Games that you mentally declare non-canon.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
You know... i prefer to think of Fallout 3 as less of an actual game and more of a very long tech demo for New Vegas.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Lugbzurg said:
holy fucking wall of text
Sorry, I'm not reading all that.
I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree, and I'll accept ignorance on this one.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Blargh McBlargh said:
whoa, long post

while i agree with you that the sonic generations story may have cost me a few brain cells because it was so stupid,
i really liked the gameplay in the game

i think the story suffered quite a bit by that anniversary game setting and they felt the need to reference everything that happened instead of making a real story

i'm mostly not ever going to get used to them changing the name of "eggman"

his name is Dr. robotnik damnit, NOT EGGMAN

oh, on the racing games, why does sonic need a car?
really.. if sonic was running with everyone ELSE in a car, i would have bought sonic racing or whatever it's called, in a second

with sonic in a car, WTF? that looks like it's just a mindless cash-out racing game
sonic isnt supposed to need a car...

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Carmageddon TDR 2000 + it's expansion pack and Carmageddon 64.

Carma PS1, even though it was panned I thought it was a great sequel to the zombie version of Carmageddon (DOS), Carma2 was a sequel to the "blood" edition of Carma (DOS).


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Star Wars The Old Republic.
What were we talking about? I'd really like to see a KotOR 3, since the other 2 were some of my favourite games of all time.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Blargh McBlargh said:
Enizer said:
Blargh McBlargh said:
whoa, long post

while i agree with you that the sonic generations story may have cost me a few brain cells because it was so stupid,
i really liked the gameplay in the game

i think the story suffered quite a bit by that anniversary game setting and they felt the need to reference everything that happened instead of making a real story

i'm mostly not ever going to get used to them changing the name of "eggman"

his name is Dr. robotnik damnit, NOT EGGMAN

oh, on the racing games, why does sonic need a car?
really.. if sonic was running with everyone ELSE in a car, i would have bought sonic racing or whatever it's called, in a second

with sonic in a car, WTF? that looks like it's just a mindless cash-out racing game
sonic isnt supposed to need a car...
... I think you've quoted the wrong post, dude.
uh, wait, oops, you are right, i meant to quote the guy above you, Lugbzurg

i have this strange feeling that the quote button is at the bottom of a post instead of the top..


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Lugbzurg said:
Jamous said:
I just don't do that really. Sorry; the people who make it decide the canon. Surely that's why it's canon? I mean, we all have our own head-canons and fanfics, but really I accept it all as canon; I just wish it were otherwise. For example the fourth Harry Potter game. Not in the same series as the first three. It just completely destroyed the mechanics entirely. Ugh. The first three were excellent games (shut up I was a kid) and then the bloody Goblet of Fire came along and ruined it for everyone. Apparently the Order of The Phoenix game is more of a return to form. I really must look into that...
Whatever they say, it automatically loses all credibility when they begin throwing paradoxes, plotholes, and inconstancy into the mix. By then, it's impossible for it to be cannon. This doesn't come from the game being bad, it comes from the game not matching what was previously established as solid truth about the game's universe.
That bad? Oy. Maybe I won't be looking into it then. WELP BACK TO THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
All FFVII sequels. ALL of them.
Possibly the Kingdom Hearts sequels, I'm still waiting on 3 to somehow redeem the story. I hope it does, but I just don't think it can.
Ratchet and Clank Future. Fuck you, Insomniac. You finally killed Ratchet for me.
Halo Wars, Halo 4. Bungie didn't make them, they didn't happen.
Possibly Saints Row 3, but as with Kingdom Hearts I'm giving the series one last chance.
Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2. They never happened. Final Fantasy ended with XII, which was amazing and wonderful and has prequels and sequels that all fit together without ruining ANYTHING and I love them for it. Final Fantasy will resume with XV, having skipped XIII for fear of bad luck and giving XIV to the side-project people where it can't offend me.
I'm sure there are others, but I just can't think of any right now


New member
Jul 23, 2009
AlotFirst said:
dunam said:
AlotFirst said:
How long will it take for Morrowind/Daggerfall fanboys to invade thread and shout "Oblivion!", "Skyrim!"...
Joke's on you. No one did.
The fail's on you, the thread is still going.
Real Elder Scrolls know there is an established in-universe reason for discontinuity, explaining all inconsistencies ever.

For the layman, it boils down to "shit happens, or doesn't"

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
TheAIOverlord said:
Daveman said:
All prince of persia games after the sands of time.

Also all New Vegas DLC except the honest hearts one because frankly the burned man is awesome.

Not saying I don't absolutely love those games I've excluded, I just prefer to consider them non-canon.
Why do you consider the New Vegas DLC non-canon? None of it contradicts anything in New Vegas or in the rest of the Fallout universe.
I agree, especially considering it was by Chris Avellone who was one of the writers on Fallout 1 and 2 and also wrote the internal reference work The Fallout Bible which was used to keep continuity.

Edit: Is it because Old World Blues is completely off the wall? ;)