Games that you mentally declare non-canon.

Lord Quirk

New member
Aug 15, 2011
I'm sure we've all played an entry in a video-game series that has been so bad (in relation to the other entries) that you simply forget about it and declare it non-canon. Whilst the popular choice for this sort of thing would be Devil May Cry 2 and Deus Ex invisible war, I'm gunna mention Metal Gear Solid 2. Whilst, from a gameplay standpoint, it was actually quite good and an evolution of MGS's sneaking, Raiden was simply annoying and unlikable in comparison to Solid Snake and the plot was a bit of a mess. At the end, I wasn't really sure what I achieved, and playing the chronological sequel, MGS 4, aside from featuring Raiden, Rose and Vamp, it barely referenced 2 at all. As such, I don?t count it any more. It's not a bad game, it's just not part of the MGS story.

CAPCHA: it's over. How glum.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Dragon Age 2. Then again I choose pretend that game doesn't exist at all.

. . . that's really all I can think about. Though, I probably could throw in a few sonic games, like Sonic Heroes. It wasn't a terrible game, just after the story 'sonic adventure battle two' had Sonic Heroes just didn't seem to have any soul.


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Ah, what the heck, I'll be THAT GUY. Mass Effect 3. I refuse to take the included ending as the actual ending. There's a dozen plus fanmade endings on youtube, deviantart or fanfiction that are ten times better than the original. Even the funny ones.

Also, anything Wario-related.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
World of Warcraft
Warcraft 3 had really good characters and in WoW you just massacre them on weekly basis.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Metroid: other M . Then again , i'm not sure if this is cannon for anything .


FFX-2 and FFXIII-2 . Nope don't believe it , stop fucking with your own game ending square-enix.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
If Max Payne 3 wasn't cancelled, I'd probably treat it as non-canon.

Everything in Final Fantasy VII universe except for Final Fantasy VII. That extends to all media, not only games (ok, Last Order was passable but that's the only exception).

Every God of War other than the original. They are still fun to play but storywise, they are plain terrible.


New member
Jun 12, 2012
FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus, and a rather bang up job i'd done in forgetting all about it until now.

And as utterly shameless as FFX-2 was, in spite of myself i cant help but feel happy that Yuna got her happy ending. Flame me if you wish, i'm willing to burn.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Kingdom Hearts as a series. They may well be good games but I can't get into crossovers. Same reason I didn't watch AvP or play SFxT / MvC.

I don't recognise any Tomb Raider game past Chronicles. It seemed as if the difficulty rose up to so high and then threw itself off of a cliff as soon as it came to PS2. Maybe it got better after the 6th entry but it put me off so much that I just ended it there.

Preemptively, Devil May Cry(5). Let's not get into this again. Everyone's heard it enough times.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
While I enjoyed both Metroid Prime 2 & 3, they just weren't as well fleshed out as the original. And same goes for Fusion.

After Majora's Mask, the series took a wacky turn back into recycle hell. Such a shame, I really thought they were continue with the same Link and turn into an actual series.

Pokemon ended at Ruby & Sapphire for me, even though some of the designs in the last 2 generations are pretty good.

There is only one Starcraft because the last game has possibly the worst dialogue and story I've ever suffered.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Deus Ex Invisible War is always a good one to disavow. I bought it in a Steam sale over a year ago for $2.50 or so. Played it for an hour before I couldn't take it anymore. Now you'd think that would be okay because I paid so little. I definitely did not get $2.50 worth of enjoyment from that hour, and I don't think playing it longer would help.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Sonic 2006, although luckily the story sort of took itself out of the canon as well at the end.

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Splinter Cell Black List: And I am only now acknowledging Conviction because it was the last game to feature the true Sam Fisher and seems like a good time to finish the series, if you don?t want to end it on a dreary cliff hanger(Double Agent)

Fallout 3

And something tells me Deus Ex Invisible War.

Tenchu 4: Sweet Holy Hell, this game?s story was just god awful.

Fable 2 & 3: Nope guns never happend, Albion never entered an industrial era. Uh uh, nope none of that ever happend.

Diablo 3: Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb, dumd-dee-dooby, dumb dumb dumb, DUMB-DEE-DOOBIDY Wah Wah Wah Waaaahh.(excessive yes but I couldn't help it)

Bioshock 2: the team missed the mark and hit the neighbors cat.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
MGS 4 ruined pretty much everything that was good about the series, so I'll go with that.
The same can be said for FFX-2, and God of War 3. Ugh... no, just no.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
teqrevisited said:
Kingdom Hearts as a series. They may well be good games but I can't get into crossovers. Same reason I didn't watch AvP or play SFxT / MvC.
They're really not supposed to be taken as canon at all in regards to FF or Disney. The story is "what if disney characters and final fantasy characters form like 4 different FF games all lived on planets in the same galaxy".

The games have little to nothing to do with the original FF plots, and is only tangentially related to the original Disney plots. I know the weird premise has turned many off, and I laughed the first time I saw an ad for KH, but if you like action RPGs I can't recommend it enough.

Andy Shandy said:
Sonic 2006, although luckily the story sort of took itself out of the canon as well at the end.
It's as if he devs themselves took a look at the script a month before their release deadline and were like,

"wow... this is pretty shit.

Remember how we have a time travel subplot?"


New member
May 13, 2011
Lord Quirk said:
I'm sure we've all played an entry in a video-game series that has been so bad (in relation to the other entries) that you simply forget about it and declare it non-canon. Whilst the popular choice for this sort of thing would be Devil May Cry 2 and Deus Ex invisible war, I'm gunna mention Metal Gear Solid 2. Whilst, from a gameplay standpoint, it was actually quite good and an evolution of MGS's sneaking, Raiden was simply annoying and unlikable in comparison to Solid Snake and the plot was a bit of a mess. At the end, I wasn't really sure what I achieved, and playing the chronological sequel, MGS 4, aside from featuring Raiden, Rose and Vamp, it barely referenced 2 at all. As such, I don?t count it any more. It's not a bad game, it's just not part of the MGS story.

CAPCHA: it's over. How glum.
I agree about MGS 2 mainly for the reason that Raiden was the protagonist instead of Snake. It's Metal Gear Solid, not Metal Gear Raiden. Otherwise of course technically it was a great title. I also must add to this list MGS 4 which defied one very fundamental rule of video-games: games are meant to be played and not watched.