Games that you hate but everyone else loves


New member
Jul 28, 2012
Garrett said:
Uikri said:
If it had been another thread, I probably would've asked why you brought it up in the first place, but that would just be silly here.
So we already reached a level when the only way to legally (not to mention illegal possibilities) check on and play games is to buy them? Damn.
Wait, what? I'm suddenly very confused. When did this subject come up?


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Mass Effect 3. It didn't get to me at all. My friends say I have no soul. I say they're wrong about calling the game the third return of Christ, second being Mass Effect 1, as they call it.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
SpiderJerusalem said:
You don't want to argue or discuss the topic, yet you came in and posted a knowingly contradictory opinion and even followed that up with a "flameshield up" post, only to throw your hands up in the air and say "I don't want to talk about it!"

That's teen diva behavior. On the level of posting a frowning smiley on Facebook and then waiting for people to ask what's up and pretend like your surprised that they do.
Yes, because "flamehield up" totaly means "I want to discuss the topic in which my opinion is in minority and I may get flamed for being different.". Seriously... And the topic didn't say I'm obligated to inform why I don't like certain games. Posting list without any explanation is valid.

Uikri said:
Garrett said:
Uikri said:
If it had been another thread, I probably would've asked why you brought it up in the first place, but that would just be silly here.
So we already reached a level when the only way to legally (not to mention illegal possibilities) check on and play games is to buy them? Damn.
Wait, what? I'm suddenly very confused. When did this subject come up?
Oops! I read that "brought" as "bought", my bad.


New member
May 22, 2009
This thread has been done to death a million times over. No, you are not a special snowflake for disliking things others like. Deal with it.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
BORDERFUCKINGLANDS. Jesus that game annoys the absolute shit out of me!

Also Gears of War, hate that damn series.
Malty Milk Whistle said:
Mass Effect.I'm sorry, but it's just not that good.

Apart from the Salarian dude.
*Wipes tear away from eye* He was so awesome. WHY MORDIN WHY!


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Terminate421 said:
Half Life 2

Seriously, there is nothing that special that people treat it as the 2nd coming of jesus
Well that kinda what happens when every game after it took all the interesting stuff from it but yeah its love can get a bit insane.


Skyrim, I don't care, the world treats you the exact same whether your more powerful then god himself or the lowest peasant. The music is drab and the little bits are unoriginal and soon grow tiresome such as when you level for the nineteenth time I don't have to hear three men chanting the same shit. The fact that screaming kills thing is hilarious but is ridiculously powerful and soon loses its charm. The leveling system will OUTCLASS YOU if you get anything but your combat skills up, so if you craft several items in-between quests and you level via the crafting system you will most likely end up dying to enemies that used to be easy because of crafting. It gets worse if your sneaking, which goes up very fast, if you do anything but slice guy's necks you'll get drilled into the ground by common bandits. Shops don't get better inventory as you level up, instead you have to get your barter up a certain amount, trade enough with them, then invest in them and finally you can buy anything other then iron weapons and armor from that shop keeper. Why couldn't they have applied to the leveling system to the shops so that you don't get outclassed?

I have more, many interiors to caves and such are reused with a recognizable frequency, the only real thing that changes is the NPC's in them and the items in them. Lines are repeated so often. The guards are terrible at their jobs. Your to often given credit for things that require no skill, if in a battle for a hold-point, for instance and you kill one enemy guard you will be hailed as the person who turned the tides for killing one guard. Many actors are phoning it in so very hard. Most characters blend together and there really isn't a single memorable one. Vampirism is so under-powered in comparison to the werewolf virus.

Little RP things like the fact that the Khajiit aren't allowed into the cities but if the player character is a Khajiit he can go everywhere. Why, me, a random cat dude is allowed into a city but people willing to pay are not? And don't get me started on the fact children can't get killed by dragons or a certain beggar.

In conclusion, for every one thing Skyrim does that puts a grin on people's faces there are nine or ten reasons that are apparent and bad. I can't overlook the issues I listed above but I understand people will still like whatever they want to like, but in the end it will only be remembered as a mediocre game and nothing more.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
SpiderJerusalem said:
Garrett said:
SpiderJerusalem said:
You don't want to argue or discuss the topic, yet you came in and posted a knowingly contradictory opinion and even followed that up with a "flameshield up" post, only to throw your hands up in the air and say "I don't want to talk about it!"

That's teen diva behavior. On the level of posting a frowning smiley on Facebook and then waiting for people to ask what's up and pretend like your surprised that they do.
Yes, because "flamehield up" totaly means "I want to discuss the topic in which my opinion is in minority and I may get flamed for being different.". Seriously... And the topic didn't say I'm obligated to inform why I don't like certain games. Posting list without any explanation is valid.
It means that you knew and anticipated that people would at the very least wonder or be curious as to why you hold such a position that is in the clear minority. It means that you knew that people would ask, so it means that you want the attention.

Also, like said, there's no obligation to post an explanation, but be prepared for people to call you out as lazy, potentially ignorant and a troll. They, like you, won't have to explain themselves, but - and here's the kicker - they're more in the right saying it than you would be to act insulted.
If anything, I anticipated agressive, know-it-all, response (like one presented by yourself, only the topic is different), which should be ignored, hence "flameshield up". Uikri asked nicely, so I responded. If you find that answer as meaningless, that's your problem. Also, posting such opinions doesn't necessarily mean I want attention. Maybe I just wanted to show my opinion? Maybe I just decided to write here without much reason? Maybe I just wanted to let know some poor soul it isn't alone in not liking those games or let know all those other people, that there exist a person that doesn't like those games? Or maybe I just wanted for my e-penis to grow by rising my postcount, a feat in which unexpectedly you help me out?

Also I'm fine with being called "lazy, potentially ignorant and a troll". You didn't call me neither (is that correct way of saying?). Maybe a troll at first and a little ignorant though not directly but then you went beyond that without much of a reason aside from "he doesn't agree with me".

Ryan Hughes

New member
Jul 10, 2012
Dragon Age: Origins. Let me be frank: Quests are simply bad game design. They add playtime without adding any real character or story substance. So, yeah, virtually all modern RPGs in general, too.

Halo and other FPS. I did like Half-Life, and the more thoughtful FPSs, but those are few and far between.

Assassin's Creed 2. I felt the combat was very clunky, and the story and characters uncompelling.

God of War series. I thought they were fun, for about 2 hours, then I felt they got repetitive and dull. I will not say that they are bad games, but just overrated in my opinion.

I will stick up for turn-based RPG combat though, as I find it engaging on an intellectual level rather than a reflexive level. Sure, not everyone is going to like that type of game, but for me, it works.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
SpiderJerusalem said:
Garrett said:
If anything, I anticipated agressive, now-it-all, response
As opposed to a "later-it-all" response?
Oh noes, I made a typo, whatever shall I do?

SpiderJerusalem said:
but then you went beyond that without much of a reason aside from "he doesn't agree with me".
I've never said that I disagree with you. Only that you might as well be posting empty messages and they'd hold about as much content.
You put awfully lot of work in responding to those empty messeges... Also, if I think my messeges do hold some meaning and you don't, that means we disagree with each other.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Aprilgold said:
Terminate421 said:
Half Life 2

Seriously, there is nothing that special that people treat it as the 2nd coming of jesus
Well that kinda what happens when every game after it took all the interesting stuff from it but yeah its love can get a e.
Yes, yes, EVERY game after its release took all the interesting stuff.

There was no interesting stuff. Modding capabilities are all that I find good from it but aside from that there is hardly anything good from the game. Also, it's boring. It's not bad but it's boring. It's not good but it's boring. Boring.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
kortin said:
Rock-nerd said:
League Of Legends. God i hate that game. mostly for the community. The people i have played with on this are so negative and total assholes to anyone who isn't amazing. The worst thing about it is if you want to leave the game and not have to be with these people, you get punished for it. Ugh.

So, what about you?
That's why you get friends and play with them. Believe it or not, solo queuing in any game-type is an INCREDIBLY stupid idea. The very notion of doing something as idiotic as that in that game is mind-blowing. It's The game is not a game meant to be played without a few friends.

Fallout 1 and 2, can't stand them.
UMvC, Tekken, Street Fighter, all of them. I don't enjoy them at all.

I think that's it, really.
If the game isn't MEANT to be played Solo then why did the devs include a solo play feature?

The community is just too shitty is the problem.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Syzygy23 said:
If the game isn't MEANT to be played Solo then why did the devs include a solo play feature?

The community is just too shitty is the problem.
Because then you'd have people bitching about the lack of solo queue.

Solo queuing is one of the stupidest things you can ever do in a moba game, and doing so means that you are NOT allowed to complain about what occurs.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Half life, I just was boring. I didnt really care about the main guy when he never talks.... Its like ummmm you just going to destroy and shoot and hit stuff with no respawnce? ok bye.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Terminate421 said:
Aprilgold said:
Terminate421 said:
Half Life 2

Seriously, there is nothing that special that people treat it as the 2nd coming of jesus
Well that kinda what happens when every game after it took all the interesting stuff from it but yeah its love can get a e.
Yes, yes, EVERY game after its release took all the interesting stuff.

There was no interesting stuff. Modding capabilities are all that I find good from it but aside from that there is hardly anything good from the game. Also, it's boring. It's not bad but it's boring. It's not good but it's boring. Boring.
The game back in 2006 was something completely original and unique, playing it now is like playing the original Doom, yeah its cool but its gets drab because were so used to all the amazing stuff we have now.


New member
Oct 3, 2011
I hate Half-Life. Halo did more for shooters than it ever did. I played Half-Life 1 and...I was bored, jump-scared occasionally and in pain because of how dull the shooting was. No impact or weight to the weapons or interesting AI or anything. Then I grew up, discovered the internet and saw praise lavished upon it and I was gob-smacked. Same with Portal.