The thing I love most about JC2 is the stunt jumps and hooking chasing cars to various things, causing them to slingshot off the road and such. Oh and hooking a cop to a following cop car, making his buddies drag-kill him
The story/cinematics were shit aye, not that the game is about them, but still. The biggest problem I had were the cops. I hate that system. I'd love the old GTA style system where they chase you relentlessly and don't stop until you get to a safe point or sth. Would just love to have a pile of cars chasing me so I can slingshot them and such for longer than half a minute, somehow I end up losing all the cops that are after me way too fast
You know that one of the first missions where you save the guy's ass by him driving the car and you taking care of bad guys from the rooftop? Seriously, game needs a LOT more of that, that was by far the funnest part for me, hated it being impossible to find someone to just drive me around competently.