Games that you mentally declare non-canon.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
Take any Crash Bandicoot game that Tag Team Racing and all the games that came afterward.

Granted, Crash:TTR was a decent game, but it butchered the characters horribly.

This is the game that decided turning Crunch into Mr. T was a good idea.

johnnnny guitar

New member
Jul 16, 2010
Wooooh two times in a day I can bang on the Dragon Age 2 hate drum that's go to be a new record
But seriously I don't even see it as a dragon age game it's a fuckin lazy boring squad hack 'n' slash and nothing more to me.

Oh and of course what would any dragon age 2 hate post be without a mass effect 3 hate post but yeah pretty much the crucible and catalyst are a massive plot hole so I fully just think that the Mass effect Series is just ME1 and ME2.
For ME3 I can just get a fan mad ME3 youtube video that are 100 times better than the real ME3 and its shitty ending.
This video sums it up pretty well.

Oh and I guess Diablo 3 as well although I have only played about 2 hours at a friends house and was not really impressed which is weird because I loved the first and second Diablo.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
World of Warcraft for so many reasons.

And the Kingdom Hearts handheld games(Excluding Chain of Memories, though just barely)


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
All prince of persia games after the sands of time.

Also all New Vegas DLC except the honest hearts one because frankly the burned man is awesome.

Not saying I don't absolutely love those games I've excluded, I just prefer to consider them non-canon.

Nadia Castle

New member
May 21, 2012
For what little story they have, Modern Warfare 2 and 3, I choose to believe their all the hallucinations of Soap as hes dying on his way up to the helicopter and can't tell war from fantasy anymore.

Command and Conquer 4, no closure, no no development, no point. Seriously the tiberium war is still on going as far as i'm concerned.

Condemned 2 Bloodshot. Going supernatural could have worked. I'm reading 'nenomicon' by Alan Moore and its a perfect blend of criminal investigation and cthulu, but nope, it was not all the work of the magical shouty super cult!!!!


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Every Spyro game after the original trilogy. It's not as if the story was THAT intricate (it was a platformer aimed at a younger audience, after all), but it still did a surprisingly good job in creating a solid universe with an equally solid (and enjoyable) set of characters.

...And then Enter The Dragonfly happened. And A Hero's Tail. And the Legend of Spyro reboot. And Skylanders, which only had a purple dragon named "Spyro" because Activision still had the IP laying around... And, dammit, they'd rather shove in something completely irrelevant than letting it die in peace.

Oh, right, Shadow Hearts: From The New World. Never happened.


New member
May 21, 2010
Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World. I liked the game, but it did nothing for the good of the Symphonia story, and the main characters from the previous although present just felt like nothing but side characters.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
IllumInaTIma said:
World of Warcraft
Warcraft 3 had really good characters and in WoW you just massacre them on weekly basis.
Gah! Beat me to it. I get the horrible feeling that it IS canon though, which is a terrible waste of a good story. Major characters killed off, plot-holes are thrown in, and any subtle story elements are resolved in the most overblown yet oversimplified ways possible. Arg.

Especially Arthas. Come on! That was meant to be some bittersweet 'victory', not a whole 'rawr now I am world dominate' setup...

Then again, after Diablo 3, it still might be better than whatever story they'd follow up with now if it were uncanon...

Also, Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. I'm sorry, but that was an unrelated game just reskinned for the IP-power. I refuse to believe it's part of the actual series, and it's instead some 'alternate reality' spinoff.

Also, the Protoss arc in Starcraft 2. I refuse to believe that heap of melodrama and anti-lore is canon...I won't be buying Legacy of the Void if it is, and that was the one I was looking forward to beforehand.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Misterian said:
Take any Crash Bandicoot game that Tag Team Racing and all the games that came afterward.

Granted, Crash:TTR was a decent game, but it butchered the characters horribly.

This is the game that decided turning Crunch into Mr. T was a good idea.
This. Vicarious Visions tried their best, and for that I thank them. But after The Wrath of Cortex the franchise disappeared and no one ever made another game again.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Garrett said:
Everything in Final Fantasy VII universe except for Final Fantasy VII. That extends to all media, not only games (ok, Last Order was passable but that's the only exception).
Really? I can understand Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children (though the action was still enjoyable), but even Crisis Core? I always thought it was one of the better "prequel" games. (And it probably had the smallest amount of plot holes and distrubring/weird stuff going on of all the games in the FF VII Compilation - including the original FF VII)

Setch Dreskar

New member
Mar 28, 2011
Fallout 3, just such a horrifying mess of ripping apart Fallout lore, was going to continue ignoring it as non-canon until New Vegas came along and did its best to try and make sense of the awful mess of a story Fallout 3 was.

Though it did make me appreciate Fallout 1 and 2 all the more.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
How long will it take for Morrowind/Daggerfall fanboys to invade thread and shout "Oblivion!", "Skyrim!"...


New member
Jul 12, 2012
Arqus_Zed said:
Garrett said:
Everything in Final Fantasy VII universe except for Final Fantasy VII. That extends to all media, not only games (ok, Last Order was passable but that's the only exception).
Really? I can understand Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children (though the action was still enjoyable), but even Crisis Core? I always thought it was one of the better "prequel" games. (And it probably had the smallest amount of plot holes and distrubring/weird stuff going on of all the games in the FF VII Compilation - including the original FF VII)
IMHO Crisis Core is one of the worst games ever. I'm serious. I's one of very few games I didn't enjoy AT ALL. I have fairly high tolerance for crap (at least that's what others tell me) and Crisis Core is in absolute lowest place it can be. It has so, so unbelivably terrible characters (except for Cissnei which surprise surprise is unsignificant and unrelated character that for some reason have big role in CC) and stupidass plot. Also gameplay gets boring very very fast.


New member
May 26, 2011
DeltaEdge said:
Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World. I liked the game, but it did nothing for the good of the Symphonia story, and the main characters from the previous although present just felt like nothing but side characters.
That's because they were side characters. Unfortunately, the main characters were the most annoying brats I've ever seen, the story was so crap, and the love story was so cheesy that it made mozzarella come out of my nose. I agree. Non-Canon.

The number one game I declare non-canon is Metroid: Other M. If you give me time with Team Ninja, I would kick their asses until they were physically unable to shit. Samus is, was, and has always been my favorite video game lass, and they took her and made her into an ineffectual retard with daddy issues. She is an unstoppable badass. Thus, non-canon.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Other M, gotta be Other M. for lots of reasons

Chrono Cross is so far removed from what happened in Chrono Trigger that they try even calling it a sequal makes me cry 'BULL SHIT!' every time


New member
Aug 10, 2008
C&C4. It wasn't just an idiotic tie-up of the C&C storyline, it was an utterly shithouse game to boot. Your single/multiplayer profile were linked and had a level up system, where units were unlocked by levelling up. You had to play through the singleplayer game at least twice to unlock everything. I would have been less annoyed if I'd opened the box and found a DVD that had nothing other than a goatse jpeg on it.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.

Talk about making the GOOD game a colossal waste of effort. I refuse to accept that bullshit on the grounds of lazy writing and shitting all over it's predecessor. Also horrible whining protagonist after Lloyd is just asking for trouble. Bad character interactions after it's very well done first game but I chalk that up to the worse direction also. The story didn't help but the acting wasn't up to par with the first game.

It's like Making FF9, and then having a sequel where the hero is that whiny Hippo kid that ran around Alexandria. Totally the fuck out of nowhere and really unlikable.

Gameplay was... bareable.

Not up to Main Tales Game standards at all.
(Phantasia, Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia)