I think we are missing the obvious
Each of the three big announcements will be the announcement that there will be three more big annoucements coming. With their annoucement schedule increasing diametrically as a result. Soon they will doubtlessly be releasing a new site that will constantly annouce upcoming announcements about annoucements every second of every day.
Sometime right around the site crashing due to being unable to keep up with it's job, we will finally get the big reveal:
See, what we never realized is that Gordan Freeman is actually Duke Nukem in a zip-up geek suit. He has not been talking due to his inabillity to disguise his voice all this time. It's all part of Duke's master plan to lure out the aliens, save earth, and lay the smackdown on G-man.
The thing is that Duke Nuken Forever, and Half-Life Episode 3 are actually the same exact game and we never realized it, due to the seperate design teams who have been secretly in communication this entire time. STEAM being used to fund all of the lawsuits and such involving 3d Realms to keep eyes off what should be an obvious crossover.
Truthfully though, the problem is that the game will never actually see anything but annoucements because the sheer awesome of Duke and Half-Life and their connection being outed would be too much for the gaming public to bear. Shooter fans would literally be dying from exposure in front of their computers.
Of course then again the game could always be released as a WMD. I mean say we wanted to wipe out a country, all they would have to do is release the game via-virus to install on people's computers. People would get home, or pickup their cell phone which would have the game, and see Duke Nukem dual wielding an atomic blaster in one hand, and a gravity gun in the other, while strippers pole dance beneath giant walkers smashing through the ceillings.... the hearts of even the non game playing population would explode from excitement... mass carnage, if they ever did this it would make Gabe Newell obviously a bigger killer than Pol Pot.
Okay, okay, enough rambling. I'm getting into one of those moods again...