Gamers? View on LGBT Essay


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Last month I made a thread [] asking everyone to give their open opinion on the LGBT community for an Essay I was writing. It went over very well, and my Essay came out nicely. To thank everyone at the Escapist Forum for their help, I'm gonna post the essay here for everyone to view.

[The formatting is a bit messed up here, so if you'd like to read it with nice clean formatting, here is the downloadable document:]

Gamers? View on LGBT
By Danny Hopkins
I consider myself a ?Gaymer?, or a gay gamer. However, I only discovered that I was gay in high school, and only lately have been open about it. I have always been an open gamer however. Because of this, I?ve always considered myself a part of the gamer community, before the LGBT community. I follow gaming politics religiously, every day, and talk about gaming to the point of ranting. Most of my friends are gamers, while only a couple are LGBT, and even they have some interest in my hobby. Although I sometimes check in on LGBT politics, such as gay marriage, something that might directly affect my life, I don?t follow them nearly as closely as I do gaming politics, like game ratings in Australia, something that will probably never affect my life. I?ve often flaunted my sexuality playfully in raids on World of Warcraft, and whenever I?m called a ?Fag? on Xbox live, but otherwise the two parts of my life rarely cross. My previous bias also made me believe that homosexuals, for the most part, were not welcome in the gamer community, being that my closest friends in High School, all gamers, were somewhat, to really homophobic. In hindsight, it might have only been one of my gamer friends of mine who set a bad example to me. So how does the gaming community see the LGBT community? Is the gaming community unwelcoming, or even homophobic? Would the gaming community be more welcoming to games geared towards the LGBT community, or with games with LGBT characters?
To start, I decided to go straight to the source. I went to one of my favorite gaming news sites, The Escapist [1], and ask my fellow gamers how exactly they felt about the LGBT community. The topic [2] turned out to be very hot. As of today [Tuesday, December 06, 2011], it has had well over 10,000 views, and 296 replies. I also received a few responses from class mates. I was stunned to find out that the average response from gamers? was overwhelmingly positive. The range of opinions I?ve seen, going from most positive, to most negative, include those who are a part of the LGBT community, and thus of course would want to see better representation in video games, those who are not a part of the LGBT, and would like to see better representation for LGBTs in video games, or else don?t mind, those that don?t really care one way or the other, some that don?t mind, however wanted to state that they believed that bisexuality is a myth, and those that either didn?t seem to, or didn?t s state if they did, mind LGBTs in video games, but wanted the LGBT community, and any group of people, to stop asking for ?special treatment?. Many gamers also used their post to point out either their favorite, or least favorite LGBT video game character. As this essay is about Gamers opinion, not specifics about games that feature LGBT. I will however, go into specifics about opinions I?ve seen, including opinions on LGBT characters that appear in games. As previously stated, the general consensus is very positive. I?ve yet to read, or hear any truly unsupportive. No one has yet to state that they would not like it if a game contained a homosexual character, or gave the choice to be LGBT. Some even going as far as to state they wouldn?t mind playing as a LGBT main character. However a few pointed out, they might feel awkward playing as a LGBT main character.
There has been a good many LGBT characters in video games. Although they are a great minority, and clear cut info is typically sketchy, and somewhat tongue in cheek, they are out there. Gamers' opinion on these characters range, but are mostly based off their personality, rather than sexuality. A common example is Anders[3] from Dragon Age. Opinion on him his varied, as some see him as a much fleshed out character, which happens to be gay, and tastefully done. Others feel his sexuality is somewhat forced on the player, because he makes a pass on the player once, regardless of the player?s in game gender, and the player is given the option to either accept, or refuse his advances. If refused, he never flirts with the player again, if accepted Anders becomes a potential romantic interest. Another less known character is Poison[4], a male-to-female transgender, from Final Fight. Opinion on her is more comical, as her actual gender was only recently revealed. When she was first conceived, she was shortly removed because at the time, it wasn?t seen as tasteful to power drive a women. Her inclusion was justified later by indicating that she was actually a he. Street Fighter IV producer Yoshinori Ono states "In North America, Poison is officially a post-op transsexual." Though he also states "But in Japan, she simply tucks her business away in order to look like a girl," Gamers don?t have a strong opinion on Poison, since she is a rather vague character; however she is sometimes mentioned by fans of fighting games. Naoto Shirogane[5] from the Persona 4 series is a well-known female-to-male transgender, and a favorite among transgendered gamers. There are many other notable LGBT characters in video games. Birdo, as described in the original Super Mario Brothers 2 manual, "He thinks he is a girl and he spits eggs from his mouth. He'd rather be called 'Birdetta.'"[6] There is a good many more LGBT video game characters. I?ll include a larger list in my handouts.
Another common theme among gaming, beyond interesting characters, includes the players themselves. Gamers are a varied community, much like the gay community. Perhaps this is why they are actually a lot more welcoming to the homosexual community then one might think. Indeed, the gaming community might seem very homophobic with its behavior sometimes. It?s not uncommon to be called a ?fag? in an online forum for gaming, or within games themselves, by gamers. I?ve personally been in many debates about the use of the hateful word. And although I personally disagree with this view, I have been told that ?fag? no longer is a used as a homophobic insult. While this can be up for debate on a larger scale, it is clear that in most cases, just because someone uses the insult, doesn?t necessarily mean they are homophobic. However they might be classless, perhaps, but not homophobic, as their reasoning for using the word are less because they believe the other is homosexual, but rather for the sole purpose of insulting. Personally I disagree with this stance; however the implications of this are beyond the scope of this essay, which are not about my bias feelings (being homosexual myself) about the subject. The use of the word ?fag? has been heavily debated in gaming forums. However, it is usually sparked not by the use of the word fag, or rather, the banning of the word that sparks these debates. For example, recently Microsoft attempted to ban the use of the word ?fag?, ?gay?, or any mention of homosexuality within gaming. The purpose was actually to keep the words from being use in the derogatory sense. So it was ok, right? They were trying to protect the community from insult. Well, it didn?t go over very well. It ended less a way to protect gamers from insults, and more of a ?don?t ask, don?t tell? rule applied to gaming. After a good deal of complaints of real gay gamers being banned for having ?gay?, or ?lesbian? on their profile, and one instance of an gamer being suspended for living in Fort Gay , West Virginia[7], that policy was quickly adjusted. The policy was highly unpopular, and seen as unnecessary censorship by many gamers. In this, gamers as a community showed even more support for support for the homosexual community.
So, in conclusion, giving the overwhelming support that the gaming community gives to the gay community, I see no reason why the industry can?t be more open to LGBT themes within games. Already we are seeing more and more games open to the ideas of alternative sexualities. Many games have already given the player the option of being gay, such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and The Sims. However one sad fact is that the LGBT community has yet to have any main characters be Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, unless they are blank slates for the player to create like the three previously mentioned games. One argument against having a character in say, an RPG, is how to present them as homosexual without making them a stereotype? Well, a good example of this is ?A Closed World?. It?s a small indie game about being ?different?. Note, it isn?t about being gay. The character?s sexuality is randomly assigned. More so, it?s about being an outcast. It?s a really deep game, and really short! It takes around ten minutes to play through, it?s really easy, and has a great message. I highly recommend it, and will place a link below. [7]
If we focus on making a big game like this, we will certainly see more improvements on equal rights among the LGBT community.

[1] Steve Butts. The Escapist. The Escapist, Web Site. Tuesday, November 08, 2011.
[2] Hopkins, D. (2011, November 1). LGBT in Video Games. The Escapist Forum. Retreived November 8th, 2011, from:
[3] Anders Romance. (n.d.). In Dragon Age Wikia. Retrieved November 8, 2011, from:
[4] Final Fight?s Poison: The Final Word On Gender. MICHAEL MCWHERTOR. Kotaku. Gawker Media sites, DEC 12, 2007. Web. November 8, 2011. ? /?.
[5] Naoto Shirogane. (n.d.). In Megami Tensei Wikia. Retrieved November 8, 2011, from :
[5] The First Transsexual Video Game Character? Retrieved December 6, 201, from :
[7] Xbox Live Gamer Suspended For Living In Fort Gay. Mike Fahey. Kotaku. Gawker Media sites, Sep 8, 2010. Web. December 6, 2011.
Larger list of LGBT characters:


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Gubernaculum said:
People need to get over this gay craze.
Oh PLEASE define "gay craze" for me. Please. I'm dying to hear about this "gay craze" that's been sweeping the nation.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
im no sure if youve seen this before but i think it presented quite an intresting opinion of how gay people are represented in games [link][/link]

Darh Abdomino

New member
Sep 20, 2010
Gubernaculum said:
1. No one cares if your a fag or not. But you will be called fag because using the term noob is for fags.

2. There aren't many gay oriented games for the same reason every single fucking action game is about a good looking white American guy saving the world from evil whateverthefucks. Do you see fat gamers asking for fat characters they can play as? Or disabled gamers asking for disabled characters?

People need to get over this gay craze. Everyone says they don't care but they do.
I agree with the first point, but from there on out, we digress. I truly don't give a crap. I always held the opinion that it's easier for a person to be open about their preferences in games than in the world, or even the internet as a whole, simply because those kind of discussions don't come up, and if they do, some jerks and your friends may give you crap for it, whether "it" is being black, gay, female, or anything else. But that's just how gaming works, we talk trash, kill each other, and move on. Sure you get those morons who decide that anyone who goes through life differently than them is inherently inferior, but those guys are exactly the same in real life.

And on that second point of yours, Guber, I agree with you, to a point. There are (rarely) games that don't have the stereotypical American badass that saves the world, Modern Warfare comes to mind as a good example of international cooperation, as much as it pains me to give the franchise any praise. Mass Effect I think is going to set the bar for character customization, simply because virtually every aspect of your person can be customized, but that's probably just the fanboy in me talking.

But you're right, the gay craze will end eventually, like the strong woman protagonist craze did. Some games will keep it going, others won't, and the consumers decide on which one is the better option.

/retarded lecture


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Gubernaculum said:
1. No one cares if your a fag or not. But you will be called fag because using the term noob is for fags.

2. There aren't many gay oriented games for the same reason every single fucking action game is about a good looking white American guy saving the world from evil whateverthefucks. Do you see fat gamers asking for fat characters they can play as? Or disabled gamers asking for disabled characters?

People need to get over this gay craze. Everyone says they don't care but they do.
Oh, so you think people can just get over being gay? Seriously, you shouldn't be so homophobic and derogatory in your posts.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Ok... So I guess I am missing the points here.

Is this supposed to be a homework assistance thread? Because I thought that would fall under solicitation type of threads.

Beyond that Im sorry, but I disagree with the essay because you asked a community that is disproportionately accepting of homosexuality on a website where there is over saturation of gay related game threads on a position that is insanely overrepresented.

It feels like holding a protest rally outside of a Clorox factory chanting about how Clorox is the only good bleach.

EDIT: Oh as a side note I would point out as someone who has physically spent time in the town of Fort Gay,(During the time this happened infact) Not only was that something the locals had no idea occurred, its the sort of town that professing support for homosexuality is likely to get you tied to the back of a 4x4 and drug down Court Street across the bridge to Louisa. Anyone who calls Fort Gay their hometown views the city name as a point of humiliation when speaking to someone who is not from there. So while it might be a popular soundbite for the LGTBUWOWUBWUBWUB community to latch onto because it supports their agenda, it is either unknown, or hated position for the people it was actually relevant to.


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Gee, I'm glad we got this thread of to an intelligent start.

Pretty much agreed with the essay. Not everyone who uses "fag" as an insult hates gay people, but they are perpetuating an insult that inherently degrades gays. Find another insult. Like docuhebag, that one's nice.

I think LBGT people in most types of media have been pretty poorly represented as the assless chaps-wearing, limp wristed hair stylist or the Harley Riding, spiky-haired bull dike. It would be nice to get a more realistic, less stereotypical portrayal of some gay characters in games.

That said, I hear Bioware has some more nonchalant, grounded gay characters...but I'm not going to suffer through Dragon Age 2 to find out...


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
RoboGeek said:
im no sure if youve seen this before but i think it presented quite an intresting opinion of how gay people are represented in games [link][/link]
I disagree with his view of Kanji. Kanji was struggling with his sexuality. This was further confused when
he developed a crush on Naoto when he thought that she was a guy. So when it was revealed that she was a girl, he became even more confused.
It was meant to be ambiguous.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Gubernaculum said:
BloatedGuppy said:
Gubernaculum said:
People need to get over this gay craze.
Oh PLEASE define "gay craze" for me. Please. I'm dying to hear about this "gay craze" that's been sweeping the nation.
Oh I don't know.. The fact that gay is on our lips like its the word of the day, or the countless discussions we have about the gays, or the fact that every show makes sure there is a gay in there otherwise it won't appeal to the liberals.

How about we leave the gays alone and focus on the schizoids? Lets have a schizoid pride parade - no one will come, but lets make one anyway.
Ummmm dude! An attitude like that will get you banned, or suspended. Calling people stupid, and saying that being gay is just a passing craze is a very narrow minded and ignorant approach to this situation. Also, where are these countless discussions about gays? I'd rather have discussions about someone having to deal with being gay than a discussion that shows off someones straightness.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
i cant really comment myself having not watch the video in a long time and not having played persona 4, but in all his videos he raises valid points and made me think diffrently about games and how they work.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
RoboGeek said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
i cant really comment myself having not watch the video in a long time and not having played persona 4, but in all his videos he raises valid points and made me think diffrently about games and how they work.
I like the guy. His video about "art" and "fun" in video games is excellent. I just disagree with him on his interpretation of a certain game.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
Hrm. I hesitate to call this a proper essay. Grammar and spelling need some work, it doesn't exactly flow and ultimately it just seems to be some journalism on personal experience involving the gaming community. I'm glad there are some citations in there, but quotes would really help your case.

As a topic in general? Sure. Gay people are underrepresented in games. While we're seeing more major characters who are gay romance options and perhaps fewer tokenized gay enemies, we still very rarely see any run-of-the-mill gay people in games. Any gay townsperson is usually a joke character either designed to push the envelope of the game itself or just use some shock humor.

In a more tolerant world, gay or straight wouldn't even be an important part of a character's identity. They're just that one person who has in the past enjoyed having sex with some other persons or would in the present or future like to have sex with some persons.

But there's gay culture, gay symbology, gay jingoism and a whole bunch of marketing people waking up to the realization that there are entire demographics who will drop money on something if it has a flamboyant tokenized gay character. Is it good? Not really. But it's how things are going to go until the market gets oversaturated and some other character trait gets fetishized.


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Gubernaculum said:
How about we leave the gays alone and focus on the schizoids? Lets have a schizoid pride parade - no one will come, but lets make one anyway.
Yeah, the way you're babbling about a massive gay liberal conspiracy sure makes you sound schizophrenic. You should throw your parade and invite the rest of privileged, petulant, homophobic crybabies who throw a tantrum every time someone who's different than them shows up on TV.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Gubernaculum said:
ToastiestZombie said:
Ummmm dude! An attitude like that will get you banned, or suspended. Calling people stupid, and saying that being gay is just a passing craze is a very narrow minded and ignorant approach to this situation. Also, where are these countless discussions about gays? I'd rather have discussions about someone having to deal with being gay than a discussion that shows off someones straightness.
I am not sure what you are reading... When did I say being gay is just a passing craze? I said the attention to it is a passing craze that will go away soon enough and we should push for that time to come.

I may get banned or suspended, but at least I know I don't having selective reading problems.
Well gay discussion is still linked to being gay isn't it? Gay discussion will never go as long as gays are here, so basically you are saying that you would want a whole group of people to go away so you aren't annoyed by having to gaze upon a few discussions you don't care about every so often. Also, saying people have selective reading problems is not a good way to keep an argument,

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Gubernaculum said:
Do you see fat gamers asking for fat characters they can play as? Or disabled gamers asking for disabled characters?
You actually do see disabled gamers who want disabled protagonists. Funny that.

People need to get over this gay craze. Everyone says they don't care but they do.
lol. Gay craze. Awesome.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
viranimus said:
Ok... So I guess I am missing the points here.

Is this supposed to be a homework assistance thread? Because I thought that would fall under solicitation type of threads.

Beyond that Im sorry, but I disagree with the essay because you asked a community that is disproportionately accepting of homosexuality on a website where there is over saturation of gay related game threads on a position that is insanely overrepresented.

It feels like holding a protest rally outside of a Clorox factory chanting about how Clorox is the only good bleach.

EDIT: Oh as a side note I would point out as someone who has physically spent time in the town of Fort Gay,(During the time this happened infact) Not only was that something the locals had no idea occurred, its the sort of town that professing support for homosexuality is likely to get you tied to the back of a 4x4 and drug down Court Street across the bridge to Louisa. Anyone who calls Fort Gay their hometown views the city name as a point of humiliation when speaking to someone who is not from there. So while it might be a popular soundbite for the LGTBUWOWUBWUBWUB community to latch onto because it supports their agenda, it is either unknown, or hated position for the people it was actually relevant to.
No, the previous one was, this is just me posting the said results. The presentation is over, it went over pretty well, I got a good grade. I'm just sharing the essay here. If anyone points out typos, or grammar mistakes, great, because I can still resubmit it to my professor via email if I need to update it, but other then that, no this isn't homework assistance anymore.

And you disagree on my essay, or homosexuality in general? Because I have seen a fairly large range of opinions here, and among a few other places. You get a few homophobes, however they seem a minority no matter what gaming forum I go to.

And yes, the Fort Gay was a bit of a Soundbite. I mostly included it because it made a few people giggle during the presentation, and most Gamers know of the event.