Games You Wanted To Get But Couldn't Due To Exclusivity


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
Dalisclock said:
Only the older PS3's. I believe the 60 GB versions and earlier. So you'd need to find one of the older ones for a decent price.
No that's for PS2 games. All PS3s, no matter what model, can play PS1 games. Has something to do with the fact that PS1 readers work with the way PS3 games are read. The old 60 GB model PS3s had actual PS2s inside of them, hence the price. I know they work because I had an old 80 GB one that played the PS1 games, and now I have a slim model that does so as well.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Let see (PC and Wii user here)-
3D Dot Heroes
The newer Halo's games
Most Suda 51 games
Phantasy Star Universe (I'm not so bother about this now.)
Wonderful 101
Xenoblade Chronicle X (especially when I had played and love the last game).


New member
Nov 22, 2013
Some PS Vita games I guess (I'm a PC, PS3/4 and Wii user). Don't think I've ever seen an Xbox exclusive that I was bummed about not getting to play.

Darth Sea Bass

New member
Mar 3, 2009
For me it's mainly the Uncharted games and Journey. I'm sure there are more PS3 exclusives I can't think of off the top of my head. I probably should have gone for a PS3 over the 360 because of the perception that all 360 owners are dude-bro call of duty morons.


New member
Aug 19, 2014
Did anyone mention Dark Souls yet? Technically not an exclusivity issue, but the damn thing has region lock due to the Games for Windows Live bullshit. It literally forced me to get it through "other means". Bad service at it's finest.


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2011
The Gundam Side Stories series. It's not console exclusive, but it is region-exclusive. Rise from the Ashes was the only good Gundam game I ever played, and it saddens me that I never got to play anything else from the series... Blue Destiny looked awesome.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
I remember really being upset I couldn't play Dead Rising. It looked like so much fun! But I was a young teenager at the time and couldn't afford any console of my own. My father owned a PS3 at launch, but it didn't come out on PS3. It was just me and my PS2.

Then there was Fable 2, which I loved the first one on PC. Still haven't played any Fable game since though, because screw getting an Xbox.

Until recently I haven't played a Zelda game since Majora's Mask (and a wee bit of Wind Waker years ago).

Today though I own most consoles I have interests in. PS Vita, PS3, gaming PC, WiiU, 3DS, PSP. Still no Xbox consoles, but at this point I figure I'm not missing out on much. I mean...most Xbox One games are coming out on PC anyway, just not until later.

Oh, and now that Metal Gear Solid 5 is said to be coming out on PC, I don't need to buy a PS4 until...maybe Kingdom Hearts 3 or FF15.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Most of the Ace Combat series.

I'm told Ace Combat is really great, but all I've seen of it is cringe-worthy cheesy-ness from AC6 and just boring gameplay with AC:AH.

The reason I haven't played Ace Combat is because it isn't released on PC, and I'll be damned if I can't play an air combat game with my flight stick.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Can't think of anything I've wanted badly enough for it to make a difference. I was sort of bummed that Samurai Warriors was exclusive to the Wiiiiiii in the US, and if I had a Wii Ew, I'd buy Hyrule Warriors and Splatoon, but I'm not sure those count.

So the last time was probably back during the 8 bit or 16 bit eras, and I can't think of a specific example.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Rozalia1 said:
Its not your fault if you are poor no, however gaming is something you invest in with excess cash. If you have the excess cash to be in gaming, than you have the excess cash to afford another machine. By not getting the platform than it means you never wanted the exclusives as much as you thought to start with so you shouldn't worry about it.
Remember that exclusives usually come in the form of a series of games, you'd not just be looking at 1 game. Atelier Rorona was one game exclusive to the PS3, it got 6 additional games in the series on that platform.

Tales of Vesperia was an exclusive that I might have played when the inevitable "why don't I give that inferior to Star Ocean series a chance" phase came about, but the day never came as I just didn't want it enough.
The Last Remnant was similar but that actually came to PC so as I had one already (I'd not get a gaming PC for The Last Remnant no) so I got it.
Okay, so based on your reasoning above, I should be able to afford both consoles because I can afford one. How exactly does that hold up? If I have $600 in excess cash that I can spend on either console, and both consoles right now cost $400 each, then how the hell do I buy both consoles with the $600 that I have?

Your logic assumes that everyone has the disposable income to do whatever they want, which is quite simply far from the case.

D.j. Wellborn

New member
Sep 20, 2012
Rozalia1 said:
D.j. Wellborn said:
Rozalia1 said:
None. Besides if you did want to get something than you'd get it. By not getting it means you really never wanted it all that much to begin with.
So because I'm forced to choose between a new console and game and rent and heat that means I don't want it enough? Do you even know what the hell you're talking about?
What is the specs on your computer?
I have a ASUS Z87-PLUS board with a Intel Core i5 processor and a Radeon 5700 graphics card. The newest thing i have is the Graphics card which i got for my birthday a year ago from my mother and i only got that because without it i had no computer. My computer overheated and the card fried and if it wasn't for her getting it for me i wouldn't have a computer. My computer is old and i can't remember the last time it went above 30fps. So yeah, I do need to decide on rent or a new fucking console.

I should also mention that my computer was purchased and built by my mother because I can't afford any of this on my own. I'm 22 and she's 53 and she's the kindest person in my life.


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
So many 3DS games!

The thing is filled with games I would buy if I had one, but not a single one which pushes me over the verge to actually buying one.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I actually want to try out Star Wars: The Old Republic now that its gone free to play but I refuse to install Origin for a subpar MMO. I already have Steam to contend with; I don't need more Launchers/Stores.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Mirroga said:
Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Now it is Super Smash Bros WiiU & Bayonetta 2. Those are pretty much the only games that caught my attention in this generation that I don't want to or cannot play in a PC or in the PS consoles.
If you have a decent enough computer, you can just emulate the Wii with Dolphin. I'm doing it and running Brawl at a smooth 60 FPS on my modest laptop.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Rozalia1 said:
thejackyl said:
Due to exclusivity? None.

My friend has a 360, and I have a PS3 and a PC. Luckily most of the exclusives (on either end) sparked no interest from me. However many PS1 and 2 games evade me, as I don't have a working PS1/2 or they aren't on the PSN. Oh, well. I'll live.
PS3 can play PS1 discs.
Most of the games I wanted to play are on PSN anyways (and usually cheaper than finding an actual PS1 copy)