1) Baldur's Gate (series)
- Never played,so no opinion
2) Diablo (series)
- Want to play, but still no opinion
3) Monkey Island (series)
- Ditto
4) Shadow of the Colossus
- Just bought, still playing, pretty good, but kind of awkward
5) Mass Effect (series)
- Never played, and don't really have an interest in playing
6) Batman: Arkham Asylum
- I loved it, but I'm surprised it made the list still
7) StarCraft
- It's an RTS and I don't have the patience
8) The Legend of Zelda
- It's Zelda and I don't have the patience
9) EverQuest
- I forget what this one is, but I thought I heard bad stuff about it
10) Devil May Cry
- Just bought, still playing, it's interesting
11) Tomb Raider (series)
- No interest in playing
12) BioShock
- Just bought, haven't started just yet
13) Metal Gear Solid
- Still playing, fucking hard as hell... but satisfying
14) World of Warcraft
- I have no intention of ever getting suckered into these shenanigans
15) Deus Ex
- Have it, it's certainly unique, but I wouldn't say it's in my top 20
16) Super Mario (series)
- Um... I'm more of a Sonic guy. Nothing against Mario, but he was more fun back in the 2D games. (ironically)
17) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
- I won't argue against the first MW game, but I'm glad the series didn't get up on this list
18) Silent Hill
- 1 but not 2?
19) Assassin's Creed
- Want to play, no opinion
20) Dead Space
- seen a friend play... I think Yahtzee was pretty much on the ball on this one.
Wow... I need to play more games. Damn school and work.
EDIT: No Valve games? I know they aren't the worlds best games ever, but Half-Life or Portal should have at least made it betweeen 15-20 (personally, probably in my top ten).