Games you never found another player of (or even heard of)


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
Startopia, a quirky but fun space station management game. It didn't sell many copies but it was awesome. (it was for PC, came out like 1999 I think) I still install and play it now and again for nostalgia.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
GonzoGamer said:
ElVasco said:
..... that game, was "War on Terror", a real-time strategy game based on a fictionalised version of the very real, well, War on Terror, but I digress. I have never found a soul that ever knew the existence of the game, so I wonder, has any one here ever had a game that nobody ever paused to question something similar in existence?

Captcha: industrial revolution, for without it, we wouldn't even have the cheap, mass-produced t-shirt he is wearing now.
Sounds like a patriotism cash in of 2002. It was good? Cash in games can pleasantly surprise sometimes. Couple of those Harry Potter games were really good.

I think I've found one other person on these forums who played Ribbit King (ps2).
Epic WTF.
If you live someplace where weed is legalized, get a big bag and this game.
Obligatory: Don't do drugs kids.
OH OH! I played Ribbit King! It was a fun idea, I really liked it until I got taffy on the disc and couldn't beat it. I bought a copy last year but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

OT: The PS2 Indiana Jones games were kinda fun. But I don't think anyone else has ever mentioned Atlus' Tail Concerto. It's pretty cool if a little kidish.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
GonzoGamer said:
ElVasco said:
..... that game, was "War on Terror", a real-time strategy game based on a fictionalised version of the very real, well, War on Terror, but I digress. I have never found a soul that ever knew the existence of the game, so I wonder, has any one here ever had a game that nobody ever paused to question something similar in existence?

Captcha: industrial revolution, for without it, we wouldn't even have the cheap, mass-produced t-shirt he is wearing now.
Sounds like a patriotism cash in of 2002. It was good? Cash in games can pleasantly surprise sometimes. Couple of those Harry Potter games were really good.
I honestly can't remember if it was biased or not, but I remember the three sides, World Forces, kind of the UN of the future (though the game took place in 2008), the Order (I think), a Mexican drug cartel that is also a revolutionary army, and the Chinese something-rather, self explanatory. I don't remember when it was released either, but one thing I do know that I enjoyed it quite a bit, maybe I will look it up on google, see if I find any gameplay. You used to control individual units, even infantry, and infantry had to occupy vehicles to control them, which was a nice little touch.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Custom Robo for the Gamecube. Friggin' loved that game, and everyone looked at me like I was crazy whenever I mentioned it.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
MasterNano said:
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue.
It's not that obscure, but I've never heard it mentioned in web-videos, and in my opinion, it's one of the best games made for kids ever!
I agree. I think it's very solid and child friendly, and I think it's a good place for any gamer to start. I would probably recommended the first one though. Even though the second is better, it's kind of pscyhes you out by thinking the mechs are going to change a lot, when they don't, and be important when most of them are only used a few times.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
Guffe said:
A game called Baroque.
I found it cheaply for the Wii a few years back, don't know anyone who's heard of it.
And good so, the game sucked and I didn't understand crap about it...
I tried to play it for several hours but never got anywhere
People of the Escapist, keep away from this game!
I own this game for PS2. I bought it on impulse and never took it out of the shrink wrap.


New member
Jun 4, 2010
Pebble said:
Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal. It had some pleasant, atmospheric music and entertaining combat. I picked up a fake copy of the game in Kowloon years ago.

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. It was a side-scrolling 3D shooter in which you blasted aliens and did other things that I will not mention here due to the wishes of the Vatican.

Soldier of Fortune. Much of the same, minus the aliens.

I never met anyone who had played Freelancer until a few years ago. A truly fantastic and wondrous game. Nothing I have found since can compare with the experience of hovering stationary in a vast ice field, watching frozen chunks of rock pirouette past, the irregular flashes of light illuminating patches of the dark cloud shrouding your vulnerable craft. Being completely alone save for the occasional silhouette of a hostile dagger fighter, scouring the mist for lost ships like yours.

That and accidentally crashing into planets. That was hilarious.
If you're interested, there is a game called Limit Theory that has just been kick started. One of it's inspirations in Freelancer's fast pace combat so i'm told.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Z of the Na said:
Bomberman 64: The Second Attack springs to mind.

That was one of my favorite games of the N64, and yet nobody mentions it. Ever.

Other games of note include:

- Metals Arms: Glitch in the System (Xbox, PS2, Gamecube)
- Brute Force (Xbox)
- Goemon's Great Adventure (N64)
Actually I finally heard about Bomberman 64: The Second Attack long into the time of the gamecube, and I was sad for I loved the first Bomberman 64. I still have yet to have a chance to even see The Second Attack much less play it.

And I love Metal Arms and I see it numerous times in threads about games that deserve a sequel...Too bad that seems to be a never gonna happen type of deal.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Fractral said:
Well the irritating thing about the escapist is that there is almost guaranteed to be at least someone else who has played/heard of any game you can think of. Or it might be a good thing, I dunno.
This is unfortunately true. I went down the 26 posts when I looked at the thread and I've played several of them. But I am like a cookie monster of video games. I try it all.

Eclipse Dragon said:
Guffe said:
A game called Baroque.
I found it cheaply for the Wii a few years back, don't know anyone who's heard of it.
And good so, the game sucked and I didn't understand crap about it...
I tried to play it for several hours but never got anywhere
People of the Escapist, keep away from this game!
I own this game for PS2. I bought it on impulse and never took it out of the shrink wrap.
It's a forgettable title. Just another one of the games where ATLUS realized that they can slap their name on it and bring it here on a limited release and make some money.

Shinsei-J said:
Bust-a-Groove/Move for the PS1.
Man, I played the plop out of that as a boy.
Never heard anyone else talk about it even though the sound track was completely dope.
Best music ever!
I played this in 98 on a Japanese PlayStation, as well as Parasite Eve. Both games were awesome and I was glad that they made it to the US eventually. Also, Heat's song was my favourite with the runner up being Kitty-N's.

Rascarin said:
Sanitarium - a 2002 Point-and-Click puzzler where you are a doctor in a coma who has discovered a terrible secret about one of your colleagues. The game is your journey through your mind as you fight to regain consciousness before your colleague kills you. It's trippy and bizarre and horrible and brilliant.

I've also never heard of anyone else admitting to having played Azurik: Rise of Perathia (one of the Xbox Original release titles). I actually really liked it, but everything I've heard of it seems to say that the general consensus was terrible.
I liked both of these. Sanitarium was a game you picked up because the premise was intriguing. It didn't disappoint. Azurik got hatred but it was pretty good for 2001. I didn't think it (or Nightcaster) got enough credity for what they were; fun experiences.

I could keep going but you all get the point.

I am glad that many of these hidden gems (and lumps of coal) were experienced by others. Not enough games get credit for being fun times because they aren't considered great and that's a shame.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Operation Darkness. It got scathing reviews but I don't think its half bad. The camera can be annoying sure, but once you get past that its a game almost equal to Fire Emblem (It's a Strategy RPG if you couldn't guess)


New member
Oct 1, 2012
LordDPS said:
Pebble said:
Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal. It had some pleasant, atmospheric music and entertaining combat. I picked up a fake copy of the game in Kowloon years ago.

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. It was a side-scrolling 3D shooter in which you blasted aliens and did other things that I will not mention here due to the wishes of the Vatican.

Soldier of Fortune. Much of the same, minus the aliens.

I never met anyone who had played Freelancer until a few years ago. A truly fantastic and wondrous game. Nothing I have found since can compare with the experience of hovering stationary in a vast ice field, watching frozen chunks of rock pirouette past, the irregular flashes of light illuminating patches of the dark cloud shrouding your vulnerable craft. Being completely alone save for the occasional silhouette of a hostile dagger fighter, scouring the mist for lost ships like yours.

That and accidentally crashing into planets. That was hilarious.
If you're interested, there is a game called Limit Theory that has just been kick started. One of it's inspirations in Freelancer's fast pace combat so i'm told.

It looks pretty smashing. I'm already following Star Citizen on Kickstarter, but I'll have to keep an eye on this one.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Yojoo said:
Lords of Magic for PC. It's an RPG/RTS hybrid with a turn-based movement and economy system that switches to a real-time tactical battlefield when combat is initiated. There were eight different "faiths" you could play as, like order, chaos, life, and death, which gave the game a lot of replay-ability.

The only people I know who actually played it were my brother and I.
My CD's still sit on my desk for that game. I liked playing earth.

Not a whole lot of people I come across anymore have played/heard of the "Quest for Glory" series. It's one of the games that really got me into gaming.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Rascarin said:
Sanitarium - a 2002 Point-and-Click puzzler where you are a doctor in a coma who has discovered a terrible secret about one of your colleagues. The game is your journey through your mind as you fight to regain consciousness before your colleague kills you. It's trippy and bizarre and horrible and brilliant.
I actually really liked Sanitarium. Unfortunatly, it doesn't seem to like the new versions of windows when I tried playing it again.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
Dead_Man said:
Custom Robo for the Gamecube. Friggin' loved that game, and everyone looked at me like I was crazy whenever I mentioned it.
This is the first time I've seen anyone ever even speak of that game. Well, I loved it too. Yay for us!

With that one disqualified, I suppose I'll have to say Ogre Battle 64. Although for all I know it's well known and well loved but I cannot recall anyone ever mentioning it.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I clocked in roughly 90 hours with Bladestorm, I loved that game. But I don't know ANYONE who's ever played it and that includes video game forums!


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I never see anyone for Timesplitters. At least, from 3 onward. 1-2 wasn't very good.

3 and Future Perfect were a big part of my teenage years, though.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
I have two of those games. Both I found awesome, btw:

-Vandal Hearts 1 for PS1. I loved this rpg. First strategy rpg I've ever played.
-RUSH 2 for N64. Was great fun to play with friends. A very over the top and arcade-y need for speed, you could say.

Haven't heard anyone mention these both in real life or on the net so far.

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Wondering if anyone has had to sit through the ten minutes of crappy dialogue, then the ensuing completely unexplained, shitty gameplay that is Robot Warlords:

For the sake of humanity I sincerely hope not.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Fractral said:
Well the irritating thing about the escapist is that there is almost guaranteed to be at least someone else who has played/heard of any game you can think of. Or it might be a good thing, I dunno.
I've never found another SMT fan in real life, though. I guess most people just don't like that style of game, which is a shame.
You have the same thing going on in your life too. I've also never met another one.

Obviously though, it's popular enough to warrant sequels and spin offs.

I know about Kathleen from LRR and Susan Arendt admitting to enjoying at least Persona 4(Kathleen enjoys it better than 3, but to each their own).

Ralen-Sharr said:
Yojoo said:
Lords of Magic for PC. It's an RPG/RTS hybrid with a turn-based movement and economy system that switches to a real-time tactical battlefield when combat is initiated. There were eight different "faiths" you could play as, like order, chaos, life, and death, which gave the game a lot of replay-ability.

The only people I know who actually played it were my brother and I.
My CD's still sit on my desk for that game. I liked playing earth.

Not a whole lot of people I come across anymore have played/heard of the "Quest for Glory" series. It's one of the games that really got me into gaming.
Quest for Glory is so obscure for some reason I thought you were talking about the King's Quest series.