Gamers OK With CoD DLC Prices, Says Treyarch


New member
Mar 3, 2011
No point in arguing with them, they've already proved that the flock of cod sheep will pay £45-50 for the game and £11 for 5 maps. I personally wouldn't and don't but millions of people do.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
It's still overpriced and even my wife (the CoD fan of the house) wont buy them.
I'm sure it does sell well though.
CoD has a lot of fanboys and fanboys are notorious suckers.

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
The quality of a game is subjective. I didn't enjoy my time with TF2, so I would put it WAY under Call of Duty. You obviously enjoy it, therefore you place it on an equal or higher standing.

PS3 versions of multi-platform titles rarely run as smoothly as they do on Xbox 360, as most developers start on the 360 and port from there. This leads to shitty PS3 versions of multi-platform titles which really shouldn't be used to judge the quality of the games themselves, so much as they should be used to judge the developer/publisher's laziness.
Some devs make their games to the same quality as all platforms. Bioshock, Dead Rising 2, Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2, Just Cause 2, Bad Company and Arkham asylum to name a few. I will judge a game's quality on how it arrives to the platform I got. I even bought Bayonetta, which despite have longer loading and inferior graphics, felt so incredible I didn't care. I do think the devs were lazy, but I also think they made a high quality game. With Black Ops, I don't have the same feeling.

That said, I have enjoyed games on some platforms and not others. Oblivion for example, I found dull on PS3 yet awesome on PC. Still, this doesn't exclude Black Ops from it's "Monster Closets" of the campaigns, nor does it excuse it of the big priced DLC.

Calumon: ...Are you guys gonna argue all day?

Warrior Irme

New member
May 30, 2008
Jack and Calumon said:
Battlefield Bad Company 2's Vietnam pack gave 5 maps, new weapons and vehicles in a completely different setting for the same price as Call of Duty's map packs. Call of Duty just gives you 5 new maps and says get on with it.
I seem to recall the Battlefield team making games before the Bad Company series... what was that one that came right after 1942's expansions? I could have sworn they just recycled content from Vietnam. Sure they built the maps again in the new engine, but it's still recycled content. I would much rather have 5 new maps, than the same maps I played years ago. If I want to go play Battlefield Vietnam I'll go install it on my computer again.

I think that the cost of the DLC is fair, and the people that complain about the price either think they are entitled to content, or don't play or put the time into the game to warrant the DLC, at which point it's not the cost of the content it's the amount of time you personally would use it for. Where I am a movie ticket is 12 dollars. That's for 2 hours of enjoyment. Should I go and tell all the people that are happy with the price that they are wasting their money? Is it the movie makers' responsibility that the ticket price is so high? The answer is no it's up to the theater to set it's price. One entity makes the content, another set's the price.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Activision wants to remind you all they're the same fun loving company they've always been.
Now hand over your money.

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
Ironic Pirate said:
Wait, where the hell are you getting new games for the price of a map-pack?
Well, there are some old games you can buy in store that have plummeted in price, but downloadable games is what I'm mainly referring to. Scott Pilgrim vs The World is a fantastic game and I've probably put more hours in that than I have Call of Duty because I just have to get all the trophies.

Then lose my PSN account because of a typo when changing my e-mail address. : (

Calumon: You could even buy Monopoly! :O It takes really long to finish...


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
Jack and Calumon said:
Some people have a serious Call of Duty problem, skipping school or work for it, constantly talking about it, and shunning those who don't find it a good game.
Way to generalise the fuck out of the community.
Saying "some people" doesn't mean you're talking about the community as a whole. Just thought I'd point that out. These people do exist, sadly. I've known of a few people in my times playing COD who have been signed on playing when, by their own admission, they should actually be at work. Still, their choice at the end of the day....


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Consumer gaming zombies. Creating a terrible precedent that stimulates, corrupt monetary incentive in the industry since [incert number here] .I almost forgot that, not only consoles had them.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Well I might mind when I know I'm paying $60 for the base map pack with some shitty story tagged on. Then I gotta pay $40 dollars (total so far) to get the other maps with no extra benefit except differetn shapes with more variety of brown, grey and snow.


New member
Jun 20, 2010
it always annoys me that they charge so much for dlc with games, think about it, $100-$150AUD (game and varying levels of bonus stuff and one that adds something like another $100) for the game on release day, $15 per dlc, of which there's usually 2 or 3, XBL time so you can use dlc... no wonder people get ps2's, you can get the console, several games and a few controllers for that much. i got my ps2 for $80 with 2 controllers and ethernet back piece and any of my fiends games for $5 a piece.

oh, btw, 200 posts :p


New member
Oct 20, 2008
I have bought every single map pack and game since COD4 but I won't be getting this one because will be coming out a week after the map pack and Brink will be my new multiplayer game, atleast hopefully.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
I'm not ok with the outrageous gas prices, but since I still already bought a car I pay it instead of having to resort to walking or taking a bus...


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I have only bought one of these 15$ map packs (back in Mw2), and will never do so again.


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
This better not be a scenario where they say "People don't mind our prices. They're reasonable." And then tommorow "Oh yeah, and the Escalation Pack is $20".


New member
Sep 20, 2009
You all pay for it so in that respect he's 100% correct. It's like the pricing of games in Australia, you can't complain about it if you don't do anything to stop it. At the end of the day the consumers are the ones with the power, it's just that no one seems to realise it. "That's outrageous! However I am a fanboy and can not survive without my CoD DLC so have my money good sir."

I myself never buy games locally because I refuse to pay more than twice the price for the same product as someone else, hell somtimes it ISN'T the same product. Does my single protest make a difference? No, apart from my own wallet of course, but if ALL Australians simply stopped buying locally suddenly publishers would do something about it. Same thing goes for DLC.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
He's right, it is a fair price. In this day and age, the price point for FPS map packs is about $3 per map (unless you play TF2, then it's free because Valve wouldn't do anything to piss off the whiny PC fanboys).

Call of Duty map packs give you 5 maps for $15, Halo map packs give you 3 for $10. The Call of Duty ones are not only a batter deal, but they aren't required to enter ranked playlists like the Halo ones.

Quit bitching, people.
No, basicly the industry is trying to see how much they can rape our wallets, they will keep raising the prices to see with what prices they can get more money/sales ratio.

This 15$ for 5 maps isnt because making maps is expensive, its because that at the price of 15$ they know that people will still buy them. Dont try to defend their greed, its worthless.

Also, if people didnt bought the MW2 DLC's I bet that this DLC and the previous one for COD:BO wouldnt be 15$. The fault is only on the people that bought those DLC's for 15$


New member
Nov 16, 2007
No he doesn't have a point, some of these gamers only ever pay games like gta, sports and shooters, so frankly they don't know any better. Do you see any other companies still charging practically the same price for their games as on launch day? I don't think so.


Partially Awesome at Things
Feb 11, 2009
As a reformed Call of Duty player and someone who has never bought one of these map packs, I can't speak for their value. I want to congratulate Treyarch, though, on taking another bold step toward the development of geomodding technology that's almost as advanced as the original Frostbite engine from 2008. Keep up the mediocre work, guys!

C2Ultima said:
This better not be a scenario where they say "People don't mind our prices. They're reasonable." And then tommorow "Oh yeah, and the Escalation Pack is $20".
Escalation Map Pack. It's right there in the title. My guess, it's supposed to be a gauge of how much people are attached to the idea of buying the packs.