Gamers Find Way to Block Ads From New Xbox Dashboard


New member
Oct 4, 2007
dmase said:
Crono1973 said:
Truth is they will make the money because they can so by excluding the ad your just hurting yourself. Unless you have a unifying protest message against corporate greed that will gather the masses behind your cause.
Only...your not hurting yourself. Your un-cluttering your dashboard.
Sep 8, 2010
hazabaza1 said:
Jesus, it was a joke.
Considering all the people that have quoted I think I need to go update the post.
It was so on-the-nose as to be indistinguishable from a real idiot. Unfortunately, you -can- be too clever.


New member
Oct 6, 2010
RonHiler said:
Hmmm, we pay for TV too, yet we still have to put up with commercials. Something about that smells wrong...
Actualy TV is free. You are just paying your share to a cable company so that company can pay for access to the chanels they offer, and technical support/maintainence. Its just like a lot of people getting together to buy somthing eles expinsive.

For TV to work it needs to be brodcast or cable, otherwise it would be a lot like buying direct to DVD films.

TV adds supplemnt the cost of and allow for additional offerings from the cable company.

Its all much more compicated than Iv listed here but no one wants to read all the ins and outs.

As to the artical, I dont see any real hypocracy. XBL is a paid service, thats its business modle. Free websites use adds for money, thats their business modle. Banning people for addblocking seems heavy handed sure, I dont think I agree with that, but its how The Escapist makes its money.

I get the concept, if your trying to watch vids on the Escapist and your not paying your share by looking at adds, then its somewhat similar to watching a movie in the theater without paying.... so you get kicked out for both.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
dfphetteplace said:
Crono1973 said:
dfphetteplace said:
Sober Thal said:
dfphetteplace said:
Sober Thal said:
As previously mentioned... wtf?

Adblocking is okay, as long as it isn't talked about by (Escapist) members?

Beware the banhammer Mike.

EDIT: I love the 'Microsoft already has enough money' argument. Stay classy internet.
If I'm paying for something, then I shouldn't be advertised at. When I download a free game on my phone, it will have ads. Okay I get. But if I pay for something, then I don't need to see the ads. Give me the service for free, then I will see that it is okay. I can't wait to get home and block this through my router.
Considering there's only one ad on my 360 dashboard that isn't for offered content, I think people people are really overreacting. Funny thing too, the ad is for a movie that will be available on the 360 later (and there will probably have a video game for it too)... lolz.

EDIT: If the ads were for, I don't know, buying a certain car, or drinking certain soda, I could understand. But they aren't.
I can see your point with that. I haven't updated my 360 yet, so the way the OP put it, there were ads everywhere. While I may still block it, since I just don't like to see adverts everywhere, I do think there may have been an over reaction.
When you say over-reaction, what do you mean? That too many people are complaining about the ads? Some other definition?
The way that they made it seems was that you were completely inundated with ads. While I don't like any ads, that may not really be the case.
The amount of ads that people consider too many is different from person to person. In my opinion, one ad is too many considering I paid for the hardware, the internet connection and the Live service.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Crono1973 said:
dfphetteplace said:
Crono1973 said:
dfphetteplace said:
Sober Thal said:
dfphetteplace said:
Sober Thal said:
As previously mentioned... wtf?

Adblocking is okay, as long as it isn't talked about by (Escapist) members?

Beware the banhammer Mike.

EDIT: I love the 'Microsoft already has enough money' argument. Stay classy internet.
If I'm paying for something, then I shouldn't be advertised at. When I download a free game on my phone, it will have ads. Okay I get. But if I pay for something, then I don't need to see the ads. Give me the service for free, then I will see that it is okay. I can't wait to get home and block this through my router.
Considering there's only one ad on my 360 dashboard that isn't for offered content, I think people people are really overreacting. Funny thing too, the ad is for a movie that will be available on the 360 later (and there will probably have a video game for it too)... lolz.

EDIT: If the ads were for, I don't know, buying a certain car, or drinking certain soda, I could understand. But they aren't.
I can see your point with that. I haven't updated my 360 yet, so the way the OP put it, there were ads everywhere. While I may still block it, since I just don't like to see adverts everywhere, I do think there may have been an over reaction.
When you say over-reaction, what do you mean? That too many people are complaining about the ads? Some other definition?
The way that they made it seems was that you were completely inundated with ads. While I don't like any ads, that may not really be the case.
The amount of ads that people consider too many is different from person to person. In my opinion, one ad is too many considering I paid for the hardware, the internet connection and the Live service.
And I do not disagree with you on that point, good sir. Like I had stated, I will block that address through my router, since I do pay for the content I want, and I think that by paying, I'm also paying to not see content I do not wish to see. Also, I just like doing stuff like that because I can. I'm a modder at heart.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
How do these people justify spamming you with ads when you already pay for the fuckin' LIVE service? I would be pissed!

Darth Sea Bass

New member
Mar 3, 2009
This has done nothing to fix my main complaint with the new dash the main pane in the home tab should be the game in the drive not an ad for sky or love film or whatever the other ones are.



New member
Sep 4, 2009

1. this article on this website is the height of hypocrisy which I think is hilarious
2. some money has to come in to keep the lights on, whether it is at Microsoft or this website. The author thinks MS is making enough money so its ok to block their ads. Why does he get to make that judgement?


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Kalezian said:
Crono1973 said:
Kalezian said:
RonHiler said:
Hmmm, we pay for TV too, yet we still have to put up with commercials. Something about that smells wrong...

the commercials are going to the shows you are watching, or the channels that you watch the shows on.

You are paying for access to watch TV, sure, but that money never goes directly to the channels.
Oh please. Given enough time people can justify getting double charged for anything but that doesn't make it right.

Say you pay a taxi driver $20 to drive you across town and then you are forced to watch ads to pay for the gas. When you ask why you are told. The $20 is the drivers labor fee and wear and tear on the car, the gas is separate and ads pay for that.

same thing with the Internet when you think about it.

You pay your ISP for access to it, yet there are several services that you can pay for once you get on the Internet.

hell, put it this way, nearly 10 million people are paying for Internet right now, the same are also paying to play WoW.

Double charging isn't anything new, and it isnt going away anytime soon.
You pay your ISP for internet access. You pay for various services to get those services. No one is getting paid twice and the two are not connected.

WOW is double charging but not in the way you describe it. WOW charges you for the software and then again for a monthly fee. Blizzard is getting paid twice for the same game. These charges are connected as WOW cannot be played without the subscription fee. I won't do that either just like I won't pay a cable bill to have ads thrown at me or the Live service to have ads thrown at me. If I paid for an escapist subscription and they started throwing ads at me, I'd block those too and not renew my subscription.

You know ONE (not the only) reason why everyone is in credit card debt? All the ads being thrown at them every waking hour. I have no credit card debt and I also avoid ads but I do understand the correlation.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
rembrandtqeinstein said:

1. this article on this website is the height of hypocrisy which I think is hilarious
2. some money has to come in to keep the lights on, whether it is at Microsoft or this website. The author thinks MS is making enough money so its ok to block their ads. Why does he get to make that judgement?
He doesn't. If you apply the ad blocking techniques then YOU are making that judgement. Out of curiosity, do YOU think Microsoft needs the ad revenue from to keep the lights on?


New member
Dec 9, 2011
By "a dedicated group of network tweakers", I think you actually mean "one guy who hates paying to be advertised to and spent two minutes playing around with wireshark".


New member
Jul 5, 2009
i haven't yet used the marketplace since the update(been going striaght into games), are these ads in your face or are they ads like at the side of a website (like here for example)?


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Sober Thal said:
I love the 'Microsoft already has enough money' argument. Stay classy internet.
The commercials should only show up after renewing your subscription.

People paid 14.99 for a commercial free subscription service, not a bunch of commercially driven drivel.

NOW I don't even use xbox live so this doesn't impact me, I just think they handled it wrong.

PSN is free and uses ads, I'm 100% cool with that. Most of their ads are for the PSN games anywho.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Sober Thal said:
theultimateend said:
Sober Thal said:
I love the 'Microsoft already has enough money' argument. Stay classy internet.
The commercials should only show up after renewing your subscription.

People paid 14.99 for a commercial free subscription service, not a bunch of commercially driven drivel.

NOW I don't even use xbox live so this doesn't impact me, I just think they handled it wrong.

PSN is free and uses ads, I'm 100% cool with that. Most of their ads are for the PSN games anywho.
But the thing is, these 'ads' are for the content you own the XBOX for. They are ads for games you can download, movies from Zune, music ect. Like I said in a later post, they aren't showing ads for a car, a soda, or some insurance company, they are showing ads for their content.
I still think they shouldn't have had them show till people renewed their subscriptions and agreed to a TOS update. But that does seem fairly harmless.

Although recently Dirt 3 kept telling me there was DLC maps for sale and I found that a bit jarring and upsetting. But as long as the ads on Live aren't talking to you I probably wouldn't care.

Did these ads come with better services? Usually folks are more resistant when a company tries to get more money without providing increased quality of service. (I'm genuinely ignorant, I can't justify paying the money since the only games I liked were Viva Pinata 1 and 2...I wish there was a Viva Pinata 3 :( ).


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I heard this wild argument where this guy was saying that XBoxlive is better than steam and PSN, even though you pay to play online and then after paying 60 dollars you're advertized to. That's infuriating.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
With more and more ads going into gaming, I expect cheaper consoles and games in the future.