Games that you mentally declare non-canon.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Metroid other M
invisible war
Though I don't really dislike WoW's story I do think a theoretical Warcraft 4 would have a better story if WoW never got in the way.


Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
I've always seen threads like this as an excuse for people who don't like certain games in a series to claim that clearly they can modify the author's intent however they like. No, you really do have to accept that MGS2, Invisible War, Homeworld Cataclysm, ME3, and whatever else you don't like, are part of canon. They are. If you're mad at the creators for writing their story, or rather, writing a "bad" story, there's still nothing to be done about it. The authors are God; they decided what canon is. I definitely was very bothered that, say, Chrono Cross exists, because it's a piece of total dreck, but it's still canon.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
WolfCross said:
FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus, and a rather bang up job i'd done in forgetting all about it until now.

And as utterly shameless as FFX-2 was, in spite of myself i cant help but feel happy that Yuna got her happy ending. Flame me if you wish, i'm willing to burn.
Don't worry I am with you. As far as I am conserned all of X-2 did not happen except the bonus happy ending. That just came after the credits of X.

The ending to Mass Effect 3, all of Dragon Age 2, KOTOR 2 and any parts of TOR that reference Reven, Bioshock 2 and Devil May Cry 2 did not happen.

Have to mention that the new Star Wars movies and Indy 4 did not happen and the Harry Potter books did not make it past 1 because everybody read it and realised it was crap.

Who says living in denial is bad


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Garrett said:
Arqus_Zed said:
Garrett said:
Everything in Final Fantasy VII universe except for Final Fantasy VII. That extends to all media, not only games (ok, Last Order was passable but that's the only exception).
Really? I can understand Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children (though the action was still enjoyable), but even Crisis Core? I always thought it was one of the better "prequel" games. (And it probably had the smallest amount of plot holes and distrubring/weird stuff going on of all the games in the FF VII Compilation - including the original FF VII)
IMHO Crisis Core is one of the worst games ever. I'm serious. I's one of very few games I didn't enjoy AT ALL. I have fairly high tolerance for crap (at least that's what others tell me) and Crisis Core is in absolute lowest place it can be. It has so, so unbelivably terrible characters (except for Cissnei which surprise surprise is unsignificant and unrelated character that for some reason have big role in CC) and stupidass plot. Also gameplay gets boring very very fast.
Weird... I for one always thought Zack was a more enjoyable and believable character than Cloud. What with being a little goofy, showing emotion, actually having an arc where he mans up a little, the whole sacrifice thing... As for the characters, except for Genesis, Angeal and Cissnei (whom you liked), most of the characters in the game are also featured in the original FF VII game.

As for the stupidass plot, the final arc is the same as the flashback segments in the original FF VII game and everything before that gives some more insight in the research of Jenova's cells. Though that's not really important is it? it's really just a front to have a characters study of Zack and his relation with the Turks, Aeris and the Shinra corporation. You'll have to explain what exactly the stupidass part exactly is because I don't really see it.

To be honest, I had more problems with the original FF VII. Hojo's bestiality plan about having Red XIII doing Aeris. The fact that for the biggest part of the story, you're not chasing Sephiroth, but the headless alien calamity known as Jenova that has somehow taken the form of Sephiroth and leaves behind parts of its body that transform in huge monsters. Not to mention the Holy deus ex machina or the Weapons.

I agree the gameplay could become monotone and the restriction in free-roaming and access of areas gave me a claustrophobic feeling from time to time... But it was constructed in such a way that makes it ideal for portable gaming. (Though the copy/paste attitude of the Missions were a bit too much.)


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier - I can't believe no one mentioned this yet. It flew in the face of everything that came in the games before (and it was like the dev team didn't understand how the spin move worked as a triple jump, making every level incredibly easy).

Also, as someone else said: anything else from final fantasy VII except for Final Fantasy VII. I always interpreted the ending as having killed all humans, so I was more than a little surprised when Advent Children came out with a bunch of spin-off games and such.

I'd also like to toss in anything from the star wars prequels and the kingdom hearts handheld games.

Oh, and Metroid: Other M.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Metroid Other M : Samus never went soap opera on us for no reason. NEVER!!!
DmC: Misadventures of a bad cosplayer.
Megaman X Command Mission: Megaman version of Book of memories


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
Mass Effect 2 and 3. (Sovereign WAS a lone reaper ship, the only one of his kind, and when Shepard destroyed him the reaper threat was gone. And then he had many fantastical space adventures. The end.)

Skyrim. (The Aldmeri Dominion didn't ever do anything. After the Oblivion Crisis, the Tamrielic nations banded together in a time of crisis and confronted their true enemy- THE AKAVIR. The Elder Scrolls V: Akavir is in development, and it will be about the invasion and defense of Akavir [imagine a Normandy-style intro with the massive Tamrielic armies storming an Akaviri beach, which you could play as either the defenders or the attackers], and then, thirty years later, you play as the descendant of whoever you played as in the intro, doing a proper adventure while Akavir is being settled.)

Diablo III. (No.)

And that's all I can really think of right now.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Ninja Gaiden 3 (referring to the NES/Famicom trilogy here, not the in-name-only new series on Xboxen). The story was an incoherent mess, unforgivable in the series that popularised if not outright created the "cinema scene" concept. The first two games had pretty basic cliched plotlines, no question. They were after all an excuse for a ninja to slaughter things. But the third one simply made no sense at all, dumping random genetic experimentation and trans-dimensional warships into what had previously been a bog-standard ninja-magic mythos. And it just sort of ignored the ending of NG2 without trying to explain anything.

And in an era when games will still being often made easier when brought from Japan to Rest-of-World, NG3 was inexplicably made harder. Damage ratios were doubled from the original. Losing a life restarted the entire stage instead of at a checkpoint. Continuing threw you all the way back to the beginning of the Act (world). Worst of all, the password feature was hacked out and replaced with limited continues. In a series that, then as much as now, was a byword for insanely hard.

I believe that Deuce's old Ninja Gaiden shrine has vanished from the web, which is a shame, as it did an excellent job skewering this travesty. Best just to pretend it never happened. NG2 was a good note to end the series on.


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2010
Dragon Age 2
Mass Effect 3
Deus Ex: Invisible War

Knight Captain Kerr said:
Mothership Zeta add-on for Fallout 3. No Mothership Zeta, aliens did not start the great war.
I don't remember anything implying that the great war was started by aliens.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Well considering I played Fallout 3 and New Vegas first, I going to say 1 and 2 are non-canon!
(There's a twist that nobody saw coming)

But in all honesty, I can't agree with the MGS2 comment for the simple reason that while the story is convoluted and hidden away, there are key points that make sense when playing MGS3 and so on.

MGS4 should be non-canon as it ruined the franchise in my opinion but moreso than that, the new Metal Gear Rising: Revenge of the Sith of whatever the hell it's calling itself this week can go and get itself unwritten, more than anything else, because it takes out everything that made the name Metal Gear mean something and turns it into a damned Spectacle fighter!


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Okay can someone explain what Fallout 3 did to the lore? I still have no clue as that as the first game I played and I couldn't really find anything typing it into google.

OT: Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta. I have only heard bad things about it and that it ruins the game so I just ignored it.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
Andy Shandy said:
Sonic 2006, although luckily the story sort of took itself out of the canon as well at the end.
Silver and Blaze were in Sonic Generations, which featured Crisis City. So it is canon. Sort of.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
I'll put another down for WoW. Because killing off every possible evil and nonevil will allow some form of stability for Warcraft 4.
Or perhaps Warcraft 4 will be the perspective of the leaders of the Alliance and Horde during WoW.

Age of Empires 3. Because it holds no resemblance to real-world events, unlike its predecessors. Therefore, in respects to the real world, it holds no canon.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Command & Conquer: Renegade, and Command & Conquer 4 immediatley come to mind.

I'll also through another one in for Invisible War, Bioshock 2, and every God of War except the first.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Sadly, I will say Kingdom Hearts simply because it takes all the pseudo happy endings from most FF games and makes them worth mutt. "So hey, we all had a home world..but then those cute little black boogers invaded our world and we ran away all over the galaxy". I love you, KH, but no.

Jak ad Daxter: The Lost Frontier. It was a good go- well, it was actually pretty bad. It tried to be a good game but it just wasn't. Jak didn't feel like the Jak we knew, Daxter was just plain obnoxious and useless (And a filler for a mini-game), Keira was dumb...and the story was pretty much pointless.
flying_whimsy said:
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier - I can't believe no one mentioned this yet. It flew in the face of everything that came in the games before (and it was like the dev team didn't understand how the spin move worked as a triple jump, making every level incredibly easy).
Dang, ninja'd.

FFX-2 (Haven't played FFXIII-2). It was a decent game but...can't you just let me keep the tragic ending from FFX? It was original, if anything.

Every Zelda game out there. The games are great and, we get it, Nintendo. You write your fanfiction based on pre-existing games and release it as new games. That's fine. Just don't try to "link them all together" somehow. It's just plain confusing and dumb. Some games can get away with it, like OOt and MM or PH and ST but let's not pretend its the same universe for all of them.

DMC2 and 5. 2 was just weird and nonsensical. It would have made more sense if they had taken that Virgil-posing-as-Dante theory and ran with it. and I know DMC5 has been confirmed to be some sort of alternate story after NT realized their mistake but if it indeed an alternate story/world, why name it DMC? You don't have to follow Zelda's example. If they had named Bayonetta "DMC the Girl Story" or something, you bet people would have been pissed. but it's Bayonetta instead. A good game that stands on its own. So yeah, food for thought, NT.