Sadly, I will say Kingdom Hearts simply because it takes all the pseudo happy endings from most FF games and makes them worth mutt. "So hey, we all had a home world..but then those cute little black boogers invaded our world and we ran away all over the galaxy". I love you, KH, but no.
Jak ad Daxter: The Lost Frontier. It was a good go- well, it was actually pretty bad. It tried to be a good game but it just wasn't. Jak didn't feel like the Jak we knew, Daxter was just plain obnoxious and useless (And a filler for a mini-game), Keira was dumb...and the story was pretty much pointless.
flying_whimsy said:
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier - I can't believe no one mentioned this yet. It flew in the face of everything that came in the games before (and it was like the dev team didn't understand how the spin move worked as a triple jump, making every level incredibly easy).
Dang, ninja'd.
FFX-2 (Haven't played FFXIII-2). It was a decent game but...can't you just let me keep the tragic ending from FFX? It was original, if anything.
Every Zelda game out there. The games are great and, we get it, Nintendo. You write your fanfiction based on pre-existing games and release it as new games. That's fine. Just don't try to "link them all together" somehow. It's just plain confusing and dumb. Some games can get away with it, like OOt and MM or PH and ST but let's not pretend its the same universe for all of them.
DMC2 and 5. 2 was just weird and nonsensical. It would have made more sense if they had taken that Virgil-posing-as-Dante theory and ran with it. and I know DMC5 has been confirmed to be some sort of alternate story
after NT realized their mistake but if it indeed an alternate story/world, why name it DMC? You don't have to follow Zelda's example. If they had named Bayonetta "DMC the Girl Story" or something, you bet people would have been pissed. but it's Bayonetta instead. A good game that stands on its own. So yeah, food for thought, NT.