Games you wish you HADN'T bought...


New member
May 7, 2008
Perfect Dark Zero, King Kong, Syphon Filter 2, SH4 The Room, and Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. All of those sucked. Repetitive gameplay, bad graphics, a fucking rainbow of reasons.


New member
Mar 31, 2008
Sonic Heroes (I preordered it too, damn it). Red Steel (give this to people you hate). Gemini Force (no one who played it with me could get past the first level).
Apr 28, 2008
flamedance58 said:
Battlefield 2142 - Insane server lag, asshole players, non-Vista compatibility, and CS clonage.
thats odd, because I have vista and it works just fine, I experience no server lag or asshole players, unless you count the ones that take off in a vehicle alone without you, but thats about it.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
MotorStorm, I traded my copy of Army of Two for it. And a slew of PS2 games I got off of eBay for cheap that weren't really that great. Surprisingly, COD3 is one of the ones I think was worth the $20 I got it for.

And in PSN games...

LocoRoco Choreccho-Shittiest game ever. Not worth 2 bucks much less $7.
Super Stardust HD-Fun for a while, but got bored after a half hour.
PixelJunk Monsters-See above.

I'm looking forward to FlOw and Calling All Cars when I get some money.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
Nexus; The jupiter Incident. It looked pretty, was cheap, and was a sci-fi, all looked good. I don't think i even got past the tutorial (wow was the marcus/russell crowe wannabe guy's voice acting bad)

Syndicate for the Snes - i bought this when i was quite young, and never had a clue in the slightest what to do, recently decided to try it on an emulator (I'm older now, i should get it)no

DMC3 - special edition. While the game itself is not that bad (hard) its possibly the worst pc port in the history of.....ever, compatability issues, poor instructions and options, lack of widescreen support aside, you actually need a gamepad to play this, or you end up getting "wankers cramp" in about one level.

Also, what did you not like about Call of Juarez? (i'm intruiged as i thought it was great, who couldn't love a crazy gunslinging preacher who quotes pulp fiction :p)

And maybe i'm just a complete fanboy of the dystopic settings/genre, what was bad about stalker? (granted the game got a lot better when you install the Oblivion lost mod)


New member
May 7, 2008
worst game i ever bought was easily phantasy star I & II remake for the gamecube.

or possibly final fantasy V because it simply WAS the worst FF of all time.

everything about these games was so dreadful that writing about them feels like an intrusion into private greif.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Espics said:
worst game i ever bought was easily phantasy star I & II remake for the gamecube.
I didn't know they even did that! Thanks for saving me from trying to find them!


New member
Feb 5, 2008
nights: journey to dreams
TESIV: oblivion
quake 4
sonic riders
007: from russia with love
medal of honor: pacific assault
extreme-g 3
turok evolution
NFS: carbon

I'd burn them in hell...


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Fable - Because it's Fable. It wasn't that BAD, it just needed a lot more content and more of a purpose behind the whole good/evil thing to justify the price tag and permanent ownership.

Final Fantasy XII - Worst RPG ever. Worse than Shadow Madness. Within a few hours of "playing" it I was asking myself what the main character was doing there and why he hadn't left yet. Within a couple more hours I realized I wasn't going to receive an answer and this game was even more rushed and pieced together than FFVIII, which I wasn't stupid enough to buy.

Xenosaga Episode Anything - Thank God I got Episode I used out of a bargain bin many, many years after the fact. I'd been desperately in search of something creative. This offered something of the sort, but without the common decency of offering a GAME inside the package.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The game I never would have bought if I knew what it was actually like. I loved being an Italian mobster in the previous games. I HATED being a gang banger in this one. I hated the environment, I hated the characters, I hated everything about it except the gameplay. I played it for ten minutes, got to the point where a cutscene started wasting my time with one of the protagonists threatening to beat his wife, discovered the pizza joint was a bunch of puns on breasts, and realized that everything about the main character and everything in his home were allusions to having a large penis before putting this game down and never picking it up again.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Special case. I bought a used copy at EB before they were acquired by GameStop. You couldn't return used games for a refund if you'd actually opened them, even if something was wrong. Well, in this case, something WAS wrong. My disc was scratched and I couldn't get through more than a few minutes of gameplay before the PS2 stopped reading it. It was a pity because I'd played this game many times before and was DYING to finally get my hands on my own copy. This one was only $6 at least. You get what you pay for, I guess.

Phantasy Star Universe - It's not like I thought Phantasy Star Online was that great, but in all honesty it's a much better designed game than its successor. On the exterior PSU is more polished and more visual, but the environments don't have as much thought in them, they repeat ENTIRE MAPS repeatedly and recycle levels in a much more linear fashion, and since the special attack attribute has been separated from weapons themselves that gives weapons little license to have variety, the variety of its unique weapons being the only thing that motivated me to play 50 hours worth of PSO in the first place. Overall not worth what I paid for it, sold back in a month.

Dead or Alive 4 - All the good costumes are gone and more than ever it feels like winning depends on luck. I'd played DOA2 Ultimate and loved the series for it, but something about 4 felt like a SHARP step backwards in controls. Felt like I'd explored the whole game after a few runs through arcade mode. Didn't feel the need to play it any further. Hated multiplayer since it felt like luck was dictating the game more than skill. Sold it back within a week.

Armored Core 4 - BECAUSE IT'S ARMORED CORE. This was supposed to have been a big leap forward, but it somehow managed to be LESS FUN than previous games of the series. There just wasn't a comfortable way to control it.

You know, I regret buying 90% of the games I've bought in the past few years...

Worr Monger

New member
Jan 21, 2008
Hellgate London - Such a borefest compared to Diablo... and the story is just awful.

I only got it to play something Coop with my friends, but they bailed out after 2 sessions of play. I feel like I should play the single player, maybe it'd be more fun that way... but I just can't get excited about it.

GTA III - I know everyone loves GTA, but I got bored with it in a few days... I was busy doing everything except the actual missions... and thought "OK I'm done"... Haven't tried a GTA since


New member
May 5, 2008
FE9 (Path of Radiance). It was short, there was no replay value AT ALL, the storyline was subaverage, and a select few units were so overpowered that you could just plunk them down in the middle of the field and clear the board.

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
I regret buying every Cabela's game, they all suck and the animals were either mentally retarded or had super senses adn could hear you on a cliff 200 feet above...the AI was crap lest leave it at that.

and the bullet cam was annoying
and the AI was crap
you couldnt shoot at a bear and run away at the same time
the AI was crap
deer attacked you
the AI was crap
the vehicles sucked


New member
May 8, 2008
Final Fantasy 9: Biggest load of crap I had to endure on my aging PSX.

Grandia 2 (PS2 version): Just plain horrible in and of itself. It makes Rumble Roses look worthwhile.


New member
May 7, 2008
Jet Li: Rise To Honor.
Enter The Matrix.
Final Fantasy X.

Also, I once bought Splinter Cell: Double Agent for the PC. I've always been a fan of the series and have thought of it as totally underrated. So I popped the disk into my DVD drive, and it turned out that my shitty computer couldn't handle it, even after buying a new graphics card.
I stopped PC gaming at that point.


New member
May 9, 2008
Resident Evil 0
i thought it would be better and little bit more up-beat...but the "switching" just slowed it down for me beyond belief.

State of Emergency
was not worth the 5 dollars i paid for it, wish i had used it for gas instead.


New member
May 9, 2008
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 1.
It makes me feel like a noob.
Which makes me angry.
(I feel a rant coming on)
But seriously, the ghosts (should be) a "professional" team; it's like babysitting, which isn't easy when people are trying to put your head on a pike.
"Go to cover you retard"
"Nah i'ma stand here n get shot."
Also what I hated was when you went solo vs roughly 100 people. Now that's okay in games like Halo, with the recharging shields, where you don't take 5 seconds to switch weapons. But when you can die from 1 shot, with checkpoints half an hour apart, it makes me mad. I believe there was a mission called guardrail 9 or something, which is 1v100. It consisted of blowing up...a...big..thing.... and massacaring an entire mother fu**ing batallion (ok i'm exaggerating but still.)
Call me a noob but I really hated that game.