Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Elite Member
Dec 30, 2021
And if it's all the same to you then I can't say anything against that. Except one side complains about something that happens very, very rarely in mainstream media, and the other complains about something that happens a whole lot
It happens a lot because a lot of people like it. It is the "minority" that complains about that. Which makes them just as wrong as the people complaining about seeing a bit of gay.

No matter how you slice it, the people complaining are usually in the wrong.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It happens a lot because a lot of people like it. It is the "minority" that complains about that. Which makes them just as wrong as the people complaining about seeing a bit of gay.
That's the chicken and the egg. Female characters being sold on showing skin is (or at least for a long time was) normalized, so it's seen as what people want. Yet male characters aren't sold on showing skin, eventhough plenty of people find men showing skin sexy. There's also been a shift in how woman are displayed in games, and it hasn't resulted in a dip in sales. This was mainly just an image that was being sold by lazy publishers.

If this were true, that it happens a lot because people like it, we'd have seen a lot more gay content in Disney movies. Because guess what gay people fucking love?

No matter how you slice it, the people complaining are usually in the wrong.
Uhm, no?


Elite Member
Dec 30, 2021
hat's the chicken and the egg. Female characters being sold on showing skin is (or at least for a long time was) normalized, so it's seen as what people want. Yet male characters aren't sold on showing skin, eventhough plenty of people find men showing skin sexy. There's also been a shift in how woman are displayed in games, and it hasn't resulted in a dip in sales. This was mainly just an image that was being sold by lazy publishers.
I mean depends on when you start your timeline. There was a tome when even heteronormal relationships were mostly taboo. Lucy and Ricky had to sleep in separate beds despite being married. There was absolutely no skin shown on women throughout early media. Beauty was all in the makeup and the elegance of dress.

Now that gradually changed because it took time for people to accept being exposed to even "normal" relationships. Lbgt stuff is gonna take just as long. Decades even.

As for the Disney thing....pretty sure they already love disney without the gay relationships.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
I mean depends on when you start your timeline. There was a tome when even heteronormal relationships were mostly taboo. Lucy and Ricky had to sleep in separate beds despite being married. There was absolutely no skin shown on women throughout early media. Beauty was all in the makeup and the elegance of dress.
Long story short, that was due to the Hayes Code. Hollywood attempted self-regulation to lend itself more cultural legitimacy before the government stepped in to regulate the industry. Google the Hayes Code sometime, it's a fascinating if frustrating story.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Well, the onus is on you to produce it.
Don't say you didn't ask for it

Sounds stupid.

Also sounds stupid.

Not really seeing the problem here though, doesn't the smartest problem in the Marvel universe vary a lot? Tony Stark, Mr. Fantastic, Bruce Banner, one of the new Hulks, etc. No-one could accuse superhero comics of being consistent.
True on the last one but it's kind of a comedy at this point when a writer with a newer "diverse" charater comes in to claim their new character is the smartest person in the MCU now because apparently they can't think of anything more creative to do or make the character sound special.

Not seeing the problem.
Not a major issue until you find out the writer is Laino, a lesbian and claims to be in a polyamorous relationship. I know they say write what you know but well trying to make an existing character the fantasy MCU version of what you wish your life was is a bit not exactly sad but weird to me.

Agree that sounds stupid, but it's stupidity that's par for the course in the genre. Heroes get new powers quite a bit without explanation. Most recent example for me is season 7 of The Flash, where speedsters can suddenly generate light lassoos and wield lightning bolts like lightsabers. How, why, are questions that are never answered, or even asked.
True but they at least try to explain it. Unless you're DC and it's Superboy........... yes that was a slight nerdy shot at DC.

I agree that sounds stupid.

Doxing by who, though? Creators, or fans?
Look, I can believe that this happened, but...well, let's move onto the next point:
Fans determined to defend the work from those mean old words of youtubers who literally film and talk into an old cell phone while on the porch sometimes lol

And who's doing the conflating? Because from where I'm standing, the conflation of "character diverse = bad" comes from SQWs. SJWs may run the formula of "character diverse = good," but hardly with the vitriol of SQWs.
Because worryingly often that's what's happening now so when there is a diverse character being shown off for some piece of media the immediate question is will the be a good character or will the whole conversation be dragged to being about race if anyone dares suggest they aren't the best character ever.

I agree that the answer is no. But does making a character diverse make them a worse character?
No, unless said trait is all the character is or they turn into a stereotype of that trait.

The Alita Challenge came as a backlash to comments made by Brie Larson. While you can draw issue with the comments, most people are emotionally mature enough to take things in their stride.
Didn't even Bri Larson walk back those comments a bit eventually when she realised how she'd come off?

But that's what the attackers are doing as well.

Or, again, Rose Tico, or Thirteen's companions. It harkens back to what I said before, why can't poor writing just be poor writing? Why is it that if a minority character is written poorly, there's the automatic reaction that there has to be some kind of conspiracy behind it?
No they're mostly pointing out those trying to deflect and pulling up aid characteristics time and time again to try and frame all the criticism as being about that rather than what was actually said.

It's the height of weirdness to say that you remember stuff that happened to me that I don't remember myself. I personally think I would reccomend it, since I have been called everything from a racist, to a bigot, to a white supremacist, to a Nazi on these forums. Which is part of why I detest wokeness, because the woke viewpoint is that I'm the first three of those things ipso facto, regardless of what I do or don't do. But that said, none of those accusations ever happened with Doctor Who. I think I might be in the minority in thinking that a female Doctor is conceptually stupid at its core, just like a female Master (difference being that Missy's actually a pretty neat character), but I was never called sexist for it that I can recall.
You're right, not with Doctor Who and as I said it won't because we're at the point of slow acceptance now. I'm pretty sure even The Guardian has started to say the show is broken.

Who actually called ME fans homophobic for that though? I know BioWare did try to defend the ending, but I don't recall that defence being used.
EA did along with some idiot publications who I wouldn't be shocked if they got a few pages and blank unmarked stuffed envelopes from EA to do so.

Let's say for argument's sake that's actually happened. Why are Reylo shippers being jerks an issue, and not racists driving Tran off Twitter not? Because I've got to say, there's been far more hate for the sequel trilogy than love for it than what I've seen. Which is fine, I dislike the sequel trilogy as well, but it's hate that crossed the line in a way that love didn't.

I mean, the same thing's happened with the High Republic, with it being called "woke"'s got gay characters in it? FFS, Geeks and Gamers, reprobate that he is, called the reveal trailer woke, and even his own fanbase commented that they couldn't see the wokeness.
Except didn't people check and there was barely anything other than obvious trolls going after Rose Tico?

Season 2 has the line "Mondas was never great," and "I can't believe people voted for the other guy" in light of the presidential election, and a leader vowing to build a glass dome around the city to keep alien refugees out.

Supergirl is very, very anti-Trump. Whether that's a good, bad, or neutral thing is up to you, but it isn't subtle about it. AT all.
Been quite a while since I watched Season 2 but the tonal shift really hit home. Especially with the changes to her sister. (She and what Maxwell Lord seemed to be getting fairly close in Season 1)

I fully agree, except a lot of examples that have been discussed so far aren't presenting arguments at all - Last Jedi, Ghostbusters 2016, Terminator Dark Fate, etc. There's no real argument being presented about anything, yet they're still decried as "woke" or "political."
Because they merely produce a statement and expect people to agree with it.
The Future is Female now as the resistance leader is no longer John Connor.
The Force is Female now because Kathrine Kennedy said so and so Finn gets sidelined.
Ghostbusters 2016 - Girls can do it too see we can do it now, it's our franchise now.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I mean depends on when you start your timeline. There was a tome when even heteronormal relationships were mostly taboo. Lucy and Ricky had to sleep in separate beds despite being married. There was absolutely no skin shown on women throughout early media. Beauty was all in the makeup and the elegance of dress.

Now that gradually changed because it took time for people to accept being exposed to even "normal" relationships. Lbgt stuff is gonna take just as long. Decades even.
It's less people taking a long time to accept, and more the people in charge taking a long time to truly set change in motion. Once gay marriage got legalized people got use to it very quickly. And there's been a decent amount of LGBTQ+ representation in cartoons since Legend of Korra snuck a tiny bit of it in. Once that first sheep is over the fence the rest follows without much trouble.

As for the Disney thing....pretty sure they already love disney without the gay relationships.
Yeah, but that's because there's already a lot of queer coding (both positive and negative) in Disney movies.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Im sorry but if this is your argument then you must also be in favor of the people who hated Abby in The Last Of Us 2 for being a body builder in the post apocalypse where she would not have the available resources or nutrition to be as yolked as she was in that game.
Don't see how that's equivalent, and doesn't Abby have access to a base of sorts in LoU 2, where she's able to train and get nutrition?

If people aren't able to get muscular post-apocalypse, how do the Gears in Gears of War do it?

Iirc correctly Jill gets yeeted out of her apartment by Nemisis and it is unlikely she would be chillin in her apartment in battlegear at all times.
I'm talking about RE3 the original, not the remake. The remake actually gets around this by having Jill just chilling in more appropriate wear before Nemesis bursts in. In the original, there's no such excuse - Jill willingly leaves her appartment in a tube top, in a city overrun by zombies in autumn. The novelization by S.D. Perry actually tries to justify the tube top thing, but to borrow a quote, my reaction was "that just raises further questions!"

Also, back to Abby, I don't see an equivalent between Abby bulking up to take part in pre-mediated revenge, and Ada taking part in an assigned mission in rural Spain, against homicidal monsters, wearing high heels and a red dress. One of them has clearly planned for their mission in the way the other hasn't.

Every work of fiction breaks down when you look at it too much. That isnt the point of character design or story. Good character design is remembered forever that is why Jills tube top is remembered after 20 years and why Lara Crofts design stands out still to this day over the reboots. I dunno about you but when i think tomb raider i think big titted lara in a right tank top and shorts. I have a hard time even picturing ms.generic version from the reboot.
I agree that it stands out, and I agree that it's iconic. Doesn't make it less silly.
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Elite Member
Dec 30, 2021
Don't see how that's equivalent, and doesn't Abby have access to a base of sorts in LoU 2, where she's able to train and get nutrition?

If people aren't able to get muscular post-apocalypse, how do the Gears in Gears of War do it?

I'm talking about RE3 the original, not the remake. The remake actually gets around this by having Jill just chilling in more appropriate wear before Nemesis bursts in. In the original, there's no such excuse - Jill willingly leaves her appartment in a tube top, in a city overrun by zombies in autumn. The novelization by S.D. Perry actually tries to justify the tube top thing, but to borrow a quote, my reaction was "that just raises further questions!"

Also, back to Abby, I don't see an equivalent between Abby bulking up to take part in pre-mediated revenge, and Ada taking part in an assigned mission in rural Spain, against homicidal monsters, wearing high heels and a red dress. One of them has clearly planned for their mission in the way the other hasn't.

I agree that it stands out, and I agree that it's iconic. Doesn't make it less silly.
I dont want to go deeper into the differences between getting strong and getting jacked. Even if abby had gym access there is no way she have the appropriate calorie intake in a place where they are seen rationing food to the people.

Besides the point there is nothing wrong with being silly. Sometime being silly helps the character become iconic.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
What is wrong with treating gay characters the same? Write the story and the characters as if they were any other characters in any other story and they just so happen to be gay. If you treat it as normal and not some special fanfare then the audience will also treat it as normal and graduallt become more accepting irl. Seems like a good plan.
I agree. Now if only the wider audience could treat gay characters the same, and not see it as evidence of "the gay agenda" every time...
Don't say you didn't ask for it

So it's a producer's personal twitter?

This seems like the equivalent of The Force is Female. It's a statement from Kathleen Kennedy, but one made independently from LucasFilm.

No, unless said trait is all the character is or they turn into a stereotype of that trait.
I agree, but that's more in the realm of bad writing than anything else. And most of the articles on this thread aren't examples of that.

Didn't even Bri Larson walk back those comments a bit eventually when she realised how she'd come off?
Maybe, maybe not, it's academic. The vitriol of the comments was disproportionate to the comments themselves. And are people really so fragile that they Larson saying that is what triggers them, as opposed to actual, directed harassment of other people?

No they're mostly pointing out those trying to deflect and pulling up aid characteristics time and time again to try and frame all the criticism as being about that rather than what was actually said.
It's a verified fact that Tran was hounded off social media, and I personally took part in reverting edits on Wookiepedia that used "*****" as a word to describe her.

It's not some conspiracy for racists and sexists to be racist and sexist. Not even when the rumour started that all of it was a false flag by Disney.

Except didn't people check and there was barely anything other than obvious trolls going after Rose Tico?
Yeah, no. They weren't trolls. Not any more than it was 'trolls' who went after John Boyega for instance.

Geeks and Gamers, for instance, isn't a troll, because the crap he puts out on his show is the same crap he speaks off-camera.

Because they merely produce a statement and expect people to agree with it.
The Future is Female now as the resistance leader is no longer John Connor.
The Force is Female now because Kathrine Kennedy said so and so Finn gets sidelined.
Ghostbusters 2016 - Girls can do it too see we can do it now, it's our franchise now.
Who's "they?" Because as I already explained, "the Force is Female" didn't come from Disney.

Also, as to your actual examples:

-Terminator: More like "a" future is female. I'll throw you a bone and point out that yes, Dark Fate does bring up the difference between Dani being the leader of the Resistance, vs. Sarah being the mother of the male leader of the Resistance. However, if people are so fragile about female Resistance leaders, where was the outrage in T3, when it was revealed that John died, and Kate basically became de facto leader? Where was the outrage in SCC, when after John travels to the future, he finds that the Resistance formed anyway? Where was the outrage in the comics, where in one storyline, timeline shifts result in Jane Connor being born instead? I can give you my personal thoughts on each of these things, but they're nothing to do with my manhood. I'm not so precious that if a female becomes leader of a role that was previously male's, I have a meltdown.

-Star Wars: Oh, NOW you care about Finn being sidelined. Funny how people took one look at Finn in The Force Awakened trailer and went berserk that there was a black stormtrooper. But again, The Force is Female IS NOT A DISNEY STATEMENT. It's a statement Kathleen Kennedy made on her own time. And if we are talking about Finn, Finn was never in a position of leadership. If the Force is female, why is Poe leading the Resistance in Episode IX? Why is Lando leading the galaxy in the same episode? Why is Ben leading the First Order, and Palpy the Final Order? Because if we're talking about leadership, men are still the ones calling the shots in Star Wars. Now, personally, I don't think that's an issue, any more than Mon Motha/Leia/Holdo leading the Rebellion/Resistance was an issue, but if we're playing this stupid game, then at least play it properly.

Ghostbusters 2016: Yes, girls CAN be ghostbusters, despite the arguments of some that as females, they shouldn't have the strength to use proton packs. This shouldn't even be an issue. Remember Kylie? Remember when Janine used the pack in at least one episode? No-one complained then. But when we have a team of ghostbusters in a different continuity (which is at least the third Ghostbusters continuity), oh, THAT'S when people get angry. "Yes, ghostbusters can be female, but we can't have too many of them."

If I sound angry, it's because I am, because these ideas are so asinine, and writing them, I'm struck as to how easily you could flip them over and claim that the same IPs are sexist against women, and I wouldn't agree with that either. If Ghostbusters 2016 is sexist against men, why isn't Ghostbusters Vanilla sexist against women? If Star Wars Ep. 7-9 are seixst against men, why aren't the original and prequel trilogies sexist against women? The answer is that they aren't, but that's the game crazies play.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Besides the point there is nothing wrong with being silly. Sometime being silly helps the character become iconic.
I agree. But what's more silly? Jill wearing a tube top in RE3, or Abby getting jacked in LoU 2?

It doesn't really matter what answer you give, the trend is clear. The former was widely accepted when it came out, and it's only relatively recently that it became questioned, with some lamenting the remake's new design. The latter was criticized as unrealistic from the outset. And there's never been some widespread culture war against Jill in the way there was against Abby.

Or in other words, why are some forms of silliness acceptable, and not others? Why is Ada wearing a dress in rural Spain accepted without question, while Abby getting jacked in post-apocalyptic America questioned?


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I agree. Now if only the wider audience could treat gay characters the same, and not see it as evidence of "the gay agenda" every time...

So it's a producer's personal twitter?

This seems like the equivalent of The Force is Female. It's a statement from Kathleen Kennedy, but one made independently from LucasFilm.

I agree, but that's more in the realm of bad writing than anything else. And most of the articles on this thread aren't examples of that.

Maybe, maybe not, it's academic. The vitriol of the comments was disproportionate to the comments themselves. And are people really so fragile that they Larson saying that is what triggers them, as opposed to actual, directed harassment of other people?

It's a verified fact that Tran was hounded off social media, and I personally took part in reverting edits on Wookiepedia that used "*****" as a word to describe her.

It's not some conspiracy for racists and sexists to be racist and sexist. Not even when the rumour started that all of it was a false flag by Disney.

Yeah, no. They weren't trolls. Not any more than it was 'trolls' who went after John Boyega for instance.

Geeks and Gamers, for instance, isn't a troll, because the crap he puts out on his show is the same crap he speaks off-camera.

Who's "they?" Because as I already explained, "the Force is Female" didn't come from Disney.

Also, as to your actual examples:

-Terminator: More like "a" future is female. I'll throw you a bone and point out that yes, Dark Fate does bring up the difference between Dani being the leader of the Resistance, vs. Sarah being the mother of the male leader of the Resistance. However, if people are so fragile about female Resistance leaders, where was the outrage in T3, when it was revealed that John died, and Kate basically became de facto leader? Where was the outrage in SCC, when after John travels to the future, he finds that the Resistance formed anyway? Where was the outrage in the comics, where in one storyline, timeline shifts result in Jane Connor being born instead? I can give you my personal thoughts on each of these things, but they're nothing to do with my manhood. I'm not so precious that if a female becomes leader of a role that was previously male's, I have a meltdown.

-Star Wars: Oh, NOW you care about Finn being sidelined. Funny how people took one look at Finn in The Force Awakened trailer and went berserk that there was a black stormtrooper. But again, The Force is Female IS NOT A DISNEY STATEMENT. It's a statement Kathleen Kennedy made on her own time. And if we are talking about Finn, Finn was never in a position of leadership. If the Force is female, why is Poe leading the Resistance in Episode IX? Why is Lando leading the galaxy in the same episode? Why is Ben leading the First Order, and Palpy the Final Order? Because if we're talking about leadership, men are still the ones calling the shots in Star Wars. Now, personally, I don't think that's an issue, any more than Mon Motha/Leia/Holdo leading the Rebellion/Resistance was an issue, but if we're playing this stupid game, then at least play it properly.

Ghostbusters 2016: Yes, girls CAN be ghostbusters, despite the arguments of some that as females, they shouldn't have the strength to use proton packs. This shouldn't even be an issue. Remember Kylie? Remember when Janine used the pack in at least one episode? No-one complained then. But when we have a team of ghostbusters in a different continuity (which is at least the third Ghostbusters continuity), oh, THAT'S when people get angry. "Yes, ghostbusters can be female, but we can't have too many of them."

If I sound angry, it's because I am, because these ideas are so asinine, and writing them, I'm struck as to how easily you could flip them over and claim that the same IPs are sexist against women, and I wouldn't agree with that either. If Ghostbusters 2016 is sexist against men, why isn't Ghostbusters Vanilla sexist against women? If Star Wars Ep. 7-9 are seixst against men, why aren't the original and prequel trilogies sexist against women? The answer is that they aren't, but that's the game crazies play.
You know it still mystifies me to this day that if a studio wanted ‘woke’ Ghostbusters, then Extreme Ghostbusters was RIGHT THERE. It had a girl, a black guy, a Hispanic guy, and the white guy pulled double duty as their disabled guy. The fucking Burger King kids club of diversity. Only change would have been to swap Egon for Ray as the teacher given the tragic passing of Ramis. The easiest ball to pot and they still tried a trick shot.

That said, I saw Ghostbusters 2016. It was okay; best parts of it were Holtzman and some of the new ghosts. Everything else was fairly average.
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