GAME Closure Looms on Monday

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
GAME Closure Looms on Monday

Game will be forced to close its doors on Monday if it can't secure a last-minute deal with publishers to bring in some product and raise some funds.

Despite its increasingly desperate situation, executives at U.K.-based retailer Game still hold out hope that the chain can be saved through an acquisition deal, but first it needs to survive the weekend and make it into next week. The company held talks with publishers earlier today to try to strike a deal that will allow it to keep the lights on a little longer but if nothing comes of it, it will reportedly be closed down for good on Monday.

A big sticking point is Game's lack of credit insurance, which could leave publishers holding the bag if the company folds. Nonetheless, one supplier said it's in the industry's best interests to keep Game going. "We all want a strong specialist to survive, not a lame duck just bumbling along - that would be pointless. Somehow, we've got to find a way," he told MCV [].

He also made the interesting point that Game's stores in the U.K. aren't the problem and pointed the finger at company executives for not taking action sooner. "The real shame about that is the fact that it's not the U.K. or Spain that has caused this predicament. It is France, Australia and Scandinavia that has been losing big money for a long time," he continued. "You have to wonder why someone somewhere within Game didn't notice that and do something about it sooner. Those stores should have been closed."

Even if Game is able to survive until an acquisition, the supplier said that there's no way the company will be able to maintain its current store count, which currently stands at around 600 in the U.K. alone. Worldwide, the Game Group operates roughly 1300 stores bearing the Game and GameStation brands.



I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Hero in a half shell said:
So what happens to all the unsold stock? Because I could find a use for it...
what unsold stock, popped into Game yesterday to use up an old gift card I'd found, there was nothing in the place, a few preowned copies of lame ass games and one collectors Ed of the old republic.

Oh and one prowned copy of Mass effect 3 that they wanted £47.95 for! Ended up getting some xbox live points.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Ok, i guess i better decide whether i should take flowers for the store or a paper bag of turds and firelighter...

Lunar Templar said:
well, i guess it's game over then
You lost points for making the most obvious joke. Nevermind one that was already made in earlier related news posts.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
You are bankrupt.



Insert £1

I still feel bad for the people who are going to be out of job because of this.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
It shall be a sad day for people who like to buy games IRL.

Seriously, this is kinda sad. I have a GAME reward card. I'm not much older than it is. That's how long GAME and gamestation have been a part of my life.

This leaves us with HMV, blockbuster and supermarkets for new games.

F***. Guess it's finally time I move with the times and get me some online shopping accounts...

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
gigastar said:
Ok, i guess i better decide whether i should take flowers for the store or a paper bag of turds and firelighter...

Lunar Templar said:
well, i guess it's game over then
You lost points for making the most obvious joke. Nevermind one that was already made in earlier related news posts.
there was points involved o.0

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Doclector said:
It shall be a sad day for people who like to buy games IRL.

Seriously, this is kinda sad. I have a GAME reward card. I'm not much older than it is. That's how long GAME and gamestation have been a part of my life.

This leaves us with HMV, blockbuster and supermarkets for new games.

F***. Guess it's finally time I move with the times and get me some online shopping accounts...
Same here bro, I also sad for all the stores employee (well the good ones) are going to be umemployed to the still ongoing recession.

I will keep my eyes out at the store over here for any last day sales deal. (Well ok last time I've check all the games I wanted are gone, WTH no Kirby Epic Yawn?)

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
I want to see GameStop buy this company, mostly because I don't want to see all the staff lose their jobs. And I have the faint, impossible hope of seeing Special Editions in EU being released over here via GameStop.

I'm looking at you, The Last Story.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
I've already spent all the points on my Reward Card. I'm going to keep it until it is absolutely clear that GAME is gone and I have no further use for it, but at the same time I won't be using it again unless GAME somehow recovers and I find I still have use for it.

I was already planning to go back to GAME next week, now that I've read this article I'm going to go and have a shop on Sunday so I can go there one last time before it closes.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
CardinalPiggles said:
GAME is pretty bad anyway, over priced garbage. As long as Steam and Amazon stay afloat, I'll be happy.
I've never understood this argument. I'm not saying GAME is cheap but Steam is almost always more expensive for both new and old games. Apart from sales that is which doesn't really count.

Anyway I hope this means independent stores stand more of a chance, and new more competitive chains opens up.. that's really the only good thing i can see coming from this closure.


Waiting patiently.....
Nov 27, 2009
Lunar Templar said:
well, i guess it's game over then

So um...does this mean that there'll be a big sell-off of videogames?

Cat of Doom

New member
Jan 6, 2011
Dam, good job I spent my game card points yesterday.

I'm lucky to have a Privately owned game & nerd goods shop in my local town or it would be supermarkets and HMV.


New member
Jan 30, 2012
ciancon said:
Lunar Templar said:
well, i guess it's game over then

So um...does this mean that there'll be a big sell-off of videogames?
Nah, they'll keep the stock for whoever buys them. Probably.


Waiting patiently.....
Nov 27, 2009
VonKlaw said:
ciancon said:
Lunar Templar said:
well, i guess it's game over then

So um...does this mean that there'll be a big sell-off of videogames?
Nah, they'll keep the stock for whoever buys them. Probably.
Assuming that someone buys them.