Funny events in anti-woke world


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
it's so annoying that rich posh kunts here so easily buy their way into relevance, and they're almost always bad faith reactionary RWers cos of course that's where the fckin money is and where the money bloody well goes innit? none o these kunts wanna pay their taxes and none want their scam businesses regulated
so anyway, one of those aforementioned rich kunt podcasters appears to be caught in unexpected roast with comically exaggerated accents to round things off lol

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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
imagine losing a loved one just cos the ppl you're told are paid to protect (not legally bound, as determined by 3 separate historical court/2 supreme court rulings) you were too online brain wormed they couldn't stop watching matt fucking walsh anti trans videos while driving their police cruiser

Nebeker’s review also determined that the last web browser video “appeared visually consistent” with what was shown on Kapitanski’s body-worn camera, Gelder wrote.

A link to the last video was provided in the filing; it is titled, “Trans woman CONFRONTING Matt Walsh takes UNEXPECTED turn.”
Shelburne police officer had YouTube video playing in cruiser at time of fatal crash, court records say

Kyle Kapitanski is set to be arraigned next week on a felony charge stemming from the crash that killed Sean Hayes, a cyclist, in South Burlington.
by Alan J. KeaysMarch 7, 2025, 5:37 pm

Shelburne Police car outside of town police station. File photo by Gail Callahan/VTDigger

A Shelburne police sergeant had a YouTube video playing on a computer tablet mounted in his cruiser when he struck and killed a cyclist in South Burlington, according to documents filed in support of a felony charge against him.

Kyle Kapitanski, 41, is set to be arraigned Thursday in Chittenden County Superior criminal court in Burlington on a charge of grossly negligent operation with death resulting. Sean Hayes, 38, of Burlington, died at the scene of the crash, which took place early in the morning of Nov. 11, 2024.

Kapitanski had been issued a citation on the charge last month following an investigation by Vermont State Police.

Detective Sgt. Steven Gelder of the Vermont State Police wrote in the charging document made public this week that Kapitanski, who had been driving his cruiser south on Shelburne Road in South Burlington around 2:40 a.m., called dispatch reporting that he had hit something, “possibly a person.”

Neither Kapitanksi’s body-worn camera nor the camera on the cruiser dash captured the crash, the filing stated, but the body-worn camera did record some “post-collision” events.

That camera, Gelder wrote, showed that the in-car mounted tablet displayed a web browser for a YouTube video.

“Within the body-worn camera’s recording,” Gelder wrote, “Kapitanski’s hand can be seen changing the tablet’s display screen, after the collision, from the YouTube web site to Valcour which is a computer-aided dispatch (CAD) screen.”

A review by Zachary Nebeker of the state police’s technology investigation unit confirmed that YouTube footage was visible on the tablet from 2:29 a.m. to 2:40 a.m., the charging document stated.

A crash report from state police revealed that Kapitanski was driving about 40 mph at the time of the crash, above the 35 mph limit, Gelder wrote.

“The crash reconstruction report states the crash likely could have been avoided if Kapitanski was traveling at the speed limit,” Gelder wrote.

“The report also states that there was a delay when the brakes were activated after the crash,” according to the Gelder. “This delay was measured to be approximately 85 feet. The analysis of the tablet was found to be playing a YouTube video for nearly 10 seconds prior to the collision.”

Gelder wrote that a member of the South Burlington Fire Department who evaluated Kapitanski after the crash recounted Kapitanski saying that Hayes “came out of nowhere.”

Gelder also noted that, according to the crash report, Hayes was wearing “inconspicuous” clothing and neither his bicycle nor a trailer he towed behind it had “reflective material” or lights.

Video from a Jolley’s convenience store recorded Kapitanski leaving the store at about 2:39 a.m. and heading south on Shelburne Road.

A person, later identified as Hayes, was also captured on a camera from a nearby business showing him at about the same time dismounting his bicycle, walking on the sidewalk, before returning to the bicycle’s location within the roadway, Gelder wrote.

“Hayes is seen standing within the roadway but near the curb,” the filing stated.

“It appeared,” Gelder wrote, “that Hayes was in the process of adjusting the bicycling and trailer and then began walking southbound adjacent with the bicycle when he was struck by the vehicle operated by Kapitanski at approx. 0240 hrs.”

State police’s review of the tablet showed “several Youtube” web addresses accessed between 2:29 a.m. and 2:40 a.m, the charging document stated.

Nebeker’s review also determined that the last web browser video “appeared visually consistent” with what was shown on Kapitanski’s body-worn camera, Gelder wrote.

A link to the last video was provided in the filing; it is titled, “Trans woman CONFRONTING Matt Walsh takes UNEXPECTED turn.”

Nebeker added that during the 11 minutes the device was playing YouTube videos, there was “no evidence of user interaction” with it.

David Sleigh, Kapitanski’s attorney, said Friday that he planned to challenge Judge David Fenster’s finding that there was probable cause to support a felony charge of gross negligent operation with death resulting.

“The affidavit, as near as I can see it, says that Kyle was going maybe 5 miles over the speed limit, that his computer was playing some sort of video, but the officer says that their IT guy says there doesn’t appear to be any interaction with the computer in the 11 minutes that matter,” Sleigh said.

Chittenden County State’s Attorney Sarah George, whose office is prosecuting the case, stated in an email Friday, “The Court has found probable cause for the charge and we stand by our decision to file that charge.”
legit asumed it was gonna be porn, porn would've been less shit than the curdled yogurt-stuffed used condom of a failed actor matt fckin walsh. smoking fentanyl laced crack would've been less shit​


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
you know the word, you know the phrase, I don't need to say it or them

but I will anyway

Right-wing Christian worship leader now faces life in prison for child sex crimes
Zach Radcliff's alleged crimes stretch back to 2014
Mar 06, 2025
A child sex predator with ties to both the evangelical Christian and MAGA worlds will now stand trial on nearly 60 charges—double the number he was initially charged with—after a preliminary hearing by a judge.

You may recall this story from last October because it made headlines for reasons that will soon be obvious.

Zach Radcliff was a 29-year-old graduate of Liberty University. A worship director at Oakwood Church in Michigan. A guy who performed original music at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in 2019. A supporter of Donald Trump.

Zach Radcliff performs while Jerry Falwell, Jr. stands ominously behind him (screenshot via YouTube)
And then he was arrested for sexually abusing children.
Zachary Joseph Radcliff, 29, was arraigned on two charges of aggravated “child sexually abusive activity,” two charges child sexually abusive activity and six charges of using the internet to communicate with another to commit a crime. He is facing up to 25 years in prison.
It was actually much worse when you read the details; Radcliff was accused of producing illicit content involving kids stretching all the way back to 2014.

Liberty University deleted the page touting his CPAC appearance and the church’s home page soon included a giant We Know Exactly Why You’re Visiting Our Website disclaimer:

We received some very disturbing news about our music and youth director, Zachary Radcliff who is also the son of our senior pastor, Frank Radcliff. We realized while talking to him that there was more to the situation than was being expressed. He was suspended with pay on October 3rd, pending further investigation. More information was given to us on Saturday, October 12th, at 4:00 in the afternoon. Pastoral staff met with our church that evening and Sunday morning. Zach was terminated from his job, without pay effective Saturday, October 12th.
The State Police were notified by families that were involved and our church staff. We are not aware of the full extent of his crimes, and we are doing everything we can to cooperate with the ongoing police investigation.
The information that we received was shocking. We were told that Zachary had been soliciting inappropriate photos and possibly videos from teens. We have also heard other stories. This information has ripped our hearts apart. The safety and protection of the individuals in our church is what is paramount to us. We are devoted to doing what we can for the care of the victims of these crimes.
Every one of our staff members and individuals working with our children, teens, and adults go through background checks. We do our level best to make sure all are protected.
The church added that anyone with more information should contact the Michigan State Police, which was the least they could do. Certainly the staffers at the church couldn’t be trusted. The kids would have been infinitely safer listening to drag queens read stories at libraries than attending youth group at this church.

The timeline here was also interesting. The website said the church learned about the allegations and suspended Zach (with pay) on October 3. On October 6, Frank Radcliff delivered a sermon—the series was ironically titled “Not Today, Satan!”—in which he said nothing about the allegations at all. He ended the sermon by telling the congregation, “We always finish a service with song. We're not gonna do that today. We always finish a song by hearing Zach tell us to go be the church. Go be the church. Give somebody a hug.”

The sermon dated October 20, given a week after Zach was “terminated from his job,” included no mention of him at all. (It’s not clear if they held a service on October 13. No video of it is on their YouTube channel, though a service was listed on the church’s calendar that day.)

This was a family, though, that delivered many messages trashing All Things Liberal. At the height of the pandemic, when people were literally avoiding going outdoors as much as possible, Zach Radcliff led church members in a downtown, maskless sing-along that marched to a local cemetery.

And in 2022, in an interview with Christian radio host Chris Ayotte, Zach’s father Frank Radcliff went off on the supposed immorality of the left:

AYOTTE: Then you have this gender identity ideology, which is from the pit of Hell, because it is confusing our children. These are children. And we're going to enable and reward gender dysphoria… which may be a real issue. I'm not saying that these things aren't legitimate issues that can be worked through, but I'm gonna affirm the child, male or female, or I'm going to try to help people in a constructive manner, Pastor Frank, win over whatever issue it is that they're dealing with. But I think, as Christians, we should be able to speak the truth in love, should we not?
: I believe so. I believe that… that's where we get in trouble. We have become so afraid of what someone's gonna say about us, or we have become so tolerant, that somewhere in there we have forgotten our job is to help people grow and change. And sometimes that means sitting down and saying, “This lifestyle that you're choosing is immoral. It's wrong.”
Instead of sitting down and looking at little people that we won't allow them to have a drink, we won’t allow them to smoke a cigarette, we won't allow them to do all these other things, but we'll literally do child abuse on that kid
Our whole church is looking at each other and saying, “It is my job to love on you, and it's my job also, every once in a while, to take you out to the woodshed and spank your butt.”
Even if you ignored the inadvertently awkward phrasing at the end, during that segment of the interview, Zach could be heard multiple times chiming in with words like “Right” and “Yep.” He was fully invested in treating trans people as immoral even though he knew he was the guy children needed to avoid.

The same people who condemned trans people in the name of denouncing immorality ignored the sex predator sitting right in front of them. And the sex predator may have gotten away with his alleged crimes for years largely because he was protected by the shield of Christianity, which gave him access to children along with unearned levels of trust.

Last month marked the beginning of his trial, and as the judge heard preliminary testimony from some of the alleged victims, the number of charges Zach faces just got higher and higher:

Supporters of the eight men and one boy who testified against Zachary Radcliff, 29, could be heard crying in the courtroom as 14A-1 District Court Judge J. Cedric Simpson read off the additional charges Tuesday, March 4. Simpson added nine counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct and 21 counts of child sexually abusive activity to an already lengthy criminal complaint. He did not send three charges from an original 33 to trial court after victims did not appear for testimony.
Radcliff will stand trial on 17 charges of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, 28 counts of child sexually abusive activity, seven counts of aggravated child sexually abusive activity and seven counts of using a computer to commit a crime. If convicted, he is facing up to life in prison.

The witnesses, ranging in age from 17 to 24, told the court Radcliff solicited them for sexually explicit videos, sent them photos of himself naked or paid them in exchange for videos.
Truly vile stuff. And that’s just from the witnesses who testified. At least some victims did not do that—or could not do that—causing three of the original charges to be dropped.

And how did Zach pay the survivors for videos? According to the judge, that money may have come from the church.

One witness testified to Radcliff using a church credit card to purchase items later given to a different victim, Simpson said.
“Sad to say, but I think that’s what happened,” Simpson said.
So that’s where the tithes were going…

Whether a jury believes that will be another story, but that’s where this is heading. Instead of spending more time in church convincing Christians that transgender people are their enemies, or singing on another CPAC stage, Zach Radcliffe could spend the rest of his life behind bars. Even that feels too kind given the alleged trauma he inflicted upon his victims.

Zach Radcliff (via Instagram)
On a side note, Frank Radcliff apparently delivered a sermon last week that was Islamophobic, sexist, and homophobic. He argued that the higher birth rates of Muslim families would soon lead to “every person in our government [being] Islamic.” He also condemned “dumb women, stupid women, and gay people” for protesting against Israel’s genocide because they wouldn’t have equal rights in Palestine. (Spoiler: They don’t have equal rights in the United States, either, and yet they still have the moral courage to demand better.)

I say he “apparently” delivered that sermon because there’s no longer any record of it on the church’s YouTube page. (That video came from a Reddit user who saved the clip before it disappeared.)

The church seems to have a habit of hiding things they don’t want the public to know about. And yet the damning evidence keeps popping up against their will.

Meanwhile, the most clear evidence that this church is not a safe place goes ignored while the pastor makes up new enemies for everyone in the congregation to hate.
n o i t c e j o r p



n o i t a s u c c a

y r e v e

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
legit asumed it was gonna be porn, porn would've been less shit than the curdled yogurt-stuffed used condom of a failed actor matt fckin walsh. smoking fentanyl laced crack would've been less shit
What with these cops crashing into people due to watching dumb shit on their phone, they could've done after their shift.

So much for 'protecting' children from the 'evils' of homosexuality and trans people.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
From the "Why Are the Leopards Eating MY Face?!" department:

Do ya get it now, moron? To Trump and his lackeys, "brown" = "illegal"!
"But sees no reason not to vote for him again in the next election."

I'll admit, there's a tiny sliver inside of me that hopes people will now FINALLY see... but yeah, nah.
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
From the "Why Are the Leopards Eating MY Face?!" department:

Do ya get it now, moron? To Trump and his lackeys, "brown" = "illegal"!
"But sees no reason not to vote for him again in the next election."

I'll admit, there's a tiny sliver inside of me that hopes people will now FINALLY see... but yeah, nah.
Did either of you read the article?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I did. I guess "Man gets pulled over by ICE while driving with two illegal immigrants in his car" doesn't send the message they want to with their headline.
Are you inferring that they were illegal immigrants from the fact they were taken away?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Why would ICE have taken away 2 people that weren't illegal immigrants?
For the same reason they wrongly detained and handcuffed Jensy Machado, presumably. ICE themselves have acknowledged they make "collateral arrests" (a phrase that makes me sick to my stomach).

Also: ICE doesn't just arrest illegal immigrants. Behold, ICE arresting a permanent legal resident of the United States, and the President referring to it as "the first arrest of many".

And, if they did take away 2 people that weren't illegal immigrants, wouldn't that have been the bigger story vs them hassling some other guy?
Jensy Machado is the story because he's the one who was able to speak to reporters. If those other two are still detained in an ICE facility somewhere, then they ain't speaking to any reporters, regardless of innocence.
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