Games that you hate but everyone else loves


New member
Jan 21, 2012
Assassin's Creed. I got in at Brotherhood, and hated it. The controls felt sticky, freerunning was a little too unresponsive, and I hated Ezio and everyone helping him. Could be that I played on PC right after playing Arkham City (where the controls are a lot better), but the story and missions would still be bad.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
While I haven't played it, having watched some footage of DayZ it just looks so... dull. Nothing bloody happens and when it does it's all badly animated and glitchy.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
The first Mass Effect: I was so bored with that game. Kept trying to push myself forward in it but at some point it got way too painful and boring so I just gave up.

Assassin's Creed: It was ok at first, but then it just kept going on the same thing over and over and over...

Neverwinter Nights: I really wanted to love this one, I really did. I just couldn't keep going after a while.

Any Halo game ever: I have never found any of them appealing. The first one I played felt so boring and bland. Played the third one at a friends house and it still felt bland as hell.

Oblivion and Skyrim: Both games looked so good but the combat always felt so dry. After a few fights in each I just saved, quit, then never felt like going back.


New member
Feb 3, 2012
Half-Life series
holy shit, you beat me to it lol xD
well actually, i won't say the whole series, as i only played the 1st game(i really don't like it) and i will be playing the 2nd soon once i finish some other games first. I really hope HL2 is better...

Another one i'll add here is Bioshock. i hate this game. i dont see where all the praise comes from. it's not scary. it's not a fun shooter. it's a cheap ass repetitive game with almost no story. i don't see why people bring up "story" when it comes to this game. i'm guessing it's because a lot of shooter fans dont see ANY story in most their games so they think that this game is amazing but to me, (a fan of jrpg's) this game's "story" is less than average.

overall though, i dislike both games for the same reasons. very buggy games with really unfair enemies, while i started out enjoying both games in the beginning, as i went through the games the problems and bugs piled up and ruined the experience for me. (kinda like every Elder Scrolls game ever)

See, this is not an argument. It has no content, nothing but inane "a-duh, I hate them!" blabbering. If you're going to try and pull the "nope, not trolling" then at least make an effort to explain your reasoning.
i don't think he/she needs to give an argument why he/she did not like something. if that's how he/she felt about his/her experience than that's that. I think it always comes down to how someone feels during the game rather than what they think about it.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
Lumber Barber said:
Mass Effect 2. One of the most mediocre games I have ever played, forgettable in every possible way.. And people love it. I don't know why.
Skyrim too. Once the hype of the big and fancy world goes down, you notice how empty and passionless it is.
Maybe it's because I just started the series, and maybe it's because I haven't played the first or third installments, but I really enjoyed Mass Effect 2. I really couldn't find anything to complain about, other than the fact that there's no way to replenish Medi-Gel or Heavy Weapon Ammo outside of missions.

Garrett said:
Oh, I forgot, I don't know if Alan Wake is as well liked but I also don't like that one.

Uikri said:
Garrett said:
Half-Life series
Diablo series
Heroes of Might and Magic series
Splinter Cell series
Dead Space series
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Neverwinter Nights

No, I'm not trolling.
*flame shield activated*
Goodness, that's quite a few. If I may ask, what made you dislike Dead Space, Half Life, and Portal?
They suck, plain and simple.
So, it's your opinion, then. Thanks for clearing that up.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
I'll go with Crackdown.

I really don't get why people like this game, it's one of the most BORING games I've ever played!

And there's Eternal Sonata.

Granted, I do play this game trying to like it, but the combat is repetitive at its best and frustrating at its worst, cutscenes feel needlessly padded, characters are mostly dull (though sometimes have their moments). Yet is has some atmosphere and there are some interesting part of the story, I played through a good chuck of it trying to like it and to get to the story parts, but the actual gameplay was a pain to go through and made it not worth the time.

And there' F-Zero GX.

Bad controls, unforgiving difficulty, frustrating A.I (which I suspect is cheating), overall my idea of among the few bad Nintendo games ever made, and possibly the worst.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
SpiderJerusalem said:
See, this is not an argument. It has no content, nothing but inane "a-duh, I hate them!" blabbering. If you're going to try and pull the "nope, not trolling" then at least make an effort to explain your reasoning.

Sure, sure, you've got all kinds of free speech rights and everything, but this being a message board - for discussion and all that - wouldn't you think that it would be better to say "why" in a more meaningful way than what a third grader with downs syndrome can muster?
See, this is perfectly valid answer to the given question. What I don't like about those games? That they suck. Sure, it's a broad answer but it carries same meaning as pointing out what parts of the game suck.

deathzero021 said:
See, this is not an argument. It has no content, nothing but inane "a-duh, I hate them!" blabbering. If you're going to try and pull the "nope, not trolling" then at least make an effort to explain your reasoning.
i don't think he/she needs to give an argument why he/she did not like something. if that's how he/she felt about his/her experience than that's that. I think it always comes down to how someone feels during the game rather than what they think about it.

Uikri said:
So, it's your opinion, then. Thanks for clearing that up.
You do know that every argument other than that the game is technicaly broken (game breaking glitches etc.) is an opinion?


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
D2. As in the pretend sequel to Diablo. To me, it's little more than an app to wear out your mouse buttons and give you RSI.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
Garrett said:
Uikri said:
So, it's your opinion, then. Thanks for clearing that up.
You do know that every argument other than that the game is technicaly broken (game breaking glitches etc.) is an opinion?
Poorly spoken on my part. What I meant to say is that you don't have any valid argument against them, and you have provided no reasons for disliking them, you just don't like them.

Diesel- said:
ALl Console games
Read as: "Fuck everything that's not PC. PC IS TEH BEZT!"


New member
Jul 12, 2012
Uikri said:
Garrett said:
Uikri said:
So, it's your opinion, then. Thanks for clearing that up.
You do know that every argument other than that the game is technicaly broken (game breaking glitches etc.) is an opinion?
Poorly spoken on my part. What I meant to say is that you don't have any valid argument against them, and you have provided no reasons for disliking them, you just don't like them.
Oh, I have my reasons, only they are not valid (as in they disagree) for people who like the game, so why bother?


New member
Jul 28, 2012
Garrett said:
Uikri said:
Garrett said:
Uikri said:
So, it's your opinion, then. Thanks for clearing that up.
You do know that every argument other than that the game is technicaly broken (game breaking glitches etc.) is an opinion?
Poorly spoken on my part. What I meant to say is that you don't have any valid argument against them, and you have provided no reasons for disliking them, you just don't like them.
Oh, I have my reasons, only they are not valid (as in they disagree) for people who like the game, so why bother?
Well, given the subject of the thread, that's perfectly reasonable. If it had been another thread, I probably would've asked why you brought it up in the first place, but that would just be silly here.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
Terminate421 said:
Half Life 2

Seriously, there is nothing that special that people treat it as the 2nd coming of jesus
I STRONGLY disagree!
But, good fellow, you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
SpiderJerusalem said:
Garrett said:
See, this is perfectly valid answer to the given question. What I don't like about those games? That they suck. Sure, it's a broad answer but it carries same meaning as pointing out what parts of the game suck.
No, no it isn't, because it holds no value in it. A simple "they suck" is doing nothing for the argument but creating the written equivalent of a wet, elderly fart. Sure, it'll linger and everyone knows that it's yours, but it contributes nothing and most likely will just get people giving you a pitiful look.
See, I don't want to argue about those games. I don't want argument on that topic. Why? Because it's pointless, it won't accomplish anything. I've seen enough arguments about why games suck/don't suck and all they ever do is piss off one or both sides. Also I'd say a pitiful look is more in order for someone who gets butthurt and starts rising his ego with attacks on intelligence level over some total stranger not liking some game he likes. But hey, what do I know, my "arguments" are equivalent of an elderly fart.

Uikri said:
If it had been another thread, I probably would've asked why you brought it up in the first place, but that would just be silly here.
So we already reached a level when the only way to legally (not to mention illegal possibilities) check on and play games is to buy them? Damn.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
Lucyfer86 said:
League of Legends, i really really hate that game.


Oblivion, oh the boredom...
Oblivion is my favourite game of all time :3
I like its sedate style. The battle for Tamriel looked like the world's shittest Halloween party :)

Anget Colslaw

New member
Jul 26, 2012
Mvc3/UMvC3- It's the most broken, unbalanced piece of crap I've ever played excluding Modern Warfare 2 and Marvel vs Capcom 2 which I can at least enjoy playing casually. I can't enjoy playing MvC3 at all.

Super Street Fighter 4- For simply being impossible to play on an Xbox controller.

Mass Effect (and pretty much every Bioware game)- Not so much as hate but just a killed interest turned into apathy. You know, the ending incident and such.

Final Fantasy- Again, same as the above but good lord, it's fandom is annoying. Only one I have interest in playing is 2 and that's because it's on the SNES and I still remember the amazing boss battle theme.

Resident Evil- Besides 4, I really have no interest in the franchise or, in the older installments, it's tank controls.