I need to get around to playing that. I tried to play cataclysm and it did not want to play with my computer at the time. I also heard Deserts of Karnak(Karak?) is good, despite being mostly 2d
Well tbh most homeworld 1/2 might as well be 2D, they don't quite use the 3D aspect outside of having cool battle, but you don't really micro ship during battle anyway. Desert of Karak is pretty good but doesn't quite reach the height of 1, the story is a bit awkward since the bad guy is a religious nut job who tries to stop you from discovering the secret to the people ancestor because they believe this will bring demon to annihilate everyone. I guess if you'd play it without playing 1 you'd think he was just the bad guy, but anyone who played 1 realize right away he's right. Gameplay wise its pretty nice, mostly play the same, you can even capture enemy vessel and move your mothership around. There's an upgrade system to which help by giving you some fun side quest to do for upgrade point.
Cataclysm is very interesting game, but it doesn't really feel like a homeworld game tbh. It tries to be a space horror and somewhat succeed, but it means the entire feel of the game is different. The ship roster is almost entirely different from 1 too, but most addition are pretty fun so that's fine. Worth playing and I think its a shame its not in the remaster.