Games you never get tired of

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
Pokemon Generation 3. There's something about it that just keeps making me come back and replay it, everything is just so good.


New member
Jul 28, 2015
The original Doom & Doom II. Been playing them reliably since release. Helps that the community never gives up on it and constantly makes new maps and weird gameplay mods.

retsupurae yahtsee

New member
May 14, 2012
Mario: Lots of creativity, fun, varied environments and enemies and plenty of hidden things to find. I can play most of the games endlessly without getting bored.
Rayman: Same as Mario.
Mario versus Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Like the previous ones, but an even better game.
2D Zeldas like the first three, the Ocarina games and Link between Worlds: I love the 3D games, but they have too many flaws to be this. 2D Zeldas, on the other hand are simple and endless fun.
Leisure Suit Larry, Space Quest, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max, Heart of China, Rise of the Dragon, Willy Beamish, Gateway, Quest for Glory 1 and Gabriel Knight 1: The defining adventure games, with lots of humor, great deaths and complex puzzles.
Metal Max Returns and Metal Saga: Blasting everything with tanks and it is fucking awesome.
Wing Commander: Perfect space simulations with great action, great characters and stories and music that tells you exactly what is happening without having to look at the displays.
SNES Adventures of Batman and Robin: A perfect Batman game, captures the feel of the best comics and the animated series perfectly.
Parodius and Twinbee: Completely fucking insane parodies of shooters with lots of fun and action.
Bubble Bobble, Rainbow Islands, Puzzle Bobble, Parasol Stars, etc: Wonderful and wildly varied and surreal games that are very lengthy, challenging fun.
Super Metroid and the Prime series: Fine complements to the old Zeldas, with similar mixtures of action and exploration.
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood: The perfect Castlevania, ideally balanced, endlessly fun and very atmospheric.
Little King's Story: One of the most creative, fun and subtle games ever and completely unique.
Bloodnet: An unusual, challenging and fun R.P.G. with a complex resource management system and a great mix of cyberpunk and Gothic horror.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: The best game in the series, with a colorful world, great missions, lots of humor, classic '80s style and music and endless freedom.
Superhero League of Hoboken: An R.P.G. with the unique style and humor of Steve Meretsky and very complex character development.
Dynamite Headdy, Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Landstalker: I love the style of Treasure and the challenge in most of its games.
Mega Man: A great platformer series, very colorful and fun worthy of Mario, Rayman and Treasure's games.
Dark Forces and Jedi Outcast: Great Star Wars games that really capture the fun of the old movies.
Bionic Commando and Rearmed: Grappling over long pits is really exciting.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Rainbow Six: Seige.

Bought the starter edition after playing it at my cousin's and thinking "yeah, it's alright." Now I often play with a full squad made of said cousin, his two friends and a girl we met on there, and that's if I'm not playing by myself.
Considering I bought the "lowest tier" version of the game, there's still heaps of stuff left to unlock for me, too.


New member
Oct 24, 2017
Dungeons and Dragons/Pathfinder.

Oh, videogames?

Hm, Sins of a Solar Empire, Supreme Commander, and have been playing a hell of a Stellaris...

Zombie Proof

New member
Nov 28, 2015
Ezekiel said:
CaitSeith said:
Thumbs up for self awareness.
Oh, I forgot this guy. He's as friendly as Mr. Hollywood and has about as much to add to my threads.
Screw what some goofnozzle has to say 'Zeke.

Max Payne 3 is HOT, and is totally worthy of being a game you never get tired of. Especially with how deep you go in peeling open the layers of gameplay.

For me It's the left 4 dead series. That AI director is one of the best ideas in all of gaming. Since I first installed it, no two matches have ever felt the same. It's also a marvel of multiplayer game play design. Simply one of the best game series ever.

RE 4 as well. I go through this one yearly.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Ironman126 said:
Bilious Green said:
Dragon Age Origins. It's my favourite game ever and I've finished about 17 times.
Do you have a secret to enjoying the first half of that game? Because I've played it four or five times and I really hate the character intro through to about time I get to Denerim (I go Redcliffe, Circle Tower, Brecillian Forest, Orzimar, Denerim). I especially hate the Circle Tower.
Its recommended that everyone finishes the Circle Tower first. Espceially since you get your healer character there.

Orzammar was the greatest.

The first half of Redcliffe was kinda boring, but when you have to get the Urn of Sacred Ashes things get a bit hype.

Brecillian Forest is mercifully short.

And I still think the game's combat is underrated by most gamers because I just think they never get what the combat is about, and especially it was made primarily for PC controls in mind. It was meant to be a throwback to Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale's combat and party system.

And I wish most Party Based RPGs controlled like Dragon Age: Origins.


New member
Mar 9, 2013
KayeFaye said:
The original Doom & Doom II. Been playing them reliably since release. Helps that the community never gives up on it and constantly makes new maps and weird gameplay mods.
This guy stole mine. They were my favourite games when they came out, they're my favourite games today. I don't care too much about modding the actual gameplay, but it's very true that the community map packs are a continual source of enjoyment. It's amazing how, even after literally decades, people are still creating maps that feel both fresh and true to the old-school Doom design philosophy.

Great stuff.


New member
Jan 21, 2018
I've been playing Nethack (v3.4.3 is my favorite) since before most of y'all were born. It's the only game I've never tired of and I still play a few times a week. Best gameplay I've ever experienced. It's very hard but winnable in a thousand different ways. If you can get past the ASCII dungeons you should try it because it's a game you can really come to love.

US Server website:

blue heartless

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2005
- Pokemon Red and Blue. I've got multiple copies of each so I'm constantly restarting and replaying.
- Half-Life. Just the first one. It was my first PS2 FPS.
- Portal and Portal 2. Adore the game and its characters.
- MegaMan Legends. This was my first MegaMan game. The first of many.
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Didn't catch it on SNES, but later when it was ported to GBA.
- Streets of Rage 2. Video game music peaked with this one.
- Final Fantasy Tactics. If I kept track of hours played back when this came out it would easily be over 3k hours. I was absorbed in the story.
- Pokemon TCG. I put this separate than Red/Blue simply because it's in my GameBoy Color right now, in my bag waiting to be played when I travel. I was just playing it a few hours ago. I just don't know what appeals to me after a decade of playing it but damn man that cartridge is the only one game I own that isn't in great condition. Wear and tear? It's worn and torn. The text reads weird, the colors are off, the case is smoooooth. The fact that this game still plays and saves is a miracle. I'll still 100% it in a about a dozen hours.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. If only the real-life MMORPG version of Dragon's Dogma was available for western audiences and doesn't feature damage-sponges for enemies.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. I dunno why, but this just has some of the most satisfying gameplay and balance of AI difficulty. Sure, there are a lot of stupid mechanics, and it isn't realism in the way that previous R6 games were, but it's just so damn fun, I could never get bored of it.

Dirt Rally Ever since I got it in early access, it's been one of the go to driving sims I always go back to, when I want proper sense of speed thrill, with deep and concentrated challenge. Of course, I have more realistic sims than that, and some more arcadey, but this one is one that I go back to.

Resident Evil 6 Ok I do get a bit of flak for this. I liked the game a lot more than most people, but what keeps me coming back is the Mercenaries mode. Helps that I have a friend who is addicted to it as well. And once I got it on PC and realized they bumped up the enemy density and challenge by 10 in No Mercy mode, well it was like falling in love the first time all over again.

blue heartless said:
- Streets of Rage 2. Video game music peaked with this one.
Ninja'd on this. Damn near perfect game, I also play the other 2, plus the brilliantly done fan remake. It's fun too with a friend around. Agreed wholeheartedly about the music.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Saga Frontier. I'd play it more, but the disk I have has a huge scratch and most of the game is currently unavailable.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
"Never" is a pretty big hyperbolic hurdle.

I've had some pretty extensive runs with Ultima Online, Simcity 2000 (which came out in 1993), Perfect Dark, Unreal Tournament (99 and 2k4), Neverwinter Nights, Heroes of Might & Magic 3 (and 5), and a few scattered wrestling games.

Other then Simcity, theres some obvious cases there where the multiplayer and/or ongoing user created content kept things flowing moreso then the base game (Hell, its a running joke that no one played Neverwinter Nights actual base game, lol).

Some stuff I've certainly done multiple playthroughs of, but not on a continous loop or anything.


New member
Jun 8, 2015
Warcraft III... I go back every couple of years and play through all - what - 70 single player missions on hard mode? Such a great story and fun gameplay. Really hoping Blizzard remasters it soon like they did Starcraft.

Mass Effect trilogy... same as above. I replay the trilogy every couple of years. Probably the GOAT.

Dark Souls trilogy... I first played these about 1.5 years ago, and have since logged 1300 hours into the three games. I spent almost a whole year playing nothing but Souls. I've finally moved on (I think), but I will certainly be back for more at some point.