possibility of mistakes. Such choices are made all the time : deciding to marry a given person or not, to make a child with them or not, to leave a country for another, to pursue a carrer or lose an opportunity, we keep doing stuff that we may regret, definitely closing a door to go through another, losing forever potential identities on the way, on all aspects of life. Being suddenly overprotective about sexual identity is just hypocritical. It's advocating for outside control by the least affected people who know least about a situation. In reality, simply because gender and sexual identity is a conservative taboo.

And it's a taboo that also applies to mere gender change. Because a lot of people do also switch gender (definitely or back and forth) without switching sex. They feel it like this and don't feel it like that. Gender combinations are infinitely complex (you have cross-gendered people who are or aren't homosexual, who consider or don't consider themselves the other sex, etc). Everything exists, all configuratoins are observed. Sexual change is one specific intent, on a whole array of existing intents. All of them are of course treated as abominations by conservatives who believe that their mythology-based prescriptive worldview is descriptive ("does not compute : you don't exist and you should not exit and if you exist then you do not count"). Those are, once again, the last people whose opinion matter. If you wish to know something about an exotic subset of humans, to ask them or you ask their cultural interfaces (peer-reviewed ethnographers having spent 20 years immersed in their world while distancing temselves as much as possible from their own internalized biases) and not the tourist, the missionary, the colon, or the remote-person-whio.vaguely-heard-about-it-but-has-opinions. There are sciences of grasping human variations beyond projections, these are cultural anthropology in general, gender studies when it comes to the specific field of how humans deal with manhood, womanhood and everything inbetween. It's the opposite from reading three verses in a bible and believing that the universe is revealed.

But it's also the opposite of playing it the know-it-all, unquestioned patriarch crushing the voice of his subjects under his god-anointed omniscient authority - which is the conservative structure of politics and family (of power upon lives). So of course, any form of anthropological (decolonial) knowledge is seen as subversive and blasphematory, and will be fought everywhere. The political stakes of lives control are too important to aknowledge the subjects' realities.

Plus, control and top-down narratives require to keep it simple. And thus deny the (too threateningly unmanageable) complexity and multiplicity of human experience.
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
It's an easy commitment indeed, but it's one that's at odds with your approach to several people thus far.

So: I identify as a man (or in British English, a 'bloke' or 'guv'nor'). As I understand it: it's a gender identity which, in homo sapiens, is usually-- but not exclusively-- associated with the male physical sex. Traditionally in my society, 'masculine' traits include self-sufficiency; protectiveness; physical strength; assertiveness; and spatial awareness-- though only the last one of those is very applicable to me, and it's highly likely that most are largely culturally ingrained rather than innate (though there may also be formative-psychological aspects to them unrelated to culture, and/or hormonal elements to one or two). Other cultural artefacts include traditionally 'male' clothes such as trousers and suits over skirts and dresses; generally shorter hair; and low-key slovenliness. That last one is definitely me. I generally abide by gender-normative clothing, hair, and other elements of presentation because they simply feel more comfortable to me.

Not a single element of this definition is required, and much is cultural. This is not to say the definition simply doesn't exist or that the term is not defined, for one simple reason: definitions do not need solid and immutable criteria in order to be definitions.
Thank you. Do you see how by your understanding some people who describe themselves as male would not qualify? A person can not only possess none of the characteristics listed, but can disagree with you on that definition entirely, and claim to be male without having any specific commonality with you at all.

And that isn't to say they or you are objectively wrong. Language is malleable, words can be vague, words can have multiple meanings. But much like the famous quote "all models are wrong, some are useful", language is where no definitions are wrong, but only some are useful. So I'm an advocate of definitions with purpose, and not the ones that drive people to suicide.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Thank you. Do you see how by your understanding some people who describe themselves as male would not qualify? A person can not only possess none of the characteristics listed, but can disagree with you on that definition entirely, and claim to be male without having any specific commonality with you at all.

And that isn't to say they or you are objectively wrong. Language is malleable, words can be vague, words can have multiple meanings. But much like the famous quote "all models are wrong, some are useful", language is where no definitions are wrong, but only some are useful. So I'm an advocate of definitions with purpose, and not the ones that drive people to suicide.
People who are uneasy with their assigned gender or sex are only driven to suicide by you.

You're like those homophobes who wouldn't accept their children to be homosexuals because "the world is too tough on homosexuals". You are, yourself, the only problem of sexual minorities.

How many fundamentalists kill their daughters while blaming the western world for having put in their mind the emancipating examples that "lead them to their deaths".
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Thank you. Do you see how by your understanding some people who describe themselves as male would not qualify? A person can not only possess none of the characteristics listed, but can disagree with you on that definition entirely, and claim to be male without having any specific commonality with you at all.
I don't see how that would mean they don't "qualify", because there aren't any qualifications required. Nothing in my given definition is required, and if people don't meet the general descriptors I gave, it doesn't matter.

And that isn't to say they or you are objectively wrong. Language is malleable, words can be vague, words can have multiple meanings. But much like the famous quote "all models are wrong, some are useful", language is where no definitions are wrong, but only some are useful. So I'm an advocate of definitions with purpose, and not the ones that drive people to suicide.
And yet, allowing people to live as their identified gender-- and allowing transition where desired-- is by far the approach that lessens the risk of suicide the most. Whereas your approach-- denying self-identity and insisting one's physical sex is the only category that matters-- has a fucking awful record of provoking mental health crisis, repression and self-harm.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
And yet, allowing people to live as their identified gender-- and allowing transition where desired-- is by far the approach that lessens the risk of suicide the most. Whereas your approach-- denying self-identity and insisting one's physical sex is the only category that matters-- has a fucking awful record of provoking mental health crisis, repression and self-harm.
Well, yes, but that second approach creates a world that's more comfortable for Tstorm. And really, who would want to live in a world where we're denied that?


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
So look like Trump was indicted. Which is the last nail in the coffin of our once great Justice System. This case, if it ever gets to trial, will be the largest cluster fuck in legal history. Every single filing, from the documents listing the counsels, to the documents spelling Donald with a capital D, will be fought over tooth and nail and take 18 months to clear. This case will run the sands of time until long after everyone involved is dead. and in the end, sometime in 2567, the space Judge will dismiss the case, citing you can't bring charges against a former President.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
So look like Trump was indicted. Which is the last nail in the coffin of our once great Justice System. This case, if it ever gets to trial, will be the largest cluster fuck in legal history. Every single filing, from the documents listing the counsels, to the documents spelling Donald with a capital D, will be fought over tooth and nail and take 18 months to clear. This case will run the sands of time until long after everyone involved is dead. and in the end, sometime in 2567, the space Judge will dismiss the case, citing you can't bring charges against a former President.
Trump will only accept to appear in court if nailed to a cross.

(And regularly smacked by a nude woman with a rolled magazine.)


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Trump will only accept to appear in court if nailed to a cross.

(And regularly smacked by a nude woman with a rolled magazine.)
Oh yeah he's going to offer the DA a deal - dismiss all charges, issue a public apology to Trump and the entire nation for daring to go against the God-Emperor, donate all his money to the Donald Trump for Teens in Hot-tubs Foundation, resign, admit to fabricating all the evidence against Trump, let Trump have a few nights with his wife and daughter, and when sent to jail for fraud, walk around the yard with his pants down asking to be spanked - in exchange, Trump will let him make that deal.

That or the Trump legal team draws this out for centuries and the Manhattan DA office is bombed daily by the cult.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
So look like Trump was indicted. Which is the last nail in the coffin of our once great Justice System. This case, if it ever gets to trial, will be the largest cluster fuck in legal history. Every single filing, from the documents listing the counsels, to the documents spelling Donald with a capital D, will be fought over tooth and nail and take 18 months to clear. This case will run the sands of time until long after everyone involved is dead. and in the end, sometime in 2567, the space Judge will dismiss the case, citing you can't bring charges against a former President.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

Even neoliberals hate the Restrict Act. Which not only bans Tik Tok but gives the commerce secretary the power to ban any app. The ACLU is against it as well, and no I am not writing a topic on it. This is SOPA/PIPA, and the Patriot Act combined into one bill. Oh, and you can get jailed for up to 20 years, and face a minium 250K fine for using a VPN to use Tik Tok.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
People who are uneasy with their assigned gender or sex are only driven to suicide by you.
That is a rationalization you have made, unsupported by the trends. If the problem is societal rejection of one's desired gender, why are the rates of suicidality going up with increased cultural acceptance?
And yet, allowing people to live as their identified gender-- and allowing transition where desired-- is by far the approach that lessens the risk of suicide the most. Whereas your approach-- denying self-identity and insisting one's physical sex is the only category that matters-- has a fucking awful record of provoking mental health crisis, repression and self-harm.
If you compare only people with persistent dysphoria, there is mixed evidence at best that those who transition improve long-term. If you count in those who stop feeling dysphoric without transitioning, it's not even a close comparison.

Also, it's not my approach to insist only one category matters. There are infinite categories that can matter. But they're distinct things. God knows I fit in a ton of categories that could be deemed feminine. Nobody would call me particularly manly. I like to cook, I like to sing, I like the colors pink and purple... none of that should be dictating my interactions with other people, far less the shape of my genitals. If I have any issues with the conception of gender you provided, it's that the social connections you made as to what people see as male, while societally accurate, are unnecessary and problematic. I feel like for decades we had "girls can do boysih things and boys can do girly things, and that's all fine", people trying to fight unnecessarily gendered things, only to do a complete 180 where now its "actually, gendered things are totally necessary, and innate, just not by sex." There's no way that's the right strategy, as evidenced by the multitudinous miseries going on right now.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Devin Ratray (Buzz) beat him to it.

On December 8, 2021, Ratray allegedly strangled his girlfriend while in a hotel room in Oklahoma. He was "booked for domestic assault and battery by strangulation, a felony, as well as misdemeanor domestic assault and battery." After an argument over his girlfriend failing to charge fans for his autograph, the duo returned to the hotel and "Ratray then pushed his girlfriend onto the room’s bed, pressed one of his hands against her throat, pressed his other hand over her mouth and applied pressure, according to the affidavit." It was alleged that as Ratray assaulted his girlfriend, he told her, "This is how you die".

In August 2022, police announced that Ratray was under investigation for an alleged rape that occurred in September 2017. The alleged victim, who had been friends with Ratray for 15 years, came forward after hearing about the 2021 domestic assault allegations, accusing Ratray of drugging her drink.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I can not believe schoolchildren in the US must be protected by heavy Level III "bulletproof armor" to stop the 5.56 bullets most school shooters use. By the way Level IIIA will only stop handgun bullets. Also, Level III bulletproof armor is expensive, and did I mention it's likely heavy AF?
Do most shooters use 5.56? Big, high profile shootings, maybe, but there's lots of little shootings with one or two murders that nobody cares about as well.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Can't say for these days but the majority of firearms deaths used to be from handguns.
I think they still are, as handguns are concealable, but AR15 with more power and bigger magazines are better for big newsworthy shootings. I'm also led to believe that a common gun in shootings is whatever the shooter can get their hands on in a hurry, their dad's .22 that they didn't lock up or whatever, and I wonder if that's going to be the case for school shootings in particular.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
That is a rationalization you have made, unsupported by the trends. If the problem is societal rejection of one's desired gender, why are the rates of suicidality going up with increased cultural acceptance?
What cultural acceptance?

And regardless of the attempts of regressives to legislate them out of existence, an increase of x percent tolerance is technically an increase, but it doesn't translate to feeling safe welcome and secure in the wider culture unless it is ubiquitous.
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