Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
To your point of there being a time and place about where to make his protest, while you are right in a matter of factuality, you make a protest to be seen. If I had a protest right now in my bedroom against oil companies furthering their stranglehold over the world, who cares? No one will see it.
Yes the issue was it was seen and seemingly the plan was to keep making sure everyone saw it until action was taken without realising people who were going to care or take action would likely already be doing it fairly soon on. You have to understand the public have a level of tolerance for stuff and continually doing it when people can't make a change or just don't care just ends up annoying people because they have no power to change things and it make it seem like they're being held responsible for not doing more or they don't care and just want sportsball to relax to not have a multimillionaire essentially trying to get them to talk about or involved in their pet issue in their off time from their minimum wage job.

And if there was some part of his contract that stipulated playing of football actually encompasses standing for the flag, he's a poor negotiator. All of them will be. He, in fact, did play the games during game time. He didn't interrupt the game and sat there on the field to strengthen his protest. Like you said, he was paid to play. And if you can supply when he didn't play because of BLM, then you have a point. But if you can't, by your own logic he fulfilled the duties of his contract by playing.
And it was he who chose to exit his contract of his own regard.

To your Gina point... So you judge the acceptability of protests on how innocuous its impact is on your daily life? Like, the more unobtrusive it is, the more you accept it?
Simple way of looking at it
Can I make an actual direct difference?
If yes to a degree that matters then fine you're targeting the right person
If no and really you're just looking for attention or to recruit more people to your cause then you have 5 minutes of my time. That's it, it's the same amount of time I give the the weird street preacher types who try to talk to me for a moment about Jesus (actually it's like 1 minute for them because they're not even original most of the time). You get to make your point I acknowledge it and done.

If it's in the middle of my actual leisure time (as in not merely out and about my me trying to forget about the world for a bit time) and I can't make any real difference and it's just more bodies for the cause? I'm not going to be happy at all and even if it's a cause I agree with I'm going to be annoyed by it.

That's... not how protests work. Because if it was able to be solved by being polite, people wouldn't go to the uncomfortable.
It's how you get me to give a damn most of the time though by not choosing to try and press the issue such that it's taking away free time asking for me to basically give up even more free time. Add that it makes it worse when you're on the clock asking me to do it for free or pay for it. Pushing it as a sort of "With or or against us" thing well once your point has been heard if I don't agree you're not going to get me to agree by trying to force the issue or annoy people into it.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
To your Cawthon point, because he hid it and it was discovered, I can't help but to give you a resounding "... and?". If it was discovered that John Stewart (the paragon of Liberal thoughts and do-goodery) gave to a fringe group of socialist who were hellbent on getting more secular candidates in office to erode religion, would it really matter to you that his privacy was violated? Or that he was in cahoots to undermine things you believe will harm people's freedom to religious pursuits?
I'd probably laugh my ass off for a bit then carry on as normal to be honest because it wouldn't be some huge shock and I'd only feel bad if that was the basis for them facing cancellation after because it was revealed maliciously but lets be real here you could probably be found to be funding the Cuban Regime at this point and face no cancellation for it lol

And if your answer is something as simple as "I'd give it equal footing", then you must understand that we can just point to this case that you have not given equal footing to Cawthon. You talked about him donating without knowing, and that it's a shame that his private life was exposed, but not that he seemingly had a predisposition for funding anti-gay movements. Even going as far as giving to the one out democrat who has had anti-gay dealings. Waiting for the condemnation to make it equal.
To be honest, his explanation of his actions not being done maliciously against LGBTQ people holds weight at the idea of mobilising voting groups very much is a thing and really do people believe there isn't a push to get certain voting block on side while not actually caring about them in reality? Cawthon isn't Orson Scott Card explicitly giving the groups campaigning against gay marriage and nothing else. Dude was like "I gave to the politicians I though would do the best job not because of their stances on single issues mostly". Some of his donations were before said politicians even had publicly Anti-LGBTQ stances on record at all too. It would be like saying "So nice of everyone who supporting this massive inflation under Biden" and accusing Biden voters of being pro massive inflation because they donated to him now.

I'm not a hundred percent sure what you mean about Ruby Rose.
Well if you're argument boils down to I'd only support people based on their personal politics she's not exactly like the others so if you're trying to determine political positions based on whose claims I support and whose I don't then her claims about poor set conditions etc are rather different to Scott or Gina lol.

I had to compose myself to that "She isn't the only one that seemingly misused funds". You have no proof that she did. And you're still speaking about it like there's any substance to the claims. The woman is retained by a media giant. That's not 5 figures money. That most likely isn't 6 figures money. You have no proof other than "I don't know where she got the money to do that".
Being retained to speak every so often isn't 6 figure money. Maybe if she were a regular with a spot but retainers only get to that level when it's a big corporate retainer not a personal speaking one.

And your other link literally spelled it out in the title. He was kicked out, and then he posed as a leader or something to collect funds. He was found out and then brought to justice. But guess what? Even if he was an ardent believer that wanted to line his pockets, he's no different than other people who run similar scams. Like the Tierney Brothers who foundd out what that hot buttons issues were for Republicans, and soaked them for 23 Million
Yeh and didn't I say it was happening on both sides anyway?
If I gave such a damn about republican causes most of the time wouldn't I have called him out but yet the issue is I called out stuff like this on the left?

Do we call to question every Republican PAC now? The Republican movement itself because of this one guy? Or others like him? No. We realize that there's oppurntists everywhere. And to call good and honest Republicans into doubt because of the actions of these scammers is an insult to logic.
Pretty sure back in the day I had a good laugh at Trumpy Bear on here. It's almost like I don't care or don't expect that much better from one side but do from another.......

To your Goop comment. I'm attempting to take this seriously. I don't really mess around with redirections any more. I've banned Tstorm, Houseman, and others because of it. I really know nothing about Goop. I'm talking about how you took the stance. Goop itself is immaterial.

I quoted the part that I meant and you excluded it. You asked about people who made claims and did anyone find the evidence. The Pee tapes and what not. You have a person who signed a deal with a media group buying houses, and a guy who was ousted from the movement who contacted people directly to get a payday. You have no evidence for Culler, and yet you still speak of her like your doubt is damn near fact. Something you supposedly dislike.
Because simple logic and unfortunate precedent seeing this kind of thing happen has taught me just to expect it and it's unfortunately the most likely set of events here made worse by the fact she's very much been silent about it and rather than try to fight it she left the organisation.

And yes, you do have to prove with evidence that specifically that donation money was used. Because this isn't a game. This is someone's life that you're slandering. Because we live in a society where laws and fairness of how it's governed matters. You can't just make up accusations and go "What, all of a sudden I need proof?". Because once again, I can logic up a response.
As I said it could entirely be totally legit under the BLM charity structure but in the end it would still be the donation money being used just with extra steps

She teaches at two different Colleges.

She's an author of a Book When They Call You Terrorist.
1) Guest / part time lectures
2) So are plenty of people. I live like 4 door down from a published author. Being one doesn't mean you earn that much in the end unless you end up with a runaway hit.

She has a multi-year deal with Warner Brothers as a developer of programming.
Presumable done in her role with BLM as co-founder not as her personally

She has another book that will drop October 5th of this year.
See previous point about authors. Hell hasn't Yahtzee written 5 books so far lol

So, we don't know how long she's been saving up to purchase these properties, but she has income from two college teaching jobs, not to mention her possible Advance for the first book, money from the sales, and the Advance of her second book, and whatever payment she worked out with Warner Brothers. For all you know, she's this short from 'rolling in it'. And instead of looking at these reasonable conclusions of how she can afford to buy properties, you stick to corrupt instead of looking at a hard working woman and thinking she might have been using some of that hard work to fund her life.

Do you get why people might question your motives for wanting to believe the worst of this lady that you don't even know when presented with all of that?
Nah, modular teaching positions (which based on looking up that's more what she does rather than main teaching) and the rest doesn't account for it when her property empire is worth $3 Million+ and she then dropped $35K right after for a security fence unless she got some very good mortgage deals or is in vast amount of debt from buying the stuff.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Well another event from woke world

Ah yes salt and pepper chicken clearly where people will get their political views from. Clearly an attempt by the evil nationalist in the UK to denigrate the UK and not a perfectly plausible explanation like

A spokesman for Morrisons said: "It is adhering to packaging regulations rather than making any political point."
The supermarket said it would change the packaging and de-emphasise the mention of non-EU salt and pepper, but said it would still have to be included somewhere on the wrapping because of packaging laws.
According to government guidance on food labelling, the term "non-EU" must be used on meat packaging when full country information is unavailable.
From October next year, following post-Brexit rule changes, this will be replaced by "non-UK".
That's right turns out it was labelled as non-EU due to government rules which at present have to be in line with EU laws to an extent so the EU themselves and their rules are the reason it was labelled as Non-EU lol.


A culture war on grocery because British Brands and putting the British flag on food an the British flag is upsetting some twitter uses.

“Very unpleasant and quite intimidating,” is how one Twitter user described the union flag-emblazoned Mornflake porridge oats pack at their local Morrisons this month. Another wondered whether the flag-wrapped own-brand eggs and butter at the supermarket had “always been this…patriotic?”


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
To be honest, his explanation of his actions not being done maliciously against LGBTQ people holds weight at the idea of mobilising voting groups very much is a thing and really do people believe there isn't a push to get certain voting block on side while not actually caring about them in reality? Cawthon isn't Orson Scott Card explicitly giving the groups campaigning against gay marriage and nothing else. Dude was like "I gave to the politicians I though would do the best job not because of their stances on single issues mostly". Some of his donations were before said politicians even had publicly Anti-LGBTQ stances on record at all too. It would be like saying "So nice of everyone who supporting this massive inflation under Biden" and accusing Biden voters of being pro massive inflation because they donated to him now.
I think such a defense is already kinda questionable. If he funds hardline Republicans despite rather than because of their LGBTQ stances then that community becoming a target for those politicians is still a risk he seems very willing to take as long as he gets the policies he wants.

And the politicians he funded are the like of McConnell so him feeling he has to fund anti LGTQ politicians to get policies like killing off healthcare doesn't reflect well on him either.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
That's right turns out it was labelled as non-EU due to government rules which at present have to be in line with EU laws to an extent so the EU themselves and their rules are the reason it was labelled as Non-EU lol.
No, this is untrue. Neither EU law nor UK law require condiments to be designated this way. Only meat, and only when the full country of origin is unavailable, neither of which are applicable here.

I can believe it was a purely inconsequential mistake on Morrisons' part, though.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
No, this is untrue. Neither EU law nor UK law require condiments to be designated this way. Only meat, and only when the full country of origin is unavailable, neither of which are applicable here.

I can believe it was a purely inconsequential mistake on Morrisons' part, though.
I mean I've literally never seen non-eu printed on anything I've ever bought, maybe on the back of the packaging but definitely not as part of the branding. And considering how much produce gets imported I feel like that defense is evidently bullshit.

Like yeah, I don't think it was done with malice or anything but definitely wasn't needed.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Britain shouldn't worry about what labels they put on their food. They should worry about even having food
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

Trump's UN WFP appointment is shady, and sus spending on business trips to the Swiss capital.

Elon's money should be taxed, the WFP director fired, and the US government given its role in climate change should do it. They should also pay the local farmers in that area, and get food from them to solve world hunger, but big farm subsidies in the US will cry over it.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Elon's money should be taxed, the WFP director fired, and the US government given its role in climate change should do it. They should also pay the local farmers in that area, and get food from them to solve world hunger, but big farm subsidies in the US will cry over it.

Musk will be selling Tesla stock because it is wildly overpriced. Given all the competition out there for electric cars - and plenty of the old guard of automobile firms are coming up with cars as good as Tesla's - it is incredibly implausible that the "real" value of the company is anything like its $1.2 trillion market capitalisation. Volkswagen is worth a fifth of that, and I strongly suggest that in 10-20 years, VW will still be selling a lot more cars than Tesla.

The smart thing to do is take your money out and invest it somewhere where it's liable to go up in value, not down. However, this is slightly awkward for CEO-owners like Musk, because it could be interpreted as a lack of faith in his own company.

But... what if he says he's doing it to solve world hunger? It's all okay folks, nothing wrong with Tesla, it's just philanthropy, because Musk's such a lovely guy. I'll be willing to bet that either only a modest fraction of what he sells will go into solving world hunger - that or he's selling a trivial amount of his stock in the first place (for reference, he owns ~20% or $250 billion, and the next biggest single investor has under 7%).


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Britain shouldn't worry about what labels they put on their food. They should worry about even having food
View attachment 4835
That's a London store on an evening likely just before it's due to restock. This isn't so much some new issue it's the same reason the US is having trouble in some places with food. A supply chain that works on "Just in time" deliveries" and a slight delay in those deliveries so the stuff actually fully runs out rather than partially runs out. Years ago I went into supermarkets and they were close to that empty because their delivery had been delayed, especially Asda store.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Left wing journalist write about how awful Guy Fawkes was and how he should be seen only as a symbol of the right wing all because said professional paid journalist is butthurt over the Guido Fawkes blog for daring to be critical of left wing politicians one too many times.

(Incidentally, the fact they wanted to supplant the regime, not destroy it, makes Guido Fawkes a painfully good name for that libertarian blog.)

At any rate, the result of all this is that we’ve ended up with a world that celebrates a semi-competent religious fundamentalist as a freedom fighter, and where people give money to big corporations to buy copies of his face.
Well done, anarchists. Well done on never reading a fucking book.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Uhh, not to interrupt , but is an anthropologist saying "hey, we should stop using phrenology" a good thing? You know, because phrenology is bullshit?