Gamers OK With CoD DLC Prices, Says Treyarch


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
He's right, it is a fair price. In this day and age, the price point for FPS map packs is about $3 per map (unless you play TF2, then it's free because Valve wouldn't do anything to piss off the whiny PC fanboys).

Call of Duty map packs give you 5 maps for $15, Halo map packs give you 3 for $10. The Call of Duty ones are not only a batter deal, but they aren't required to enter ranked playlists like the Halo ones.

Quit bitching, people.
It comes out to each map being the same price as a new Pinball FX2 table and it get's the same if not more use out of it. Nobody bitches about the prices of the tables, but they want to whine about a $3 map. It's just the usual "Valve/PC gives us these for free, Activision sucks because all the care about is money", not realizing that Valve can give away maps because of all the extra cash they get rolling in selling other peoples games on Steam.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
I think the keyword in his statement is CoD "fans". I mean sure there's a lot of fans, and I'd bet they could charge $20 or $25 and those "fans" would buy it. Doesn't mean the price is reasonable...


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Nooo, about 20% of the community like the price, and a good proportion of the remainder go along with buying it because they are fed up they can't play with their friends on the maps they keep playing! Why keep playing the same 4 maps over and over, because THEY PAID $15 for it, they want to get their moneys worth.

Remove the peer-pressure element and I guaranteed these DLC pack sales wouldn't sell a 1/4 as well at this price.


New member
Jul 14, 2008
The hell we are OK with that price.

Luckily is for a POS game, so I have no problem whatsoever if the millions that inexplicably paid for clone of duty 7 also let themselves be ripped off with map pack number 2 at a quarter the price of the full game.

At least Treyarch is not recycling maps. It's sad, but Infinity Ward (or what remains of it) is even worse. Bravo for both developers.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
tzimize said:
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
He's right, it is a fair price. In this day and age, the price point for FPS map packs is about $3 per map (unless you play TF2, then it's free because Valve wouldn't do anything to piss off the whiny PC fanboys).

Call of Duty map packs give you 5 maps for $15, Halo map packs give you 3 for $10. The Call of Duty ones are not only a batter deal, but they aren't required to enter ranked playlists like the Halo ones.

Quit bitching, people.
Whiny PC fanboys? :| I wish you were here when the PC scene was ablaze with mods and developers released the tools to play with their game because they knew it added value, and more people bought the original game. If we whine its only because things could be SO much better...

Goddamit. Gamers nowadays are such fucking sheep :| While I dont have a problem with anyone selling a ridiculously overpriced map pack, I do have a problem with it when they do that and in addition dont release modding tools and let the community play around and make their own stuff.

I remember Half-Life days, mods galore and models/skins all over the place. All fan made, all free. Hell, I even remember custom stuff for Doom 1 for that matter. Todays gaming scene makes me sad.

I've never bought DLC, and I never EVER will.
As a side note they are releasing a black ops modding kit for PC,
They'll probably charge for it though


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
unless you play TF2, then it's free because Valve wouldn't do anything to piss off the whiny PC fanboys
I'll take that as a compliment, it's way better than what we PC gamers call console gamers:


[small](I'll never get why people get so defensive about paying MORE money for LESS content of lower or equal quality)[/small]

XT inc

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2009
I think in general people are willing to pay a little bit more than what they think is fair to get something they think they want, even if they are getting ripped for some cash.

People may be thinking ehhh this is only worth maybe 5 or 10 and that's still to much for some maps, but all my friends are doing it and I can ***** about it the whole time.

Besides I feel some people who don't own steam and aren't into pc games get taken for a ride by the consoles. compare what the idea of a sale is to xbox and steam. Take the potato sack you get $154.87 worth of games for like 38 bucks, and they introduced a highly entertaining side promotion within these games. Consoles might get to pay what 100 bucks 125 and get told its a steal and to buy up, we're getting hosed.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Children with access to their parents money are completely happy to pay $15, they don't understand the value of money. So many parents dont give a fuck about their kids and let Xbox or Wii babysit their spawn.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
gamers don't have a choice, there's nothing about this that is "fair" when you don't even have the option to pay less for it. less you want to play this multiplayer game where every time a server swaps to a map you don't have, you get booted from the game <.<


New member
Dec 8, 2009
The only people really complaining about teh price are those who don't even play CoD anyway, the people who would maybe download the DLC if it was free and then play it once before never touching it again. The people who still play CoD and would get use out of the maps are fine with the price. Sure they wouldn;t complain if the prices were lower, but to them the value is there. That's all he's saying.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
the thing that annoys me the most about the map pack cost is that ea likes to copy activision (damn you 60 pc games) so Im worried they might do this with battlefield 3 when it comes out, make over priced map packs


New member
May 18, 2010
Why I chose DLC over an equally priced new copy of Bioshock I will never know. I don't like any of the new maps, especialy stadium, spawn kills everywhere. If I can get a good game for the price of overpriced DLC on a bad game then somethings wrong with Activision's business model, however obvious a fact that is.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
StriderShinryu said:
The only people really complaining about teh price are those who don't even play CoD anyway, the people who would maybe download the DLC if it was free and then play it once before never touching it again. The people who still play CoD and would get use out of the maps are fine with the price. Sure they wouldn;t complain if the prices were lower, but to them the value is there. That's all he's saying.
And what the critics are saying is that these maps are over-priced compared to the effort it takes to make them. They could sell the map packs for $5 and still make huge profits. They could release the map packs for free and make significant profit based on the positive community reaction and higher front-end sales on the next CoD (because hey, they support their games and make sure people get lasting enjoyment out of them; that's what games of the past relied on and it worked). Instead, Activision seems intent on making as much money as possible out of their players. Of course, that's 100% perfect business sense, but it leaves the community feeling like a squeezed sponge. No one can really fault Activision for having good (short-term at least) business sense, but they're obviously not out to make friends or good-will amongst the player-base.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
kman123 said:
Fanboys will get their maps.

Seriously, it's not because of the QUALITY of the new content.

It's because there are REAL addicts of this game. I'm talking hardcore shit.

Me? 15 bucks could get me a fair amount of food...
15 bucks could also nab you a copy of Bayonetta, or Darksiders, or Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. Much superior games compared to useless DLC maps.

Now, if they made a $15 ZOMBIE MAP PACK with 3 or 4 new Zombie maps, i'd be ALL OVER that shit.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Meh. Treyarch hasn't seen a cent of my money since MW2, and isn't likely to at this rate. the way games nickel and dime you to death in general these days grates on me.

I remember being able to go to wal-mart with $15 and come home with a jewel case version of a AAA game... ah the good ol' days...

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Zhukov said:
I have to admit, the guy has a point.

If the price was too high, people wouldn't buy it. That fact that people buy the hell out of it suggests that the price is fine. Y'know, for a given value of "fine".

Still... $15 for 5 maps. That leaves a decidedly bad taste in the mouth.

Actually, they aren't okay with it. The cluster of CoD fans round here bitched endlessly about the rising prices, and made several good points... then went on to faithfully buy the DLC like a good little *****. Almost there guys. Almost.

Only one of them snapped out of it and went "well you can just fuck right off." All in all, the fans don't like it, and if prices keep rising, it'll snap them out of their stupor.