Games you liked but quit playing due to an (arguably) stupid problem.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
Monster Hunter Tri just likes to laugh at me, so I refuse to give it the satisfaction.

Look, when someone tells me to go and find some Ore for a sword, I'm going to assume it's in a mine. Perhaps a shiny rock has this rare Pelagicite ore? Or it could be hidden in this interesting looking mountain? Finally, after hours of searching lead me to give up, I stumble upon this Pelagicite Ore at the bottom of a freaking lake, and only then am I told I was looking for coral. The material's only called 'Ore' because it can be ground up and used WITH ore. Had you have told me it was coral, I could have found it and got back to the 5% of the game where you actually fight things. You know, instead of ferrying lumps of stone about in the hope of stumbling upon it in a heavily infested mine.

So, yeah. I just didn't like the way the game spoke to me, basically.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
I would say it is Gothic 3 with its random "WHERE IS THE GURU?" crash becaus the game was RAM eater and couldn't get enough. It would always choose after a big battle, right before i save the game... I can stll hear the game laughing at me.

Monster Hunter Tri .... So boring, it is (i might be offensive and I am sorry about that) game for those crazy coreans who find it fun to kill 150 times the same monster to get 5 bollocks of randomnes. It also feels extremly empty (well the wii hardware deosnt help).

And i the last one is FF7, it is just too damn ugly for me, it would of worked better for me if the characters look more like the mincraft models than having toothpick size arms, huge boxe hands, it looks like an unatural love between a stickman and tetris.


New member
Mar 1, 2012
Spyro the dragon. I played those games religiously, until half way through their PS3 life, cant remember the name of the game, but they turned spyro from a loveable huggable cartoon dragon into a badass motherhumper who rips through stuff. I didnt like that, how could they do that to him.

For about 5 games he was not the spyro I knew, he was a fraud. That made me quit. They have made an effort to change him back of late but what a rubbish effort it is, skylanders: Spyro's (so called) adventure. Where the main character isnt even spyro and you have to buy the stupid statues from the money grabbing game developers to move on to the rest of the game.

I am annoyed at them for ruining my childhood hero, spyro, i shall miss you.


New member
Mar 1, 2012
I quit on Rune Factory Frontier because of the Runey system. I think aside from runeys it is the best of the Harvest Moon genre, but the Runeys killed it. That was until I found the Runey Calculator on the app store. It takes care of what the developers should have. It gives a way to manage your runeys without having to work so hard at figuring what to do. It made the game so much more fun. I picked it up again and finally did what I wanted to in the game.