Game of Thrones Final Season Discussion Thread. (SPOILERS ABOUND, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Gethsemani said:
Abomination said:
The most "interesting" economic sub-plot was when Bronn just outright martial law'd all the suspected criminals in King's Landing before the battle of Blackwater. Doesn't the kingdom still owe a ridiculous amount of money to the Iron Bank now? Whoever wins the throne probably inherits those debts also.
Yup and supposedly there's still a massive winter coming, only a large part of the population are dead and of the surviving a majority do not have the food stores necessary to survive a multi-year winter. That's on top of the ravaged infrastructure, destroyed agricultural and manufacturing base and general desolation the seven kingdoms has suffered in the last 8 years of GoTs run time. We are obviously not supposed to think about the Iron Bank or Winter, because neither gets a mention past S8E2 and thinking about details is not the D&D way.
Its never really mentioned or perhaps suggested, so maybe I am just pulling it out of my ass, but fantasy is fantasy, what if the long winters are a product of the Night King existing? With him destroyed, maybe Winter is supposed to no longer be a years long thing.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
McElroy said:
Chimpzy said:
Jon stopped by the local Starbucks for a cup of coffee.
Not only that but he had to look for the one that wasn't burnt down.
Hey, if Starbucks Winterfell survived an army of the dead, then perhaps so could the Kings Landing outlets?


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Saelune said:
Its never really mentioned or perhaps suggested, so maybe I am just pulling it out of my ass, but fantasy is fantasy, what if the long winters are a product of the Night King existing? With him destroyed, maybe Winter is supposed to no longer be a years long thing.
Maybe so, and if I was in a more forgiving mood I'd use that as my head canon. But it would at least behoove the actual writers of the show to provide or mention that Deus Ex Machina within the show if such was the case, instead of leaving the winter (which has been built up as dangerous for nearly as long as the NK) without any further mention past S8E2. It even makes some semblance of sense, so the only explanation for why someone didn't drop a line like "it is getting warmer now, innit?" is that the writers either didn't care or didn't remember what they did earlier in the season script.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Gethsemani said:
Saelune said:
Its never really mentioned or perhaps suggested, so maybe I am just pulling it out of my ass, but fantasy is fantasy, what if the long winters are a product of the Night King existing? With him destroyed, maybe Winter is supposed to no longer be a years long thing.
Maybe so, and if I was in a more forgiving mood I'd use that as my head canon. But it would at least behoove the actual writers of the show to provide or mention that Deus Ex Machina within the show if such was the case, instead of leaving the winter (which has been built up as dangerous for nearly as long as the NK) without any further mention past S8E2. It even makes some semblance of sense, so the only explanation for why someone didn't drop a line like "it is getting warmer now, innit?" is that the writers either didn't care or didn't remember what they did earlier in the season script.
If that's the case, why was there snow in King's Landing during the final episode if winter was... not happening?
Oct 22, 2011
Chimpzy said:
Ok, stop (hammer time). Here's something to ponder. We all know who becomes king in the end. Now think back. How did the very first episode of season 1 end?

Jaime has the best Kingslayer game of all time. All the other Kingslayers in the show are scrubs.
If anything, that cements Jaime as the worst Kingslayer in Seven Kingdoms. He only managed to kill his first king, by backstabbing him like a coward(afaik), he couldn't succesfully kill the current king when he was only a little boy, and he died trying to save the last de iure king. Really poor record at kingslaying, if you ask me.

Abomination said:
If that's the case, why was there snow in King's Landing during the final episode if winter was... not happening?
Supposed to be ash. (...i know.)


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Abomination said:
If that's the case, why was there snow in King's Landing during the final episode if winter was... not happening?
The city got burned to all hell, so I'm prtty sure it's supposed to be ash. There have been cases of ash 'snow' falling after forest fires and other large blazes, so it's plausible.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
MrCalavera said:
Chimpzy said:
Ok, stop (hammer time). Here's something to ponder. We all know who becomes king in the end. Now think back. How did the very first episode of season 1 end?

Jaime has the best Kingslayer game of all time. All the other Kingslayers in the show are scrubs.
If anything, that cements Jaime as the worst Kingslayer in Seven Kingdoms. He only managed to kill his first king, by backstabbing him like a coward(afaik), he couldn't succesfully kill the current king when he was only a little boy, and he died trying to save the last de iure king. Really poor record at kingslaying, if you ask me.
Still, one successful kill of an actual King of the Seven Kingdoms and one failed attempt of a future one is a better tally than any other character.

Unless you also count kings other than the one polishing the Iron Throne with his/her ass. In which case, Jon wins for Mance Rayder & Danaerys.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Chimpzy said:
Unless you also count kings other than the one polishing the Iron Throne with his/her ass. In which case, Jon wins for Mance Rayder & Danaerys.
Counting Mance for Jon's tally is rewarding killstealing.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Gethsemani said:
Saelune said:
Its never really mentioned or perhaps suggested, so maybe I am just pulling it out of my ass, but fantasy is fantasy, what if the long winters are a product of the Night King existing? With him destroyed, maybe Winter is supposed to no longer be a years long thing.
Maybe so, and if I was in a more forgiving mood I'd use that as my head canon. But it would at least behoove the actual writers of the show to provide or mention that Deus Ex Machina within the show if such was the case, instead of leaving the winter (which has been built up as dangerous for nearly as long as the NK) without any further mention past S8E2. It even makes some semblance of sense, so the only explanation for why someone didn't drop a line like "it is getting warmer now, innit?" is that the writers either didn't care or didn't remember what they did earlier in the season script.
Maybe Martin never told them?

I know we want to all bash on the show and pretend GRRM isn't at fault at all.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Abomination said:
If that's the case, why was there snow in King's Landing during the final episode if winter was... not happening?
Because they needed to get that sweet Season 2 reference of Dany's vision, of which the Iron Throne with snow on it is an almost 1:1 recreation. I'm on your side here though, it doesn't make a lick of sense and it is obvious the showrunners didn't bother to think about the winter at all.

Chimpzy said:
The city got burned to all hell, so I'm prtty sure it's supposed to be ash. There have been cases of ash 'snow' falling after forest fires and other large blazes, so it's plausible.
It is definitely meant to be snow, it is seen very clearly in the throne room/iron throne scene when Dany touches the thin layer on the throne itself. What she touches is crisp and reflective and not dull and thick. So unless the props department sucks (and they don't), we are meant to believe that it is winter coming to King's Landing. And magically disappearing in the time it takes for Tyrion to be brought to trial, at which point you got blooming deciduous trees in the background.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Gethsemani said:
It is definitely meant to be snow, it is seen very clearly in the throne room/iron throne scene when Dany touches the thin layer on the throne itself. What she touches is crisp and reflective and not dull and thick. So unless the props department sucks (and they don't), we are meant to believe that it is winter coming to King's Landing. And magically disappearing in the time it takes for Tyrion to be brought to trial, at which point you got blooming deciduous trees in the background.
You, sir, are correct. Upon second viewing, it is snow. Sounds like it when stepped on too.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Saelune said:
Maybe Martin never told them?

I know we want to all bash on the show and pretend GRRM isn't at fault at all.
Because right now we have a completed show, which most people agree is somewhat lacking on the execution leading up to the end, probably due to the writers/showrunners(who are also writing the show) not being terribly good at the whole writing thing. OTOH, Martin has 2 full books that we know little about other then a few chapters that he's released and that apparently Martin gave the showrunners the Major plot points to work from.

Until the books come out, there's ample room to speculate whatever he's written will be a hell of a lot better then where the show ended up. And while he's supposdly going to keep to the same plot points he came them, the books and show already have some notable differences and there's nothing holding him to keeping the remaining plot points intact, other then himself. Hell, there's nothing stopping him from rewriting those chapters he's already released to the public if he desires. All we know is there are two books left to go and they will probably look something like what we've seen on the show.

Now, if the books end up making the same mistakes as the show when we do see them, we can and will blame RR too.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Dalisclock said:
Until the books come out, there's ample room to speculate whatever he's written will be a hell of a lot better then where the show ended up.
There are some pretty major differences even by the point the series passes the books. The show clearly decided to dispense with a lot of somewhat significant characters (The Blackfish, Mance Rayder, Ser Barristan Selmy); others like Rickon Stark, Stannis Baratheon and family look to be facing rather different arcs. Several characters with a major part to play are not even in the TV show: Wyman Manderley for instance has a major part to play in the North in the books.

As I recall the last book published ends with Stannis' army in big trouble (caught in a devastating storm) with a Bolton army on its way in much better shape, like the TV series. However, Stannis doesn't have Melisandre or his family with him to sacrifice anyone. The army Bolton sends against him is Manderley and the Freys; as Manderley is fiercely loyal to the Starks (so resents the Freys and secretly opposes the Boltons), there's every chance that battle will end with Manderley switching sides and helping Stannis slaughter the Freys.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
I just want to conclude by saying this.

I fucking called it. I called it back in Season 3/4 that this series would end on a very disappointing and bad end on the level of Mass Effect 3 ending and have Last Jedi level of controversy on the internet.

And I have been saying that this show declined in quality hard from Season 4 after the Red Wedding.

George-y boy, your final 2 books can't come soon enough.