Playing this on emulator actually makes the QTEs in this game harder!
I feel like I've been lucky enough to miss most of the games they're talking about.I can definitely see where they're coming from. Thankfully, I don't bother with most Triple-A games anymore. Doesn't make it any less a problem though. What's a soak of the atmosphere most of your games, then I suggest you start going back to older games from the PS2 and PS1 generation, or start tackling all indie and lower budget games.
I can't say there's anything there I disagree with.
Well, to be fair, Nanomachines are responsible for everything per MGS4. MSGV went one step further and made everything in the prequels the fault of magical parasites.
It had no responsibility to tie up all those "loose ends." The game would have benefited by leaving most of them open and then having more time to tell a cohesive story (and maybe let the player play the game more). Most of them weren't even loose ends or plotholes or whatever. Like, I didn't need to know that nanomachines made Vamp a vampire.