Games you actually found boring

Whispering Cynic

New member
Nov 11, 2009
Two shining examples off the top of my head:

Far Cry 2 - repetitive, broken on so many levels (yet it did some things right), felt... pointless. Like nothing I did made any difference.

Gears of War - gave up pretty quickly, the combat was incredibly dull.
Sep 14, 2009
Jailbird408 said:
gmaverick019 said:
every single half life....i have never been able to like them. at all.

portal was..a push but i made it through, although i could've cared less for still alive and all the other quotes that are overused a million times online

bioshock, i restarted it 3 times because i was getting so bored with it each time, and every single time i got bored again and stopped around the same parts.

fallout 3 the game..i just did not like the "atmosphere" at all (which is odd considering i loved NV) and the main plot? you've gotta be kidding me, the literal ONE saving grace was liam neeson and he obviously is only there for half of the main plot.

there are probably a few more, but just not really caring to think right now.
I found Halo boring and you disagree with me. That is a fact.

when did i..

i don't remember ever quoting or replying to you? nor did i talk about halo in my post at all...


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Spellforce 2 (sorry buddy. It does seem cool though)
The Path (incredibly boring and pointless)
Far Cry 2 (the checkpoints are more frustrating, but the journey is a mix of boredom/frustration)
Oblivion (pointless exploration, Far Cry 2 has the same problem)

Many of you mentioned Fallout 3. I don't understand why. Most places in Fallout 3 have something special to them (ie, unique item/weapon, people, etc). The game does have shitty sewers though.
Sep 14, 2009
James Crook said:
Goddamn, all the people saying the Bethesda games must not be playing them on PC, or using any mods for that matter (that shit is CRUCIAL for a Bethesda game!). I played thrice through Fallout: New Vegas, the first time without mods, the second with a few gameplay changing mods (more weapon add-ons, custom armour), the third with player-made DLC and the aforementioned gameplay changes, and the game NEVER got any boring to me. I'm even going to do a fourth one with the Dead Money and Honest Hearts DLCs installed when my computer ships.

Back to the OT: I especially remember The Simpsons: Hit & Run for the PS2. One of the worst TV series cash-ins ever made.
new vegas was developed by obsidian.... just saying.

and i personally don't think a game should be judged purely on it's mods, if it can't stand on it's own two legs without mods then it seriously needs some help (not to say i don't mod the hell out of my games and whatnot)


New member
Dec 6, 2010

Mass Effect (It was great, but Jogging all over creation had me dozing off, controller in lap)
Tomb Raider- ALL OF THEM (jog jog jog jog jog jump jog jog jog shoot endagered animal 80jillion times jog jog jog jog)
Final Fantasy 7-13 (grind grind grind grind... wakes up)
Metal Gear Solid 4 (preach preach preach ....wakes up oh gods is he still yammering on?)
Portal (yeah, yeah yeah... great concept, still, another room, another game of what now...)


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Red Dead Redemption and Oblivion - I'd rather play the mechanised versions of those games e.g. GTA and Fallout


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
pulse2 said:
Not bad because even bad can keep you awake if it's frustrating and certainly not good, just slap bang bloody boring and worthy of going right back to the shop.

Has any game seriously tested your patience to the max, either taking too long to get to the juicy parts or you simply found the gameplay mechanics far too dry, monotonous and easy to be considered worthy of your brain usage.

That might not mean the game is bad, it simply wasn't your cup of tea.
World of Warcraft.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Many of them, I guess. As for mainstream ones, though, i'd say Dragon Age 2(haven't played origins), Mass Efect 2 (haven't played 1) and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (i've played them all)

Slash Dementia

New member
Apr 6, 2009
Fallout 3 comes to mind, and I think that's it's been the only game that I've played that I actually found boring. Characters had their lifeless faces and cheap voice acting; quests were very simplistic and bland; weapons were simply eh; scenery was blegh; and the story was a bit under mediocre. The game just didn't do it for me.

Fable 2 and 3 are both boring, but they have their little charm to them.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Red Dead Redemption got boring pretty quickly, as well as Final Fantasy XIII with its one-button combat system.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2008
L.A. Noire.

I expected detective game with nuance details determening the outcome.

I got something more predictable then '80 tropical detective action show and more hand-leading then paint by numbers. Got boring pretty fast.

Stil, sent me back to Vera Cruz on Commodore 64. A real detective game. At least it did something goood.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Z of the Na said:
SammiYin said:
Portal. There I said it, we were all thinking it.
Hardly. Keep your opinion, but don't force it upon the rest of us. Thanks.

OT: Dragon Age: Origins absolutely bored me to death. I purchased the game solely on the regard that Bioware made it, as I love both Mass Effect titles to a large degree. Origins however, was incredibly dull, and lacked the "epic" feeling that came from what I loved in Mass Effect.

Started a mage character, finished the Fade portion of the intro, and returned the game two days later.

It just wasn't for me.
Many people found the game boring at first. I lent DA:O to one of my friends and a day later he was saying he was still at the start and thought it was incredibly boring. A few days later he told me he was loving it to death and really enjoyed it.

You didn't reach the point when the game actually opens up yet with characters, story etc But if the actual game in general isn't your cup of tea I guess I could understand that.

The Ruiner

New member
Aug 18, 2008
You might as well just post a list of every game in existence. This thread seems to be clearly heading that way. :D


New member
May 18, 2010
The Phoenix Wright series have all been relatively boring, but it's that cozy type of boring where I don't mind. Perfect for right before bed or long plane trips.


New member
Jun 5, 2011
Both Portal games

Crysis 2(had to restrain myself from using nanosuit abilities to make the game slightly more interesting but not even that couldn't get me through the repetitive pop-em-in-the-head-and-move-on-to-pop-some-more-heads)

Far Cry 2 - Even though I liked the game and the idea of it.Most of the game you were driving around the same jungle roads and passing through the same checkpoints where the same people I popped in the head a less than a minute ago spawned if I went further away than 50m.The checkpoints were really annoying to the point where I kinda became an ingame racist in Far Cry 2 and in my head I said why the fk are you coming after me you ngger, I can't be asked to stop and shoot all of you into the head again and again.I've no problem with people of different ethnicity but this game kinda forces you to hate the africans.