Gamers OK With CoD DLC Prices, Says Treyarch

The Electro Gypsy

New member
Aug 10, 2010
Of course they say it, it justifies their crazy money making schemes. Although the idiots who actually buy the DLC packs and CoD at all nowadays deserve to have their money stolen by a big soulless corporation


New member
Nov 3, 2009
I'm sorry, I paid $60 for the game. I'm not pay $30 for 10 maps to do the same shit I can do with the maps that came with the game.

I'm quite content with running around in the same place over and over. : P


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Lol ziplines in a combat situation? What is COD trying to be? A B grade action movie?

But adding new mechanics now? It seems to me that considering how some people said that Blops was just a mewtwo palette swap, they should have had these things from the get-go. I doubt people just suddenly decided they wanted more map interactivity, so why not implement earlier?

Vault boy Eddie

New member
Feb 18, 2009
Makes perfect sense. I guess that's why I didn't buy the first one, won't buy the others and will definitely not buy MW3, because CoD has become the new Madden.

noble cookie

New member
Aug 6, 2010
No, we don't like it, we are forced to get used to those damn prices. It's just a lot of the CoD community (and let's face it most of them only play CoD) know nothing else in terms of gaming and are willing to pay those prices to get their drug fix.

You realise CoD map packs are the only ones priced at 1200ms points, right?


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Consider this, maybe it's not that gamers are ok with the price, maybe some of them don't know any better or don't have the same concept of value.

Similar to how the early settlers exploited the natives, exchanging land for beads or blankets. Not so much that it meant nothing to them and they were ok with it, but they didn't have the same concept or understanding.

If we consider most of people people saying "It should be free like it used to be in the day" as being the old school gamers, then is it possible that the ones ok with paying for the dlc are "newer" gamers and therefore don't have the same experience?

Just a thought, not to bad mouth anyone or call anyone dumb but it's a possibility when you take into consideration that this current generation of games is attracting a lot of new players.

Roan Berg

New member
Jul 17, 2010
>$3 per map
>Some of the maps are lifted from the campaign
Come on . . .
That's not a lot of bang, if you ask me.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Yeah not bad at all. You see when me and my friends chip in to buy DLC off PSN we just pass it around to whoever wants it from that point on. Be fair and share you ware.


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
Since when? Just because people buy the overpriced DLC doesn't mean they like the price. They have to deal with it due to a company that likes money are un-negotionable over the price.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
its not worth it at all. new maps is a generic addition to content and I wont ever pay for new maps


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Is it just me or have industry "veterans" started to redefine the meaning of the word asshole? First they claim new developers won't get to develop AAA games, then another one claims his audience doesn't get "his" game, then we've got Bioware claiming Dragon Age 2's format worked(it's on their forums) and now this bullshit? How far up your own ass do you have to be to turn into such a vapid, soulless piece of shit?


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
I'm not okay with them releasing a broken shitty port for the PC so I will never buy anything from Treyarch again.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
beema said:
I hope Josh Olin gets cancer. That is all.
That's a bit harsh, he's only doing his job.

That said, I think 15 is unreasonable for the DLC, especially when the new game comes out November 8th, and everybody will move on to that one.

Activision: Like clockwork with Call of Duty.


New member
Jan 8, 2011
Well this just sounds like a confession to me. "YES we know our DLC is expensive, heck I wouldn't pay that and I made it. But so long as the idiots keep buying it out then by all means, we're just gonna see how much milk we can get out of good old daisy..."

It's the community that annoy's me the most, "I'M UPSET, BUT I WILL KEEP IT TO MYSELF AND SCREAM AT EVERYONE OVER THE MICROPHONE BECAUSE I CBA TO WRITE A LETTER OF COMPLAINT!!!" If each of them wrote a letter of complaint saying "I didn't buy your map packs because they're insubstantial and overexpensive" then didn't buy it, they could probably see it dropping in price and have them learn a lesson...FIGHT THE POWER PEOPLE!!!

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
What kills me is that I have to pay $15 for ONE map. Multiplayer can rot, but I must have more zombies. I wonder if they'll ever release a game with all the maps in it and nothing else. I'd probably end up buying that.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
viper3 said:
Y'know why people bought them for WAW? Because if you didn't it was freaking impossible to have an uninterrupted play session without being booted for not having a map. Y'know why we pay for it now? The price in Oz is $24 now, our currency is worth more than the US but we still get the price jacked up for DLC, why? Because fuck Australians, that's why, or at least the only reason we're given, I don't care that the American price is reasonable, I want to know why I'm getting taken behind the chemical sheds by their DLC prices, don't get me wrong, I understand the game prices at retail, there is shipping prices and retailers profit margins and profit margins for the developer to think about, but DLC has none of those problems, it's a license to print money but we still have to pay $10 more than the US for ours. /rant
You actually answered your own question my man.
Game pricing in Australia has nothing to do with shipping and retail... It does, however, have plenty to do with profit margins. I was once naive and also thought that our lowly currency overtaking the US dollar meant instant savings for us Australians. Wrong. You know that big digital distribution age people think we're heading into? Well that's fucking scary, not only because we're behind on bandwidth but because, as it stands, despite digital copies costing nothing to reproduce, a game that costs 50 or even the high price of US$60 still costs us AU$90
(Which is still marginally better than the $100-$110 we're slugged for new releases at retail)
The reason for all of this is actually the same as the story behind the article, they do it because they know they can get away with it. I mean why would they lower their prices when this standard has been set for years? It's from an age when the world was a much bigger place, the only excuse for it now is that it doesn't make sense from a business standpoint.

Importing via online outlets, including shipping, is still cheaper than buying from your local store or downloading a digital copy (without resorting to piracy).
In this day we're still stuck in the world of snail mail? Seriously I thought we were a developed country. Video games and Australia have some serious fucking peace to make.