GAME Closure Looms on Monday


Flamboyant Homosexual
Apr 11, 2009
Oh sure, blame Australia you lazy twats....

The big wigs of GAME should have noticed this sooner, not from other countries but as a whole. besides, if it's OUR fault, why are our GAME stores still going well?
(excusing Prices, all retail copy of games in AUS are over-priced in general.)

SO, assuming GAME closes here too.... I might swoop in and buy a PS Vita for Cheap :3
(assuming they don't send the stock back)


New member
Jun 7, 2010
bahumat42 said:
Ilikemilkshake said:
CardinalPiggles said:
GAME is pretty bad anyway, over priced garbage. As long as Steam and Amazon stay afloat, I'll be happy.
I've never understood this argument. I'm not saying GAME is cheap but Steam is almost always more expensive for both new and old games. Apart from sales that is which doesn't really count.

Anyway I hope this means independent stores stand more of a chance, and new more competitive chains opens up.. that's really the only good thing i can see coming from this closure.
that may be true (hint its probably not but for argument lets agree that it is) but even if it were true, it never had enough stock, the maximum number of goodd pc titles in that store at any time was a couple of shelfs worth. Compare that to LITERALLY hundreds of titles that are available online (hell indie titles are only available that way).

Game burned its pc bridges a long time ago, you will be hard pressed to find pc gamers who care about its demise.
I'm not saying Game is some kind of wonder store that stocked every title... It would be quite impossible to do so. However my local Game store at least, was the best place to buy physical copies of PC games, usually reasonably priced, at least £5 cheaper for most titles compared with steam.

If you're trying to say Game suck because they don't have as much as the INTERNET then i think you're being... *warning: buzzword incoming* ENTITLEDDDDD!
Kidding obviously but that's not specific to Game.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
meh all specialty retail is useless in the internet age

no need for the "expertise" since we have infinite reviews, no need for the community since we have forums and chatrooms, no need for the selection since we have amazon and steam

not that it is anything like gamespot but this PE comic pretty much shows why retail chain specialty gaming shops are dying and good riddance

[image src=""]


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I find funny and somewhat ironic how someone at Game said today that they are doing okay, despite the immanent closure, and all this crap looming over them.

Being optimistic about the situation is great and all, but that sure as hell won't save your jobs.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
bahumat42 said:
Ilikemilkshake said:
bahumat42 said:
Ilikemilkshake said:
CardinalPiggles said:
GAME is pretty bad anyway, over priced garbage. As long as Steam and Amazon stay afloat, I'll be happy.
I've never understood this argument. I'm not saying GAME is cheap but Steam is almost always more expensive for both new and old games. Apart from sales that is which doesn't really count.

Anyway I hope this means independent stores stand more of a chance, and new more competitive chains opens up.. that's really the only good thing i can see coming from this closure.
that may be true (hint its probably not but for argument lets agree that it is) but even if it were true, it never had enough stock, the maximum number of goodd pc titles in that store at any time was a couple of shelfs worth. Compare that to LITERALLY hundreds of titles that are available online (hell indie titles are only available that way).

Game burned its pc bridges a long time ago, you will be hard pressed to find pc gamers who care about its demise.
I'm not saying Game is some kind of wonder store that stocked every title... It would be quite impossible to do so. However my local Game store at least, was the best place to buy physical copies of PC games, usually reasonably priced, at least £5 cheaper for most titles compared with steam.

If you're trying to say Game suck because they don't have as much as the INTERNET then i think you're being... *warning: buzzword incoming* ENTITLEDDDDD!
Kidding obviously but that's not specific to Game.
The trade off of a couple pounds difference (if you pre order titles you like anyway) is worth paying to be able to re-download your title at any point and having access to what you want without needing to go to a store (and pay however much travel expenses). Something a hard copy can't do once you lose it. (not to mention som of the draconian install limits (these still occur on d2d, but less often and less draconianly.)

I understand why people shopped at the stores, but i have only ever used them to kill time for the last 3 or so years just because more convenient options were always available.

If i want to play a game on release day now, i preorder and its installed by the day it comes out and i get to play.

As opposed to needing to go to town to get it, get home and install it (and patch it, increasingly the whole thing is downloadable anyway) and then play it.

Path of least resistance and all that.

And in reality if game does demise it opens up the uk market for some actual retail competition in that area, which it hasn't had in years. Competition is always good for us.

(and i don't hate game either, just their brick and mortar i dont buy from, i paid like 24 quid for a new bf3 off of them on release, as opposed to origins 45 quid pricing lol, and i got to play it before its official release ^^)
I agree with all of that, infact apart from pre-ordering physical copies of certain things (like ME3 collectors edition) i buy most of my games from Steam. My point wasn't that Game is inherently better or whatever.. It's that i don't get why people complain about the pricing, when as far as i can tell Steam is always more expensive bar the sales.


New member
May 1, 2008
It is sad to have that many people join the already high numbers of unemployment in the UK, and it will in the end be the staff that suffer, not the executives or other high level management who are to blame for the mis-steps and blunders that caused them to be in this situation.

As of monday there are gonna be 3 empty shops in portsmouth and thats sad, especially since the only other real place in that area is CEX.

I imagine the stores will be back but in some changed form as a wise man once said:

"Everything returns later in its changed form" cookie for the quote :p


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
NO! Hold on just 3 more weeks!

I still have vouchers to spend there!


Zombie Steve Irwin
Feb 22, 2009
I'll miss Game, if only for window shopping. I still have CEX for trade ins and cheap pre-owns and I still have HMV so I can still complain about games being overpriced and not buy them. So really I'm not losing out at all.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
GAME was always good for some preowned deals or those "3 games for $30" deals. It's a shame they have to close down.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
I wonder if the answer is actually have the publishers get together, buy up GAME, and do profit sharing on used games.

Crazy Zaul

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Yey, I can throw out my 4 Game and Gamestataion cards and finally get some much needed space in my wallet. It currently has about 18 cards in about 8 slots.

Bummer for the ~19500 staff, but at least they can go work at some other game retai..... oh....


New member
Mar 21, 2012
vxicepickxv said:
I wonder if the answer is actually have the publishers get together, buy up GAME, and do profit sharing on used games.
I've been lurking on The Escapist for a few years now, but thought I'd finally create an account so I could congratulate you on your ridiculously simple, brilliant idea.

It's far too smart and they'll never do it of course, but still.


New member
Oct 18, 2004
You know it's not really surprising that GAME's done poorly in Aus, one opened up at the local shopping centre (mall) a few years ago, competition was already bad for it since there was already an Electronics Boutique (Gamestop) and a Game Traders (Local chain).

I went and checked them out a few times, but their range, prices and shipping dates for new releases was less then impressive (JB Hi-Fi got stuff in earlier then they did.

In fact EB still had a much better selection then them and I stopped shopping with them ages ago in favour of the local Game Traders. It's bad for the employees, but if your company can't or won't provide something better then your competition then honestly you don't deserve to keep doing business.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Huh I wonder why no publisher wants to acquire the retailer so they can make a retail outlet that follows the rules they wish to push (No used games, etc.) Oh, cause then they couldn't live denial about how used trades help stimulate new game sales.


New member
Jan 25, 2012
its a shame about the job losses especially in the current economic climate, however can game not just continue as an online retailer when (if) it closes the high street stores?