I assume you're similarly furious that carts and wagons exist in D&D, because magical solutions exist so how dare they use an alternative that also exists IRL.It really is kind of the tip-off about authors trying to insert real-world issues and real-world solutions, without running it through the filter of the logic and internal setting of the universe for which they're writing, isn't it?
Oh, we will.
Literally my next paragraph, the one you didn't quote:
So we were saying about radical, bad faith assumptions? Weren't we supposed to be "getting to that"? Or was "getting to that" brazenly doubling down immediately after getting called out the first and second times?
So please, indeed, "get to that". But since I'm certain you'll try to weasel around this,
Prosthetic Limb - DND 5th Edition
Prosthetic Limb, common wondrous item. Source: TCoE. Typical purchase price: 100gp. By Xanathar's rules, can be crafted for half that price by a level 1 adventurer proficient in artisan's tools relevant to the materials worked with. Easily purchased with starting adventurer gold.
Broom of Flying
This wooden broom, which weighs 3 pounds, functions like a mundane broom until you stand astride it and speak its command word. It then h...www.dndbeyond.com
Broom of Flying, uncommon wondrous item. Source: PHB. Typical purchase price: 400gp. By Xanathar's rules, can be crafted for half that price by a tier 1 adventurer, with woodworker's tools and components from a CR 4-8 creature. Easily acquired at tier 1, i.e. levels 1-4.
Artificer: Armorer - DND 5th Edition
Armorer subclass for artificer. Arcane Armor ability restores full functionality to a PC while wearing their armor. Unlocked at level 3.
Artificer: Battle Smith - DND 5th Edition
Battle Smith subclass for artificer. Steel Defender ability can be used as a mount. Unlocked at level 3.
Ranger: Beast Master Conclave - DND 5th Edition
Beast Master subclass for ranger. Animal companion can be used as a mount. Unlocked at level 3.
Ranger: Drakewarden - DND 5th Edition
Drakewarden subclass for ranger. Drake companion can be used as a mount, starting at level 7.
Of course, mobility-enhancing spells that would restore mobility to a disabled character: levitate, spider climb, tenser's floating disk, catapult, unseen servant (for tiny and small characters), bigby's hand, fly, alter self, phantom steed. Every single one of those spells is 2nd or below, with the exception of fly (3rd), phantom steed (3rd), and bigby's hand (5th). Meaning, with the exception of those two spells, they're all capable of being used at 3rd level. Important spells of note are tenser's disk, unseen servant, and phantom steed, which are all rituals and can therefore be active indefinitely.
That's everything I could name literally of the top of my head, without books at hand. There's more, believe me there's more. If I can do it, so can an author with presumptive access to the entire 5e D&D library. Assuming it's not just down to virtue signaling, which it is.
Or maybe some people just prefer one solution over another in their fantasy RPG due to personal taste. Who the fuck cares? Not everything has to be drafted into this weird cultural crusade.
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