Games which brought out TRUE emotion in you


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Red Dead Redemption. The ending of the game is the saddest I've ever seen.

Call of Duty (any of them). Pretty much half of the time in multiplayer.


New member
May 29, 2010
Ih8pkmn said:
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. That game made me cry like no other game has. The whole ending Not even going to type what happened in a spoiler box; if you've played it, you know what I'm talking about; if not, either play it, or look it up on the web.
Oh my gosh, this. I just broke down at the ending. It was a really sudden change from what I was expecting, too :(
Professor Layton will always be a great series to me. I think it's brought out almost every imaginable emotion inside of me.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
When you fight to become the Grand Champion of the Arena after telling him he's part vampire, I find it heartbreaking. Before, he was really happy and proud to fight, and after you tell him what he is and then challenge him, he comes out begging you to kill him. He doesn't even fight back. It counted as my first murder when I was playing, and the whole thing got to me emotionally. I can still hear his cries for me to kill him...

My name is Fiction

New member
Sep 27, 2010
IBlackKiteI said:
My name is Fiction said:
Nice picks, surprised Silent Hill wasn't in the fear category it at a whole different level compared to FEAR or STALKER.
Oh and can you teach me how to do spoilers, would be useful for me.
Thanks, haven't actually played Silent Hill other than a couple of SH2 levels, and they were damn creepy.

As for spoiler boxes you go

*text here*

Thats for the default spoiler box which says 'Spoiler: Click to View'.
Or if you want a heading you use

['spoiler= *heading here*']

Remember to do it without the quotes and bingo.
"how do you do it with videos?"


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Several parts of Bioshock (the original, not the crummy sequel) really made me stop, think and really feel inspired and determined to excel in something. Andrew Ryan is my frickin role model to an extent. That final speech he gives? Hoooooly fuck that was exhilarating. Some of the dialogue from that game I apply to my life and values to this very day.

mirror's edgy

New member
Sep 30, 2010
"Love can bloom on the battlefield..."
"There is no such thing as an enemy in absolute terms... We face an existence of endless battle..." They get me every time.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Only 2 games have ever actually made me care.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - The ending where almost all the SAS guys get killed, twas sad to loose gaz especially. Also lots of good themes in the game, really did have some good stuff in there.

World in Conflict - When Bannon Sacrifices himself in the nuclear explosion, and then you find out all the hate hes been through up to that point. Epic game, 10/10 I'd reccomend it to anyone for awesome story and fantastic gameplay.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
okay here goes...

Mass Effect 1... Kaiden or Ashly? i loved both and i used both in all my missions. I was well numb.

Mass Effect 2... the end mission, i lost tali and, garrus, and jack onmy first try. i loved tali and garrus, losing them was a slap to that face

Assassin's Creed 2... when Ezio lost his family i was hoping the would make it the sudden drop and quick stop was a pretty bad shock, and it really drove home on me when i played brother hood and had to steal the bodies for a proper burial, having to take your families bodies like that just hurts.

Cod 4... the nuke, i was leaning on the edge of my couch when it happened, i sat back in total numb shock at just watched my character die i slow agony, and his name on the list of KIAs had such a finality to it i was sad for the whole week after that.

Cod black ops... Dimitry poor poor poor bastard, i liked him alot and i was so PISSED when he was killed like a lab rat, i really did go on a roaring rampage of revenge on the SAS bastards that came snooping by.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Vrex360 said:
Mass Effect 2 had one major moment of sadness for me, namely the Horizon encounter with Ashley. I had seriously grown to like her in Mass Effect 1 and I was actually literally physically saddened to see her go. The email she sent later helped a bit but still....
Yea,I felt the same way, although for some reason I never got that email, so it was all sad for me.

Aurora Firestorm

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May 1, 2008
If you don't cry your eyes out at the end of MGS3, you don't have a soul :p

Not serious, but that game really got me. The Boss/Sorrow plot, along with the inevitable "Kill your mentor," and the ending scene of that What kind of game really makes you do it yourself? Really? *cries*


New member
May 24, 2009
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Do I have to explain this? Eli's death felt like a gut-punch, and not even because I was particularly attached to the character; it was Alyx's reaction. Alyx Vance is just about my favourite fictional character ever, and to see her lose so much in that single instant was terrible. Watching Alyx get impaled by the Hunter at the beginning of the game is none too pleasant either.

Call of Duty 4
Gaz and Jackson's deaths, mainly. Gaz's death in particular makes me want to cry just thinking about it. I first played this before the release of MW2, so at the time I'd also had every reason to believe that Captain Price had died too. This is one of the few games that has actually managed to make me cry.

Fallout: New Vegas
Trying to balance loyalties to both the NCR and the Brotherhood of Steel at the same time was stressful, to say the least. First there was the forcibly-assigned task of "removing" an NCR Ranger from the vicinity of the BoS's bunker, which had me afraid for the well-being of my head (their was no way I was going to kill him and ruin my good rep with the NCR, but at the same time the BoS had me rigged with an explosive collar) until I found out that my speech skill was high enough to convince him to just leave and hearty sighs of relief were had all around. I eventually found it in my heart to forgive the BoS for making me strip naked and threatening to kill me and did a few more favours for them, earning myself a place among them as a Paladin. Cut to later in the game, when the NCR gives me a distressing task of their own; destroy what's left of the Brotherhood. Luckily, there was a peaceful resolution to that as well, inducing even heartier sighs of relief and even netting me a chance actually go to battle with my new-found Brothers during the battle at Hoover Dam :)

Dead Space
This game was really only scary to me the first time I played it, because I didn't know what I would find behind every dark corner, but all subsequent playthroughs have pretty much lost their sting, with one exception; The Hunter. The Hunter is the only boss that can engage you at your level, you can't kill it with conventional weapons because of its regenerative abilities, and it is relentlessly fixated on making poor Isaac its *****. So, while the rest of the game is no longer scary to me because I know what's coming, the sections featuring the Hunter scare the shit out of me for the exact same reason; I know what's coming, and I know that it's coming for me.


Cosmic Rays of Undeadly Fire
Nov 2, 2010
Fallout 3 when

your dad dies its kinda sad, not only cause of the character but also because of everything he had to sacrifice just so he could die.

Fallout 3 when

your dad dies its kinda sad, not only cause of the character but also because of everything he had to sacrifice just so he could die.

Also in red dead redemption

John dies and the fact that u can't do anything about it although then as Jack marston you can kill the government agent and finally get "red dead redemption"


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Mass Effect 2: Happiness when I beat the game with every squad member alive. There were a couple of DAAWWWW moments such as the end of Miranda's, Tali's, Liara's, Garrus', and Mordin's loyalty missions.

Also... best part of the game


New member
Jul 21, 2009
LadyRhian said:
Sadness and yet, beauty...

When Mon-Mon calls out for Sayori, trying to bring her back from the future to be with him...


Several times, in the same game, when Mon-Mon is showing how perverted he is. Like spying on you in the bath (with the guy who raised you, yet no less. Ugh.) Clarification- they are both spying, one is not in the bath with you.

Heartwarming feeling

Yo-Jin-Bo (same game as the above 2 examples) When you choose to be with Ittosai, you really turn his life around, making him quite different from how he was. This left me feeling a warm glow in my chest.
I nearly cried on Ittosai's bad ending... Surprised me considering how light and amusing most of the rest of the game was.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
Well, this may not count as it's not an actual game (it being a Visual Novel and all), but Tsukihime. All of it. Especially the Eclipse section.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. Despite the fact that the main character is a guy, I was really able to get into the story and feel like I was placed in his position and given the responsibility to protect friends and hopefully get them through it all alive.