TLDR: Korean fans of Genshin attacked/disliked Genshin's video about a Genshin French character because they created a femboy, and there were now more male characters in Sumeru. Which I don't care about since A that's what makes Genshin good because of the diversity of characters. And it's funny my favorite characters in the game which I mainly are XQ, and Kazuha. But the thing that ticked me off was Western (American) liberals going around with a holy than thou morality policing on that video arguing Korean men were incels. ***** get out of here, most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, have no healthcare, and have work hours as crazy as the Japanese. You know what's worse than an incel. Having no healthcare, living in a country that thinks a billionaire wannabe (Obama) was a good president when he likely lead to hundreds of millions of climate deaths via climate inaction in the future unless we fucking terraform the planet(liberals). I am not even going to mention Iraq, Afgastainstan, Brexit, Coal in Australia and fucking Alberta oil sands, and NZ real estate barons that will one-day rival hong kong real estate barons. Why don't these so-called liberals who only virtue signal about LGTBQ rights distract us from having a real conversation on economic issues like healthcare, and taxes on the rich. Or even just climate change which will kill hundreds of millions of brown people who they purport to care about.
So before the personal attacks come from angry liberals. One I did vote for Shillary, and Biden, two I make much more than the average wage in my country, and state with my side hustles, and a job, three I do support the Ukrainians, four I have healthcare, I used to rent, but now I am the sole breadwinner, five I don't have any kids, and six I have had a girlfriend but I broke up with her.