GAME Closure Looms on Monday


New member
May 22, 2010
I feel the same way about when the big-chain bookshops started closing... I'm very sorry about the loss of jobs but welcome to the 21st century *****.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
What killed GAME's chance of getting my money recently is the fact it costs 60p to park or £1.20 for a bus to town where it is located, but it's free to park at the blockbuster that has a similar space dedicated to games. Convenience and lack of parking charges does a lot to help. A lot of towns in the UK are (successfully) removing parking charges to stimulate in town shopping.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
CardinalPiggles said:
GAME is pretty bad anyway, over priced garbage. As long as Steam and Amazon stay afloat, I'll be happy.

Why would I pay £40+ for a game that's been out 3 months when it's £20 on the internet new.

Why would I pay £15 second hand for a game that's £17 new on the internet and <£10 second hand on the internet?

Don't taze me bro

New member
Feb 26, 2009
I find it interesting that this article cites Australia as being a part of the reason Game is in trouble. I was speaking with a Store Manage of an Australian Game store recently, and I was asking how the trouble in the UK was affecting them. His reply was that it wasn't and it wouldn't. He said Game Australia had been independent from Game UK chain for about a year.

Not sure who to believe on this though.


New member
May 9, 2009
I talked to one of the senior staff members in my local store the UK arm is apparently of interest to Asda (Walmart) and Capita who may purchase that part of the Business and Gamestop want to buy the Iberian (Spain/Portugal) branches of the group. Whether this happens before Monday is still up for debate.

But it will be sad to see them go.

Captcha: Love is blind


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
Fuck. Best go in this weekend to spend my points and buy all the 98p games.

Another serious note: I feel so bad for everyone who works at GAME/station, like I've said before it's not nice to lose your job, espesially in this climate, through no fault of your own. I do hope something happens and it re-opens (or something similar)

Also, GAME apparently want to go into voluntary administration and resurrect without Gamestation... what a kick in the balls for Gamestation after being brought out by them.


No Comment Necessary.
Sep 19, 2009
Eh... I mainly used GAME when I was desperate and couldn't find it anywhere else. Found that their prices were pretty high-strung and the employees have never really been that helpful. Even doing a quick comparison:
The Darkness in GAME (used): £12.00
The Darkness in another place in town (used): £4.99
So yeah.
None-the-less sad to see them in this situation. Hope it works out because I know a lot of people shop there.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
They need to be smarter. In Meadowhall near where I live there are 2 seperate GAME Stores, one on the ground floor and one directly above it. They're seperate stores that jsut happen to sit like that out of coincidence. When you consider that the only thing that differs between these two branches are the particular used games each one happens to have in stock you have to ask what the point of it is?

I do hope it doesn't shut down though, I've bought so much junk from there over the last 15 or years and my GAME reward card is the oldest thing in my wallet.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
This is what happens when you oversaturate. There's about 3 GAME stores in every town. Still, it'll be sad to see it close. Does this also mean the end for Gamestation?


New member
Aug 22, 2010
rembrandtqeinstein said:
meh all specialty retail is useless in the internet age

no need for the "expertise" since we have infinite reviews, no need for the community since we have forums and chatrooms, no need for the selection since we have amazon and steam

not that it is anything like gamespot but this PE comic pretty much shows why retail chain specialty gaming shops are dying and good riddance

[image src=""]
Has there been a fucking vacum of Customer Service Training in the U.S. or something? The manager of the Game I visit the most is a roaring Scotsman and the happiest bloke I know and the staff are always amiable to having a chat about the latest news and never, ever seem to pull any bullshit about pressure for pre-orders.

Jesus if anyone in Game in Aus treated a customer like that, aformentioned Scotsman would tear strips of their hide right then and there.


New member
May 25, 2010
My local game here was pretty good to behonest. The staff were nice and they knew what there were talking about and the prices tended to be a bit cheaper than the gamestop 3 stores down. Been going there for over 10 years so will be a shame as i always prefered buy boxed games to getting them digital.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
To all those saying this is in any way a good thing just remember that this make the gaming retail industry smaller, distributing power over games into a smaller number of companies potentially laying the way for oligopolies (look it up) and definitely reducing competition. This is not healthy for gaming. If you think they did something wrong with used games then you are wrong because they were simply a medium for trade between gamers when gamers had every right to trade. Specific DLC is wrong and im not saying they are perfect but im just saying that GAME affected gaming and in turn you for the better, for the most part, even if you didnt buy from them. Also it is worth thinking about all the thousands of people going to lose their jobs now. Those arent even the low end jobs in the stores but I mean managers of stores, people in customer support, shipping ect they are all going to lose either business or jobs because of this and, while never desirable, is worse now more than ever considering the state of the economy. PC gamers spare a thought for your console comrads who cant simply log onto steam to download a game and will now have a tougher time playing games because this could lead to Gamestation and other retailers going down as well because they are all part of the same group.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
bahumat42 said:
Ilikemilkshake said:
CardinalPiggles said:
GAME is pretty bad anyway, over priced garbage. As long as Steam and Amazon stay afloat, I'll be happy.
I've never understood this argument. I'm not saying GAME is cheap but Steam is almost always more expensive for both new and old games. Apart from sales that is which doesn't really count.

Anyway I hope this means independent stores stand more of a chance, and new more competitive chains opens up.. that's really the only good thing i can see coming from this closure.
that may be true (hint its probably not but for argument lets agree that it is) but even if it were true, it never had enough stock, the maximum number of goodd pc titles in that store at any time was a couple of shelfs worth. Compare that to LITERALLY hundreds of titles that are available online (hell indie titles are only available that way).

Game burned its pc bridges a long time ago, you will be hard pressed to find pc gamers who care about its demise.
Well they dont stock pc anymore specifically because they cannot realistically compete with digital distribution. PC gamers severed those ties because they bought at other places giving game no reason to stock pc titles. It is definetely the new way for selling games but its not right to just shrug and say you dont care. Thousands of jobs will go and the retail market is narrower now. There is less competition and this will negatively affect gaming.


New member
May 2, 2011
If they wanted to stay in business perhaps they shouldn't have ran a practice of ripping their customers off...

Just saying, if you keep doing what you want eventually it will bite you back in the ass


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Gordon_4 said:
Has there been a fucking vacum of Customer Service Training in the U.S. or something? The manager of the Game I visit the most is a roaring Scotsman and the happiest bloke I know and the staff are always amiable to having a chat about the latest news and never, ever seem to pull any bullshit about pressure for pre-orders.

Jesus if anyone in Game in Aus treated a customer like that, aformentioned Scotsman would tear strips of their hide right then and there.
Its worse than that, the employees are trained to do it. And they are bullied by their manager into pimping disc scratch warranties and other useless pure profit crap. Gamestop is the retail equivalent of a tick, sucking the profit out of the game industry and providing no useful service in return.

My personal anecdote is that one time I wanted to buy a game released a month before. The register monkey made me say I wanted a new copy 3 times being more obnoxious each time and closing with the condescending "don't you like saving money?"

I haven't set foot in a retail game store since. Its all amazon, steam, or occasionally the local PC parts store.