People cant read or something ?
Gabe says.. 3 BIG announcements.
BIG means not small DOTA2, tf2 patch etc.
And definitely not a new Left for dead.. djeez people seriously need to shut up about them bringing out a new l4d cause that wont happen for atleast another 3 years or 5 even.
They will announce things we know nothing about!
And no it wont be something about Ps3 either.. valve is a PC developer its where their fanbase is at so a announcement for console isnt BIG at all.
First announcement will be at Spiketv VGA... and i think its going to be Half life epi3 or HL3, cause in the first promo video you can see a helicopter flying over mountains / sea ..first thing that came to mind was *borealis* but i doubt it since.. read last thing i said and you will know why.
Other 2 announcements will probably be a new counterstrike that will compete with Call of duty.
Maybe they will release it as a stand alone psn/xbla steam game first and later on add it to the new half life?
Anotehr announcement might be something with minecraft developer.. cause i swear i read somewhere gabe newell had a meeting with the notch months ago.
knowing valve.. they buy idea's from people that came up with crazy shit and perfect it.
..or who knows maybe they are working on a new ricochet game hahaha or whats that game called again

you never know what kind of wicket shit they could do with the most silly game ever.
Gabe newell said at e3 2010 i thought it was.. we will never announce big surprises at e3 where everyone expects it.
Trust me you wont see shit at next years e3 from them : )
They will announce their games either somewhere you dont expect in a feaking magazine out of no where or with a hidden file in a patch on the PC.
New HL game hidden file might be in portal2 when it comes out.