Games that really let you down


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar. I love me some Harvest Moon, it's charming, relaxing, and just addicting as all fuck. So when I got my hands on Grand Bazaar, I was all like "IMA GOING TO HAVA SO MUCH FUUUUUUN!" (That's totally what I sound like) But then I started playing it, or what little there was to actually play. There was nothing to do. At all. You finish with your farmwork early in the day, and there's only like two side activities you can partake in, and neither of them are even remotely fun. Early in the game, you can either collect bugs or go fishing. That's pretty much it. I hear there's some snowboarding or something much later in the game, but I don't have the patience to wait that long. Oh, and the characters were terrible.

CAPTCHA: Chaxchar plants. Can you smoke that?

Last Breath Bullet

New member
Sep 10, 2010
Most recently I would have to say Catherine. I really wanted that game but when I found it was just custscene puzzle cutscene puzzle I was turned off. If the game came out for like $30 It wouldn't have been a problem.