Games you never expected to like... but ended up falling in love with...


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
Arctarus said:
I never expected Minecraft to be any good when I started. When my friend described it it was like this, "Dude, check out this game! You can take blocks and move them somewhere else! It's amazing!" and remaining unconvinced he gifted me the game. So I found a new game I liked and got it for free.
I remember when it first got described to me, I thought I wouldn't like it. When I first went onto the website and watched the roller-coaster video they had at the time, I still didn't like the look of it.

Then I decided to play on Creative Mode, I played it all that night and I loved it! Going totally against what I first thought, I bought it that night as well, and I still enjoy it to this very day!

Dave29 said:
Viva Pinata.

I thought it was a stupid kiddy game that came for free with my XBox. I gave it a shot, and fell in love.
This as well. When I first got given it to play, I thought it just wouldn't be my sort of game, too childish. But it is strangely relaxing and fun to play, despite what other people think of the game :D


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
Also similar to Minecraft, Fortress Craft and Terraria (yeah I know it's not at all similar, but I thought it was judging by first impressions).

Fortress Craft definitely is very similar to Minecraft, worse than Minecraft, but still fun to play. Especially when loads of your friends also get it for the Xbox 360. It's just a shame lots of my friends still think that Minecraft is crap, purely because they have never played it. Also, because they played Fortress Craft first, they are more likely to still think that it is better, even if they do end up playing Minecraft eventually.

Terraria looked terrible the first time I saw it, but for some reason, I bought it off Steam, because it was cheap, and I must admit, it is a fantastic game to play! The whole "2D Minecraft" tagline its sort of got stuck with is 99% unfair, and I say that because, really, the only similarity Terraria has to Minecraft, is that the world is composed of blocks/squares. That is literally the only similarity. I'd also say they are similar because the game has zombies in it... but so does Left 4 Dead, and that isn't similar to Minecraft now, is it?


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I really did not want to try league of legends, but my friend kept bugging me about it so I did. at first I hated it and couldn't figure out the appeal. then I started to get the hang of it, and started liking it to the point where in all my spare time I was playing it.

then I lost interest again :)


New member
Jul 4, 2011
My bother told me how much he loved Oblivion and Mass Effect when they first came out and I gave them a try but I didn't really like them, not until some years later I played through ME and realized it's one of the best games I'veever played and I even got ME2 (and finished it) before him. I finished Oblivion some months ago and now I'm really loking forward to Skyrim

Hot Madness

New member
May 20, 2009
Both Dead Space and Metro 2033. I thought Dead Space would be a re-hashed 3rd person Doom 3, and while the game shares some things with that game, it's atmosphere, pacing, and presentation sold me; not to mention it turned out to be massively fun to play.

I rented Metro 2033 expecting a sloppy, ill-made, mildly entertaining at best. Instead I got a tight, harrowing, addictive mix between Fallout and Silent Hill, with some of the best immersion and atmosphere in a game this console generation. The US and Japan may have largely forgotten how to make Survival Horror, but they can apparently nail it in Ukraine.


Sep 23, 2010
Oh, I have a recent example: Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls.

Based on the reviews, I was expecting it to be horrifically punishing and frustrating. After clearing the demo in one sitting, I can attest that it is not. It's just so damn fun. Awesome tactical combat. A huge cast of monsters, spells and loot. Gorgeous character designs.

And this is coming from someone with absolutely no nostalgia about the style (never played it before).
Alphakirby said:
I guess Demon's Souls,because even though it managed to kick my ass at every turn,like Super Meat Boy,it's usually my fault. Though the dodge move really can't do much.

Unless you're referring to Super Meat Boy (in which case, okay, never played it), dodging/rolling is extremely useful. Is your equip burden over 50%? That will slow it down a lot.

I made that mistake once, causing me to ragequit the game for about half a year before coming back and doing things right. :p


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2011
The first Uncharted.I had nothing to do the in the weekend and my friend suggested it and it was AWESOME.Uncharted became my one of favorite series.Of course secınd game was even better but everybody expected to be.(I know what Yahtzee said about the series but c'mon.)


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Shadow Complex. I usually don't get into games like castlevania/metroid, but I jumped into this and just FELL IN LOVE! I JUST got this game btw...

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
Soul Nomad and the world eaters.

Bought it seven years years ago, at first I hated the system then I heard the voices. and then I heard GIG:

Fast forward to 7:32 and you will not regret the awesomeness.


New member
May 22, 2009
mireko said:
And this is coming from someone with absolutely no nostalgia about the style (never played it before).
Alphakirby said:
I guess Demon's Souls,because even though it managed to kick my ass at every turn,like Super Meat Boy,it's usually my fault. Though the dodge move really can't do much.

Unless you're referring to Super Meat Boy (in which case, okay, never played it), dodging/rolling is extremely useful. Is your equip burden over 50%? That will slow it down a lot.

I made that mistake once, causing me to ragequit the game for about half a year before coming back and doing things right. :p
Well seeing as I got set on fire by a dragon because the dodge didn't go far enough,I would have to say it's pretty useless. (I'm referring to Demon's Souls)


New member
Jun 2, 2010
somersetsaxon said:
A friend of my had been raving about Oblivion for months. He kept trying to make me have a go on it on his PC. I kept telling him I didn't think it looked interesting and that the swords and sorcery setting didn't do anything for me. Anyway, he kept on at it until eventually I bought a pre-owned 360 copy just to shut him up. Anyway, 200 hours later and its one of my favourite games of all time (it's also the reason why I picked up Fallout 3, which probably is my favourite game of all time, I might well have written it off too without giving it a go).
HOLY SHIT!!! You're me! My friend said "Get Oblivion! Get Oblivion!" So I bought it and fell in love with it. Then got Fallout 3 and I LOVE it! It is by far the best game ever!


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Mass Effect 1 and Fallout New Vegas were games I went into kinda "meh". I was wowed, and dumbstruck. I was actually upset having finished ME1, because now there were no more missions :( I felt empowered with that game... despite having to kill Saren 3 times because of bugs.


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
siygen said:
Not sure if you know this, but if you have something to contribute to the thread, you must include some discussion with your decision.

Also, Welcome to The Escapist!


Stormfather take you!
Nov 10, 2009
Team Fortress 2. I never got it until I got the Orange Box, and hot DAMN did I get it then. That was back in '08, and I still play it for several hours every week. It's only gotten better since then, and I'm so glad I got it.

Lord Kodous

New member
Feb 24, 2009
Forza Motorsport 3, the only other racing games I like are the Burnout series, F-Zero series, and Fatal Inertia. Point is, I didn't think I'd like a racing game that's more akin to a driving simulator.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Fallout 3 - i was about to trade it in till my friend showed what was capable

NFS:MW - autolog and friends that play it made this a hit for me

Bayonetta - i didn't know why i was playing it for half of the game but then the epic epicness of the boss battles made this a keeper.

FFVII - Did RPGs before and never got into them, but once i lost that special party member
1. i was actually gutted because i'd grown attached
2. it turned the game into a personal quest for vengeance.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Mass Effect. When I first looked it up, it looked meh to me. Then, I went to rent a game and nothing else was there, so I wound up renting it. It's now my 2nd favorite game ever, only surpassed by Mass Effect 2 in my book.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
Assassin's Creed 1. I got it as a present along with another game and was like "B'ohkay."
I played it and I was amazed by the immersive gameplay and story.
Also, Far Cry 2. That's the other game I got, but unlike Assassin's Creed, I never really warmed up to it until about 2 years after I got it. And then I LOVED it.

Also, I'm seriously considering buying Just Cause 2 after a demo that I thought was merely OK, but then I played it more often.

I also got a reversal from Mafia 2, which I expected to love, but thought it was pretty above average by the end.