Games that should have never existed.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Meh... even the worst games teach me something... so no game should have never existed. Oprhan: Scion of Sorcery is one of the worst games I've ever played. I own it. I even play it once in a while.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Grand theft auto, then the riots in Britain wouldnt have happened. Also Battletoads, I'm sure in some way that lead to 9/11.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I refuse to accept that FEAR 2 was actually made ever. I was so disappointed that I refuse to buy FEAR 3, no matter how good the reviews are.

Gaute Eiterjord

New member
May 4, 2011
ChupathingyX said:
Bling1907 said:
Fallout: New Vegas. It looks like a re-release with little new elements. Simply could made as a DLC.
If New Vegas is a DLC then it is the biggest DLC in gaming history.

But of course it is a DLC if it has more quests and factions than Fallout 3, not to mention a differnet setting, different factions, more weapons, new game mechanics, more grey morality, a completely different plot with branching choices (something even F3 didn't have) and not to mention hundreds and even thousands of play (replay) value.

And of course I can't forget the "little new elements" such as;

*Iron sights
*Special VATS melee attacks
*Special Unarmed attacks that can be learned
*Different unarmed attacks
*Survival - and everything that stems from that (e.g. campfires)
*The companion wheel
*The fusion of small/big guns
*New speech system that isn't luck based
*Taking normal damage in VATS instead of only 10%
*Perks every other level
*Weapon mods
*Companion perks
*The ability to become homosexual
*The reputation system
*Hardcore mode
*New animations
*Changing the character's age (useless, but a nice addition)
*Medical implants
*Unique weapons now have unique designs
*Damage Threshold
*Night vision
*"Dumb" dialogue
*Ammunition creation

And if that isn't enough, I could bring out my ol' wall o' text regarding why Fallout: New Vegas was a good game compared to F3 and deserved to be released.

Fallout: New Vegas. It looks like a re-release with little new elements. Simply could made as a DLC.
I could be interpreting that wrong, but it sounds like you haven't actually played the game.

And if it is a DLC, then it's probably one of the only (or few, I'm not sure) DLCs to ever have DLC released for it.
I agree. New Vegas was quite enjoyable, and it was different "enough" from Fallout 3.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
either shadow the hedgehog for being the worst idea ever, or too human because it took so damn long to make and sucked (not unlike duke)


New member
Jun 18, 2011
I don't know where I stand on the CoD games. Some say that CoD games after 4 should never have existed, while I also think CoD games after 3 should never have existed. The former rids us of shit sequels while the latter rids us of games ripping off CoD to get sales.

also, 3D Sonic games, especially Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, rushed like hell, and always thinking they'll get it right this year.


New member
Aug 7, 2011
Nazulu said:
SSB Brawl is the first on my list for not only failing to live up to Melee, but also just failing in general in design and mechanics. I would really like to know how they had gone from the amazing game play in Melee to the floaty, glitchy, campy, shallow garbage that is Brawl.

Starcraft 2, because I really hate what they have done with the story and how they have laid it out.

Also, Twilight Princess, while a good game, they could have used the design to start a new franchise I believe. I don't know, it just feels like a waste.
The funny thing is, all the quirks and hidden things found in Melee like wavedashing and playing as Master Hand, were not intentional but made the game as some know today. I believe I read somewhere that Sakurai said Melee was a little rushed. But people play that game hard still to this day. However, with Brawl, he took his time developing things and look how it turns out. Brawl is a very good game, but compared to Melee, nothing.

So, a game that had unintentional features (Melee) was better recieved compared to a game that Sakurai took more time on than before (Brawl). What does that tell you?

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Lucyfer86 said:
Oblivion, that unimmersive, bland, bug ridden piece of sh... well, waste of money that is.
Only way to make it even remotely enjoyable is by heavy modding (good luck with that, console players).
Actually, the Bethesda RPGs run far better on consoles than on PCs. Every time someone starts complaining about some glitch in Fallout or Oblivion, they're usually a Computer Gamer. I know a lot of console gamers who play these games, and they've never bitched. A friend of mine started playing the PC version of New Vegas the same time I started the console version and comparatively, I had the much better time of it. Not trying to stir an argument, I'm just stating what I've seen.

I found the terrible range of voice actors in Oblivion to be hilarious, but other than that, the world was interesting.

OT: I'm not sure. Of course there are games I don't like, but none I really think "shouldn't exist". It's all about progress.

If I had to complain, I'd say Mirror's Edge. That game had far too concretely set levels for a game centered on a parkour mechanic. It was an okayish game, but they sort of took the "free" out of Free-Running.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Xeraxis said:
Nazulu said:
SSB Brawl is the first on my list for not only failing to live up to Melee, but also just failing in general in design and mechanics. I would really like to know how they had gone from the amazing game play in Melee to the floaty, glitchy, campy, shallow garbage that is Brawl.

Starcraft 2, because I really hate what they have done with the story and how they have laid it out.

Also, Twilight Princess, while a good game, they could have used the design to start a new franchise I believe. I don't know, it just feels like a waste.
The funny thing is, all the quirks and hidden things found in Melee like wavedashing and playing as Master Hand, were not intentional but made the game as some know today. I believe I read somewhere that Sakurai said Melee was a little rushed. But people play that game hard still to this day. However, with Brawl, he took his time developing things and look how it turns out. Brawl is a very good game, but compared to Melee, nothing.

So, a game that had unintentional features (Melee) was better recieved compared to a game that Sakurai took his time and dedication on (Brawl). What does that tell you?
You can play as Master Hand in Melee!?


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Sonic 2006. Let's face it, even if this game wasn't rushed out the door and the developers took the time to fix the bugs and loading times, the story would ensure that nobody inside or outside the fan-base would take it seriously.


New member
Aug 7, 2011
binnsyboy said:
Xeraxis said:
Nazulu said:
SSB Brawl is the first on my list for not only failing to live up to Melee, but also just failing in general in design and mechanics. I would really like to know how they had gone from the amazing game play in Melee to the floaty, glitchy, campy, shallow garbage that is Brawl.

Starcraft 2, because I really hate what they have done with the story and how they have laid it out.

Also, Twilight Princess, while a good game, they could have used the design to start a new franchise I believe. I don't know, it just feels like a waste.
The funny thing is, all the quirks and hidden things found in Melee like wavedashing and playing as Master Hand, were not intentional but made the game as some know today. I believe I read somewhere that Sakurai said Melee was a little rushed. But people play that game hard still to this day. However, with Brawl, he took his time developing things and look how it turns out. Brawl is a very good game, but compared to Melee, nothing.

So, a game that had unintentional features (Melee) was better recieved compared to a game that Sakurai took his time and dedication on (Brawl). What does that tell you?
You can play as Master Hand in Melee!?
Yeah, you can actually. This was found out less than 2 years ago. It still amazes me people find new things in this game after close to 10 years it has been out.

Here's a link for proof:


New member
May 22, 2009
Modern Warfare 2.

Ok seriously,some games I think just had no point in existing were Sonic '06,Bioshock 2,and every single shovelware game on the Wii.


New member
Jun 30, 2011
RickRoll said:
Scythax said:
Lucyfer86 said:
Oblivion, that unimmersive, bland, bug ridden piece of... well, waste of money that is.
Only way to make it even remotely enjoyable is by heavy modding.
Of all the games to choose... that's easily my favorite game of all time. And won Game of the Year. And is considered by many as, along side Mass Effect, the best RPG in the last decade.

I'd say, every Fable after Fable: Lost Chapters, Crysis 2, the single player sides of Bad Company 1 and 2, and Every COD after 4.
Yeah what is that guy talking about? Oblivion!? Seriously! Oblivion rocks! He probably just sucks at it...
Ah the fanboi talk. If you people wanna play broken down, bland RPG (my opinion ONLY) then fine, just don't come here raging if someone doesn't like it (even if that was sarcasm, it was pretty bad). Leveling was horrid, and level scaling monsters & items were also just... there's no words for it.


New member
Jun 30, 2011
binnsyboy said:
Lucyfer86 said:
Oblivion, that unimmersive, bland, bug ridden piece of sh... well, waste of money that is.
Only way to make it even remotely enjoyable is by heavy modding (good luck with that, console players).
Actually, the Bethesda RPGs run far better on consoles than on PCs. Every time someone starts complaining about some glitch in Fallout or Oblivion, they're usually a Computer Gamer. I know a lot of console gamers who play these games, and they've never bitched. A friend of mine started playing the PC version of New Vegas the same time I started the console version and comparatively, I had the much better time of it. Not trying to stir an argument, I'm just stating what I've seen.

I found the terrible range of voice actors in Oblivion to be hilarious, but other than that, the world was interesting.

OT: I'm not sure. Of course there are games I don't like, but none I really think "shouldn't exist". It's all about progress.

If I had to complain, I'd say Mirror's Edge. That game had far too concretely set levels for a game centered on a parkour mechanic. It was an okayish game, but they sort of took the "free" out of Free-Running.
Maybe on technical point of view, i merely ment that i just hated the leveling system and scaling monsters and their items(not that scaling is always bad, in this game it just was). So only way i could find it enjoyable to play was to mod at least leveling system somewhat less retarded. And there were several bugs (maybe caused by several mods i used) but i don't remember them specificly anymore, it's been a while..


New member
Oct 21, 2007
Bling1907 said:
Fallout: New Vegas. It looks like a re-release with little new elements. Simply could made as a DLC.
Of course its not like the game cashes easily at around 60 hours and up in gametime if you play it without the Dlc's and has a completely different tone, factionsystem and skillsystem..but of course yeah..should just have been released as a 10 dollar DLC.

For me its Mafia 2 and all of the gothic series, those games are plain horrible and I have the feeling that anyone praising them to be the gems they are supposed to be never ever played another game except those, if I eat Mc donalds my whole life I will probably think its the "best food evar" aswell, no matter how much vomit it produces.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
sage42 said:
Twilight_guy said:
I'm getting sick of saying E.T. and Superman 64 so I'm going with something new: Hotel Mario and Mario is missing. I hear they were both pretty god awful.

Also, Mass Effect 4, which actually ripped space-time and created a black hole that destroyed its own existence.Nothing else...
actually I'm gonna defend E.T. don't get me wrong it was a crap game, but without it games would not have evolved into what they are today. They would have just become another little toy for people to make for quick cash.

OT: Alan Wake, hated that game. It was not scary, the game play sucked, and the story was bland at best. It was just a Silent Hill(pre-Homecoming)knock-off
You do realize that game was the straw that broke the camel's back and killed the games industry for a time right? I don't think dieing helped out games any.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Scythax said:
Of all the games to choose... that's easily my favorite game of all time. And won Game of the Year. And is considered by many as, along side Mass Effect, the best RPG in the last decade.

I'd say, every Fable after Fable: Lost Chapters, Crysis 2, the single player sides of Bad Company 1 and 2, and Every COD after 4.

Well I'd be inclined to agree with you, if it weren't for Black Ops.

I loved the campaign in that game. I loved the conspiracy edge to it and I loved that you had a decent, flawed character instead of a speechless uber-marine. (I know he was controlled the same as all characters, by flawed, I mean his actual character.)

And zombies. I love the zombies maps. They're my favorite "kill until you're killed" high-score game mode in modern gaming. The subtle story is intriguing too. I especially like how it's connected in
when you have to hunt down the nazi scientist "ascension" group

All in all, I love the story Treyarch is creating. I don't think Activision's Call of Duty games have any place in the series at this point. They don't deserve it.