Games you wish you HADN'T bought...


New member
May 11, 2008
Stronghold 2 - The original was much better, this added some broken features... what else?

Age of Empires 3 - I just didn't like this game. They screwed over AoE too much, it's a decent game in itself, but it was like calling Generals a C&C Game...

Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption - I liked the original. This just didn't seem to do it justice as an expansion, and it seems like some of the new things are unfinished (thrown together to hit the release date sort of thing)

Ghost Recon - Much as it was a more realistic shooter, enemies with X-ray binocular eye implants and perfect accuracy get annoying after a while. You could always play on Easy, but then it's a turkey shoot. No thanks.

I know there's more, but they aren't in my game shortcuts folder or on my Xfire profile, so I'm too lazy to find them. ;\


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Harry Potter 4 the videogame.
I was a fool and deserved what I got. I picked the demo up, enjoyed it for all of half an hour, got the game and immediately hated myself.

Little known videogame involving disgustingly cartoonish tanks and sheep. Impulse purchase that scarred me for life. I never looked at a tank the same way again.


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May 9, 2008
Call of Duty: Finest Hour for Xbox. I'd already got CoD 1 and CoD: UO for PC, which absolutely rocked, but then Finest Hour completely sucked, and seemed just boring by comparison.

Also Sudden Strike and Frontline Command-I didn't realise I sucked so much at direct RTS games.


New member
Mar 11, 2008
greygelgoog said:
War Monger of Yabucua said:
Those assfuckin games I wish I had'nt bought:
4) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora tommorow: Wat to fuckin scary and difficult

5) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory: Exactly what I said About Pandora Tommorow

6) Doom 3 (PC Version) To fuckin scary!
If the game frightens you perhaps you should stop buying scary software. I'm gonna go play Silent Hill now.
LOL The only scary thing about Doom 3 was it's lack of style and variety.
The only jump-worthy (i use the term jump loosely) moments were cheesy 'omg-zombie-behind-door-jumping-out' tactics used by the developers, almost as bad as the demons teleporting in randomly towards the end of the game, get a life and get some innovation while you're at it!
Srsly wish i hadn't wasted $98 on that game.

*runs off to play Silent Hill 2*


New member
Mar 11, 2008
Nerdfury said:
I find it funny how so many people are saying they hated Assassin's Creed and think games are a waste after one walkthrough. For the record, I think Assassin's Creed was an innovative game - and while I was repetitive, it was still good despite it. And what the hell is up with people saying Bioshock (or any game!) is a bad purchase just because they don't get another totally original playthrough? Do you want every game to have a half-dozen play-through options? Christ, get over yourself.

For me, anyway. I wish I'd never bought:

- Banjo-Kazooie on N64,
- Neverwinter Nights 2 for PC - and even though it was free with my video card, it doesn't hold a candle to NWN1.
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
- Blood 2: The Chosen.
- SIN.
- Prince Of Persia PS2 sequels.
- Viva Pinata.
OMG You did not just say Banjo-Kazooie =[
That's one of my all time favourite platformers!!!!
How did it come to this ='[

p.s agreed about NWN though =]


Could use a beer about now...
May 14, 2008
I actually registered to answer this one. Dark Sector. I've been reading about it and hearing various stories of its awesomeness for about two years ow, and I bought it the day it came out. I played through about half the game before I got fed up with it and took it back. My opinion of it: If Gears of War had a retarded child and beat it over the head with a sack of shit every day for its childhood, and then said child grew up to be an damn near perfect clone of its father only retarded and covered in shit, you'd have Dark Sector. The only thing I liked about it was the glaive, and one weapon is not enough to redeem it.


New member
May 14, 2008
South Park for the N64. I remember all the magazines were raving about how awesome it was, so I bought it. I was pretty excited too. God, what a pile of utter shit that game was. Worst game I've ever bought. I did get my money back for it the next day thankfully.

shadow skill

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Oct 12, 2007
Helmet said:
I actually registered to answer this one. Dark Sector. I've been reading about it and hearing various stories of its awesomeness for about two years ow, and I bought it the day it came out. I played through about half the game before I got fed up with it and took it back. My opinion of it: If Gears of War had a retarded child and beat it over the head with a sack of shit every day for its childhood, and then said child grew up to be an damn near perfect clone of its father only retarded and covered in shit, you'd have Dark Sector. The only thing I liked about it was the glaive, and one weapon is not enough to redeem it.
I sent Dark Sector back to gamefly Monday got fed up with it too.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
God Hand - I was reminded of this game when I saw the picture of one of the articles in last week's Escapist issue. I dropped 20 bucks on the game, played it once, then put it away. The camera swings wildly, the controls are wonky, and the dialog is uncomfortably bad.
Apr 23, 2008
Jade Cocoon 2: In no way similar to Jade Cocoon 1.
Dragonball Z Budukai: Got old, real fast.
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom: I was hoping it would be better.


New member
Apr 6, 2008
All the RTS games I bought (ok, fine, it's just 3, but still) after some friends tried to get me into the genre. Could never balance gathering resources well enough to build the endless armies that the AI enemies could seem to pull out of their asses. I wasn't too bad at a couple of them, like Dawn of War, or Star Wars:EAW, but I don't play them at all anymore.


New member
May 14, 2008
Oh and I got FF2 for the PSP recently too and wished I hadn't. What a waste of money. The difficulty level is so laughable. It's not often I moan about a game not being a challenge but you will one-shot 95% of the monsters you meet. The other 5% are bosses. You 2-shot those.
Then there's the random encounter system. It's like being in a cave in Pokemon everywhere in the world. Not difficult, just irritating.
I have not finished it, nor will I. I can imagine the way the shitty, generic plot is going to go.


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Apr 13, 2008
Warhammer 40k: Fire Warrior. Anyone can write a whole book about what's bad about this game, so I'll make it simple:
- gamplay is as bland and repetative as you can make it
- graphics could have been good, if the models would not have been ripped from tetris... they're about that detailed
- I could make more convincing sounds with my own mouth then the stuff that's suppost too be 'sound effects'... and have fun doing it!


New member
May 14, 2008
The Club.

It made my eyes bleed, my fists itch and my foot connect with grannies in the street. It really was that bad. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.


New member
Dec 15, 2007
I'd have to say Rainbow Six Vegas 2. It's too screwed up to play and they only made it worse. I enjoyed the original Vegas, but Vegas 2 took away everything I liked about Vegas 1. A&D is bad, the maps are bad, and motion censors have been nerfed for no good reason. There are also other things, but I'd rather not bore you with how much I hate Vegas 2.

The Conformist

New member
Nov 1, 2007
*prepares to die of nerd-fire*

Warcraft 3
Star Wars Empire At War.

Something about RTS's, good or bad, make me want to kill myself. If I want to work in management I'll go apply at Toys R Us, at least I may be able to get discounts on Silly Putty.

Driv3r, or Driver 3 or Driv-three-er. Stupid boring broken game. It was as much Shoot3r as Driv3r.

There's loads more but these stick out the most.