Games that really let you down


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Red Faction: Armaggedon.

In one game they went from giant sandbox world of destroyable buildings that I could ram cars or mechs into--->extremely linear caves with catwalks and enemies that weren't even fun to kill. I loved Geurilla, I'd go out of my way to smash people and things with hammers and use the charges to drop things enemies/topple enemies to kill them.
In Armaggedon not only is the hammer rendered nearly useless after the first few levels because of the enemies way out of reach or shooting energy blasts at you, but the charges are much weaker and basically useless now, and it's almost like they wanted to force you to use the magnet gun rather than give you the freedom to go with what you want.

Also Yahtzee was right about the story feeling like there was an entirely different game that should have come before but didn't.


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Jul 19, 2010
CrashBang said:
God Of War 3 was just awful! The gameplay was great, as always, and the bosses were all awesome but the story and atmosphere were bleh! Kratos had no motivation left, he completely destroyed the world for no good reason at the end purely because he was more rage-fueled than a Red Lantern and I'd forgotten why by that point! What a massive disappointment. I still play it because the gameplay saves it, to a degree, but it's still not a good game.
Definitely with you on that one: gameplay and epic bosses was pretty much all it had going for it, although I think it looked pretty good and the music was nice too. Really the first God of War is the best one overall, the second had great bosses, but it should have ended there. There was no right reason for it to have an anticlimax ending as an excuse for another sequel.


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Jul 5, 2011
>Dragon Age 2 from changing so much from Origins
>Advent Rising because they ruined a potentially good game from combat issues and a crappy plot
>Modern Warfare 2 because I never actually played a CoD game until Black Ops, which I found pretty fun. People kept telling me MW2 was better, played it for a few hours, never played it again since. It's a camping and noob-tubing bonanza.
>Red Dead Redemption was disappointing because I thought, "hey, it's GTA with horses and lassos!". The world was too open and got bored with horse-riding.

There are more disappointing games, but those are the ones that stuck to my mind


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Jul 10, 2010
GTA IV. Not only are 90% of the missions either generic shootouts or generic stakeouts, but there's nothing to do besides assassination and vigilante missions after the story. Seriously, no planes, no stadium events, no fire truck missions, no wacky cheats. What did they replace them with? Bowling, darts, drinking, and dating. Oh, and strip clubs, you know, if you want to watch women wearing thongs and nipple stickers not take anything off and basically just dance while turning you off with their horrible voice acting. In fact, every female voice with the exception of the pedestrians was just horrible. And yes, that's the extent of the activities. Nothing over the top or wacky unless you either buy the DLC or the Episodes from liberty city disc that has the DLC episodes on it.


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Apr 2, 2008
Racecarlock said:
GTA IV. Not only are 90% of the missions either generic shootouts or generic stakeouts, but there's nothing to do besides assassination and vigilante missions after the story. Seriously, no planes, no stadium events, no fire truck missions, no wacky cheats. What did they replace them with? Bowling, darts, drinking, and dating. Oh, and strip clubs, you know, if you want to watch women wearing thongs and nipple stickers not take anything off and basically just dance while turning you off with their horrible voice acting. In fact, every female voice with the exception of the pedestrians was just horrible. And yes, that's the extent of the activities. Nothing over the top or wacky unless you either buy the DLC or the Episodes from liberty city disc that has the DLC episodes on it.
Seconded. I hated the "realistic" driving, the elimination of fun side missions like taxi driving, and the tongue-in-cheek vibe of the older 3D iterations. I was hoping for San Andreas with refined gameplay and a visual overhaul. Instead I got a brown world with a depressing plot, cars that handled like boats, and clingy companions that needed to go bowling or see "BEEG AMERICAN TEE-TEES" every 15 minutes.

Thank God the Saint's Row series filled the void GTA IV created.


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Nov 11, 2009
xcanta said:
Command & Conquer 4. I really enjoyed C&C3 although they didn;t have much time ti make it but to channge the formular of a game which was the finale of such a good series.

Oh and Monster Hunter tri oh dear what a boring game.
MH Tri, boring?

May I ask how far you got? The first couple hours are hardly even remotely close to what you'll be doing at least 90% of the time only 5 hours later. The MH series has some of the best boss fights in any action game, and that's really what it's all about once you learn to pick dandelions and skin dead caterpillars and combine them into potions...


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Burnout paradise i just couldn't play past the second race...
(Felt like a mod for need for speed)
Feb 9, 2011
Redlin5 said:

As a kid I loved Bubsy on the SNES. Then, when I tried my sister's PSI game I was revolted.

It really let me down, yeah.
Oh, god, that game was horrid. I LOVE the old Bubsy games. Hell, I still play them to this day on my SNES, but the PSX version was, well it was saddening.

I think another one that comes to mind was both the remake of Perfect Dark 9Perfect Dark Zero) and the Burnout series (both games were on the XBOX360). They completely butchered the Burnout series and Perfect Dark Zero...don't even ask. It was just...ugh...


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Fallout 3 was my biggest letdown in the last couple of years. Bethesda just didn't get what Fallout was about and made it about knights fighting mutants. Pair that with the awful plot, dialogue and character development, and the travesty is complete. The only good thing about Fallout 3 is that it made New Vegas possible.


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Mar 18, 2009
Splinter Cell Double Agent for the Xbox 360 and Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas, both were bastardizations of there franchises and contributing factors to my boycott of Ubisoft


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Okay, I got a small list here:

First, there's Final Fantasy X-2. Do I REALLY need to go into detail here? I didn't think so.

Then Fallout 3. I had fun with it, but the ending was so shit that it ruined the majority of the game for me.

And, of course, there's Brutal Legend. "Hey, let's put all the best stuff in the demo, and make sure that the demo's gameplay doesn't resemble the majority of the gameplay at all!"


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May 12, 2010
The Void. I loved the game, it was very atmospheric, interesting gameplay but the ending(s) was a let down. just some lame waffle with different colours of the same village every time.

Pikey Mikey

New member
Aug 24, 2010
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Brutal Legend, Yeah it was kinda funny and the soundtrack is amazing, other than that?

Stupid condensed RTS structure, lame stage battles, and an ending that was retarded.
AwkwardTurtle said:
Brutal Legends. Pretty much for the reasons that Yahtzee covered pretty well in the reviews.

It was literally a ninja RTS posing as a quirky semi funny rock themed action game starring Jack Black. I was also ridiculously confused as to how little instruction they gave me.

*me* Oh...I see these red dragon things everywhere. What the hell am I supposed to do with them?
*swings axe around* *tries to it it with lightning* *rams a car into it* *tries playing guitar*
Well...I guess it's just there for decorative purposes. :3

*Days later I got stuck at one part and looked up a guide for it.*
*Sees a description of Dragon Statues (or something like that)*
Oh, I wonder what that is. They're just decorative right?
Explanation: Whenever you see one of these Dragons you must free its spirit by using the flame attack with the guitar by holding the X button.

*facepalm* How the hell was I supposed to figure that shit out... >.>
Wait.....that's how you free them???

......goddammit. Seriously, could they have explained that any less in the game?
Yea, that was a letdown. I also expected a hack'n'slasher with Jack Black in a metal/rock (music theme) world.....That was not the case. If they had just done that and kept the game like the demo it would've (probably) been great/so much better


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Sep 15, 2009
The Witcher II. I just... don't know..
Oblivion. BE IT A GREAT GAME, it still did not match my expectations. COming from Morrowind, the graphics were amazing, the combat was better but... the fantasy was sucked out of it and replaced by murky brown realism. I completed the game in probably every way (there might be 1 or 2 quests / storylines I did not pass through) but the feeling I expected, was not there.

Brink... Just... no.. Not what I expected, at all!
Fable II
Fable III Both are short, simple, easy, unimaginative and not making up their promises.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Wardi Boi said:
Falliut New Vegas

Don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant game but it just didn't compare to Fallout 3. I don't know, maybe I was too hyped up for it or something...
Agreed fallout 3 kicks some serious booty

Ot: I've just re bourght modern warfare 2 for the multiplayer to play with freinds but...its really not as fun as I remember, walk abit...die respawn walk abit...die rinse and repeat


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Jul 5, 2009
Rick Ashley:Losing the Game:
I am sorry, but I thought about it when I saw "let you down"

OT: Little big planet2. The charm's gone, it's too advanced for a game revolving around a tiny, inch long sackthing, surviving in a hostile world, to seek out justice and friendship. You cant have those powerups and sackbots! they aren't clumsily made enough! Too advanced!
It was still fun, but I prefer lbp1 any second


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Well the endings of Mass Effect are pretty dull in my opinion.

Most games have the dullest happy endings.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Leemaster777 said:
And, of course, there's Brutal Legend. "Hey, let's put all the best stuff in the demo, and make sure that the demo's gameplay doesn't resemble the majority of the gameplay at all!"
All the best stuff is in the demo? Are you serious? So killing about three different types of enemies with about four different attacks one at a time with no variety at all... Is better than fighting in huge battles against entire armies of enemies with your own army at your side, not only using a much bigger repetoire of your own combat moves but also taking control of any of your troops to command them directly and use either boosted versions of their regular attacks or some completely different crazy-powerful move? Interspersed with melting enemies' faces, running them down in your car, and dropping a flaming blimp on them and watching them all die in a cataclysmic explosion of fire and awesome?

Oh wait, I forgot, nobody actually did that, they all decided to play Mouse Cursor Simulator 3000 and try to RTS their way to victory in the battles by micromanaging everything from the sky despite nothing in the game at all ever telling them to do that. My mistake.


New member
May 26, 2011
iLeikHip said:
-plays Fable 1- Holy fucking shit.. nothing will ever be better then this..
-plays Fable 2- Erm... this actually really sucks... like.. there is no good aspect to this.
-plays Fable 3- Okay. It is better then Fable 2, I'll give it that.
Hahaha, yeah, I agree. I don't know what it was about the original Fable that was so good, but it was just plain better than the others.

OT: No one mentioned Borderlands? For shame...

But seriously... that ending... why?


New member
Jul 31, 2011
Leemaster777 said:
Okay, I got a small list here:

First, there's Final Fantasy X-2. Do I REALLY need to go into detail here? I didn't think so.
That game is brilliant.