Galaxies Players Headed Towards Dark Side With Lawsuit


New member
May 31, 2011
sue because a company is deciding to shut down THEIR game that they've run for EIGHT YEARS...

greeaattttt idea there people, fifty people against a massive corporation and their cause is being annoyed that a game they've sunk 8 years of their life into is being shut down...

theyre going to win for sure...

I mean, in reality i think you have to look at this like business. The product is only as good as long as youre making money off of it. Sony apparently thinks its no longer worth their time and so theyre shutting it down. Not to sound like a dick but they don't care about how much everyone loves it (or hates for that matter). They're just looking to make good business decisions.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
danintexas said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
So they're mad because a bad buggy game is going away despite the amount of hours they put in even though SOE is well within its' rights to do so...?

Why can't they just let it go and go play SWTOR?

You and others really need to realize that TOR will be NOTHING like SWG. *insert yeah it won't suck joke here*

Fact is SWG was one of maybe 3 MMOs that was a sandbox. It was the only Sci-Fi sandbox MMO and now it is gone. TOR will not be a sandbox. It will be an MMO on rails like WoW and all its other clones.

I am quite shocked the hate supposed gamers are giving fans of SWG over this. I really am. The fact is this screws over fans of sandbox style mmos and other gamers on these and other forums are celebrating this? I really will not understand it.
because as a united states tax player, when they bring a suit that means our already overloaded and underfunded legal system has to deal with all their paperwork and nonsense and i have to pay for it

its an old game, it doesn't make money, its had very little support and i don't see why I should have to pay or them to throw a temper tantrum, tbh.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Although SWG has come to it's end i can't help but think of all the people who reply with "it happens all the time get over it" will soon have a kick in their teeth when their games get shut down over time again and again and again.

I liked SWG and even though it was a long time ago in a server far far away i still harbor no hared for it even though it's life is ending, though i know games like that must draw the final curtain.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
animehermit said:
TitanAtlas said:
Ralphfromdk said:
Not really anything to do about, except go play another game... How about the new StarWars MMO?
Im going to be honest and say that the new star wars mmo, looks like a slow-paced, world of warcraft with dialogue choices.... and im not the first one to state this...
and you wouldn't be the first person that i tell is wrong. There is a lot more innovative and interesting things going in SWTOR just under the hood. Things like companions and player choice, I suggest you read some of the information posted here:

there are tons of information that none of the trailers or gameplay videos cover.
Same generic type of classes with different names, and startup regions... oh jolly-oh that changed everything...

Im going to be honest and continue to say that astetic wise, it looks like WoW (graphical terms and character design-styles). The combat looks super slow-paced (but i was kinda expecting something like Jedi Academy combat style, so my bad on this one).

I do love the dialogues and its something they have going with... and the space exploration and dogfights... now that.... exploring and fighting in space... if its like the trailers... well ill love it... but if its more targeting, generic fighting, slow-paced piece of crap ill just quit everything...

Ill just wait and play the game and develope my own judgement, AFTER the teeks and bits have been solved and the trinkets and ghosts have been corrected... if it stays like it was showen in the trailers... it will suck... if they kick it up a notch... it will be good... like i saied, its the waiting game time...


New member
Sep 30, 2008
its not sony, its lucasarts. The license is expiring and lucasarts is not going to renew it due to the new game being made and ran by a different company. Anyone who thinks that any company besides lucasarts has ANY control over ANYTHING star wars related is daft. Lucas is up there with steve jobs when it comes to protecting IP. SWG may suck fat rocks but, when it comes down to it, its not sony#s choice. The reason ti will never go F2P or be allowe dto be released on another company is still in the hands of lucasarts, not sony. There is no way in hell lucas is ever going to allow that.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
Roboto said:
canadamus_prime said:
Why am I not surprised? We live in the age of self-entitled dipshits.
The age of "I bought a game and they are taking it back"
Providing the servers for an MMO is a service, a service that Sony no longer wishes to provide, that is their right. Why you bought is the client that lets you enjoy that service. Considering the costs of maintaining those servers and the apparent declining interest in SWG, I'm surprised Sony hasn't done this sooner.
And it is the age of the self-entitled dipshit. Everyone seems to think the Universe revolves around them. Any fans of any given franchise or series seem to be under the very mistaken impression that the creators of the franchise or series or their devoted affection owe it to them to customize it to their particular (and often severely warped) whims. This is WRONG!
No one ever stops to tell a company when they've done a good job. I bet no one over the last 8+ years ever called up Sony to thank them for keeping the SWG servers running so well or got on the forums and said "Hey Sony, just wanted to let you know you're doing a great job!" But the moment something goes wrong, you can bet that they'll hear about esp. nowadays what with Twitter and Facebook and all that bullshit!


Ok I'm done ranting now.
It's all in the perspective. Some find it as self entitled BSers, I see it as a not-miniscule amount of gamers whose game that they might cherish as part of their daily entertainment being completely stopped by a large corporation, and they are desperate to do anything they can to save it, while their legitimate options (petitions etc) are being exhausted. I know that I would do whatever I could to keep a game I love alive, via any means necessary if I could. If that's they thought a lawsuit would help their cause even a fraction more than their other methods, more power to them. Nothing lost on either side, really.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Well if Sony didn't get sued over the "NGE" which was dropped on the playerbase right after they bought an expansion pack with about 2 weeks notice then I'm sorry this has no chance.

Sure it sucks but well you could say it was pretty much inevitable and this time at least they gave their customers 5-6 months notice of what was going to happen.

With TOR going to be released the licence fee Lucasarts was going to charge was inevitably going to up and while SWG still has a playerbase it's not much of one and Sony probably looked at the numbers and relised it just wouldn't be worth it. Sorry to those who are affected by it. It sucks to lose access to something you enjoy hopefully something else comes along to take it's place.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
I don't know. Based on what's written in the article, it sounds like SOE are the bigger jerks in this fight. Ignoring a petition is one thing, but actually threatening people who make petitions? That's inexcusable. And it makes no logical sense. So they threaten to ban people... for liking their game too much? If anything the petitions should make them happy. They should feel proud that they've made a game that people love to that degree, even if it does bring in a little bit too much fandom. I'm not saying they should keep the game online just because people beg for it, but they certainly shouldn't threaten to ban them just for asking.

Even if this lawsuit has no merit, I can kind of understand why the players are doing it. I don't take kindly to being threatened, personally. Especially by someone with more power than me. I know SOE are well within their rights to ban people for any reason they want, but that doesn't make it the right thing to do. Power comes from authority. Knowing when to use your power comes from morality.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Roboto said:
canadamus_prime said:
Roboto said:
canadamus_prime said:
Why am I not surprised? We live in the age of self-entitled dipshits.
The age of "I bought a game and they are taking it back"
Providing the servers for an MMO is a service, a service that Sony no longer wishes to provide, that is their right. Why you bought is the client that lets you enjoy that service. Considering the costs of maintaining those servers and the apparent declining interest in SWG, I'm surprised Sony hasn't done this sooner.
And it is the age of the self-entitled dipshit. Everyone seems to think the Universe revolves around them. Any fans of any given franchise or series seem to be under the very mistaken impression that the creators of the franchise or series or their devoted affection owe it to them to customize it to their particular (and often severely warped) whims. This is WRONG!
No one ever stops to tell a company when they've done a good job. I bet no one over the last 8+ years ever called up Sony to thank them for keeping the SWG servers running so well or got on the forums and said "Hey Sony, just wanted to let you know you're doing a great job!" But the moment something goes wrong, you can bet that they'll hear about esp. nowadays what with Twitter and Facebook and all that bullshit!


Ok I'm done ranting now.
It's all in the perspective. Some find it as self entitled BSers, I see it as a not-miniscule amount of gamers whose game that they might cherish as part of their daily entertainment being completely stopped by a large corporation, and they are desperate to do anything they can to save it, while their legitimate options (petitions etc) are being exhausted. I know that I would do whatever I could to keep a game I love alive, via any means necessary if I could. If that's they thought a lawsuit would help their cause even a fraction more than their other methods, more power to them. Nothing lost on either side, really.
Even if there is no legitimate grounds from which to base a lawsuit on?
Of course if I had my way, I get rid of that whole lawsuit nonsense so that nobody would be able to file lawsuits against anybody for anything EVER. Oh and all the fucking lawyers would be burned alive in a huge sacrificial pit. ¬_¬

Aside from that, when I refer to the "Age of self-entitled dipshits" I'm not just talking about this case. This is just one of many many examples that has led me to draw that conclusion.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
canadamus_prime said:
Oh and all the fucking lawyers would be burned alive in a huge sacrificial pit. ¬_¬
Careful what you say, they may sue you.

I think someone once said "Kill all the Lawyers"

OT: If you didn't see this coming (The shutdown) when TOR was anounced, then you have no perception whatsoever.

Again, just let the game pass quitely. Making a huge fanfare isn't going to help anyone.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
can't they just make the game freeware and the people can run their own servers? or like pirate servers or somthing i doubt sony is gonna shut them down now


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Sony's response to the petitions is more than a little harsh, frankly. That it's within their rights doesn't change that. You would think they would have learned better customer care by now; I mean, after all, in a few months they're no longer going to have to deal with the petitions, one way or another. It wouldn't kill them to let the petitioners feel they're being heard, even if they're being ignored by the only people whose decision on the issue matters. "Disrupting a community" that isn't going to exist for much longer is kind of a silly charge.

As for the lawsuit, yeah, it's silly. If it went through it would create a precedent for everyone who could no longer get server support from their old software, including all of Microsoft's customers, not that part of me wouldn't enjoy that.

Mister Benoit

New member
Sep 19, 2008
CommanderKirov said:
Boy, people do have a hard time letting go of bad games do they?
Well just consider most of these folks have been playing and PAYING every month for the past 8 years.

Lets just say they pay like 12$ a month, they've invested well over a grand and hundreds/thousands of invest play time hours.

I can see where they're coming from and it really sucks. Just because you think the game was bad doesn't mean some people didn't enjoy it.