Jarimir said:
Ok I found this and cant sit on it any longer.
It seems pretty funny to boot, so it will probably miss the shock factor I was going for.
Here goes (hopefully not my account)
Edit: my apologies in advance for any actual nudity that manages to slip past in the 1/100th of a second that it was exposed.
Edit#2: this may become my new avatar. hypnotizing isn't it?
Strangely.... yes.... it is hypnotic... *slaps face*
Sorry, I honestly don't understand why people get the knickers in a twist over titillation tactics, but at the same time, I can understand wanting to be represented in your hobby. It seems like many games/devs miss this point. You can have both. You can have the sexy woman in a game, and still manage to give a relatable female character to our female audience without causing some kind of strange temporal implosion.
Just like with every other art form in the world, someone will find a way to abuse the sexual side for fun and profit. The problem is gaming is currently exploiting it too much. If we can find some way to give gaming culture its own little skinemax corner of the market, and then manage to have some actual titles aimed at women that don't include the words Sim, Dress-up, model, or Barbie, we could push the culture further than what it already is.
OT: Honestly I could care less about the gallery. If you were going for subtlety in your wit, congratulations you overshot subtle and made it to nearly non-existent. I can see where you attempted to make subtle jokes to the point of making this an ironic post, but I can also see where you may have just been *trying* to spark meaningful debate (note: if you want to spark meaningful debate, try actually initiating the topic itself). The end result was blah.
My first reaction when seeing the gallery was, okay, but what is the point of this? That is mainly because I personally think that games that utilize the human form for titillation are okay, provided A: they don't make up 80% of the market as they do now, and B: there are games designed to titillate both men and women. The images where not all that sultry, so I doubt it excited very many of the people on the side of YAY BOOBIES, yet it was offensive enough to irritate the people who are just flat out fed up with it. So, I ask again what was the point? This was literally a lose lose situation here for everyone except those that revel in seeing other's emotional outbreaks.