That's a press release from a Republican representative (and a tea party fruitcake to boot).During the pandemic, politics overruled science at the government institutions entrusted with protecting public health.
NEW REPORT: Biden Administration Pressured FDA and Ignored Risks During Initial COVID Vaccine Phase
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust, led by Chairman Thomas Massie (R-KY), released an interim staff report titled, "
Essentially, you think FDA guidance is compelling peoples' eating habits when it comes from someone you don't like, but you think FDA guidance is impotent when it's someone you do like telling people to consume dangerous things. There's zero consistency here. You just flip flop depending on what's convenient.I'm not pro raw milk by any means but hardly anyone is going to start buying raw milk regardless, it's wildly inconvenient.
RFK endorses drinking disease-ridden produce. That's the long and short of it. And you're fine with the Secretary of Health endorsing such things.
But RFK hasn't said anything about retaining the FDA nutrition department. His statement about getting rid of it doesn't contradict a single thing he's said. You just don't want to believe that he means what he said.No, I said a single word he probably used incorrectly. It's easy to misuse a word, you don't hold others to these ridiculous standards. If someone is going on and on about doing XYZ and they say one thing one time that negates XYZ, I'm pretty sure they made a minor slip-up (especially if you use any other synonym of that word,which makes it makes sense, and would be consistent to their prior statements).
Firstly, no, I didn't say "milk is bad because of the fat".I generally don't think you should drink your calories, but a glass of milk a day isn't bad for you (I don't drink milk myself because I never felt it has great flavor but I do love it in some vanilla chai tea). If milk is all you drink throughout the day, then that's too many calories from drinking when you can just have water. Tim Spector did say that milk being high in fat and that makes it bad for you is a myth and misconception (you said milk was bad because of the fat). Kids, as they are growing, definitely should have whole milk over skim milk IMO. I believe they discovered the C15 essential fatty acid after the most recent video I could find on his take on dairy. Generally, you want the fat in foods because it provides satiety (it helps you eat less) and a lot of nutrients are also found there and eating nutrient dense foods are good. Also, a large portion of Sardinia's diet is diary and they are a blue zone.
Secondly, this is a lot of waffle to avoid answering the question succinctly. Do you agree with him that there's scarcely any difference between skimmed and whole milk, and that we should drink very little?