Games you wish you HADN'T bought...


New member
May 7, 2008
I once traded in Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2 for a bunch of really shitty japanese games. Worst mistake of my life.

Edit: I also bought Shaq Fu at one point. And Altered Beast, the worst launch title of any console EVAR.


New member
Sep 19, 2007
Portal. I completely missed the part that told me it was a puzzle game. I thought it was a multiplayer.

Half Life. I know everyone praises this as the ultimate in MP gaming, but I hated it.
I'm an Unreal Tournament player...or at least I was until BF2142 came out.

Unreal III - YUK! Making the characters big and bulky, and adding textures for the sake of simply adding them is pointless. Clunky controls, poor coding and overpriced. It actually went backwards by not including Onslaught. Warfare BLOWS!

To the guy who didn't like N.A.R.C. Just download MAME and find the romset for it. That will give you the exact version of the arcade game, not some cheap knockoff by a console maker. Never buy a console version of a coin-operated arcade game! Always MAME it!
And GTA's parent company didn't even exist when N.A.R.C. came out, so that comparison doesn't fly.


New member
May 14, 2008
Matrix: Path of Neo, for £4 i thought it couldn't be that bad. Just shows how wrong you can be.

defcon 1

New member
Jan 3, 2008
Ghost Recon AW: Because it bugs up on my computer to the point of unplayable

RedSigma said:
Twilight Princess - Please tell me why it still has SCROLLING TEXT!!! It's 2008
I believe it's to allow you to create your own name and have it be used in conversations. You do have a point, I just call him Link like everyone else.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Final Fantasy 7...

It drained so much of my life... I aint complaining too much mind you as it is an awesome game, but I became a social recluse because of it...


New member
May 15, 2008
As much as I'd hate to say it, I suppose Hellgate: London or at the very least the Collector's Edition part of it.

Really hyped for it before release and played in the beta, but when release came, somethng just clicked and it just wasn't fun. Its an alright game, and I suppose I would enjoy it better with a good PC, but either way certainly not worth the ~£70 I spent in attempting to get a Collector's Edition box in England.

Dawn of War: Soulstorm too. Buggy, crippled game and still no patches after 1-2 months. Basically killed off DoW for me.


New member
May 14, 2008
TenchyMuyo2 said:
Half Life. I know everyone praises this as the ultimate in MP gaming, but I hated it.
I'm an Unreal Tournament player...or at least I was until BF2142 came out.
Half - Life was SP. You're thinking of Counter-Strike (easy mistake)

Battlefield FTW!


New member
Jan 1, 2008
Unlimited Saga - absolutely no idea why this game got such good reviews. None at all. Took it straight back to the shop and said to the woman 'I was going to make up something about it not working's just awful!' - she agreed and refunded me. I've since looked up walkthroughs and reviews and all sorts and still I cannot work out how anyone got anything out of it. It really bugs me! I love RPGS - what am I missing?

I've finally stopped myself buying Tony Hawks games. Apparently I like the smaller, tightly designed levels compared to the huge and rubbish city idea. And the humour is poor and the loading times on the PS3 are shocking. Burnout Paradise = same problem. I just do not care if they've made a lovely city, I don't want to see it, nor do I want to spend 70% of my time watching the crash camera. It's like tuning in to watch a great TV show to find out it's just back to back adverts of that show for an hour.

And finally, Project Zero (Fatal Frame) 3 - loved the first two with a passion. Really like quite a lot about this one. Except somewhere near the end I must have stopped playing for a day or two, went back with no recollection of what I was supposed to be doing and just wandered for hours and hours AND HOURS, and then there's the levels where you play as the guy who can only hide and that's just not fun and so I never bothered to finish it. Up until this point I used to obsessively complete every game I got, but I stopped here - I don't know if this game killed my love or it was about to die naturally but they're linked forever for me. Ugh.


New member
May 14, 2008
Transformers -movie version- i got the really cheap cause id heard it wast very good but i liked the film alot so i got it sucked so much drive,transform,punch *the weapons never worked >_<* and do it all again

Assains creed- got too bored of it...

need for speed pro street- it just felt like i was playin forza 2 again. i liked the whole street racing thing


New member
Jul 11, 2008
the last WWE game for PS2, something2008...

Paid about £4 I think, and feel robbed, how can they obviously have soo many people working on it, and spend obviously tens of thousands and a large workforce creating something that just isnt fun, and is outclassed by the early 90s arcade games... the cartoony wrestlemania , and the silly digitised one that had Undertaker knocking bats n skulls out of his opponent. Damn they were fun!
Jul 8, 2008
Guitar Hero - Some of the songs are harder to play on the game than in really fucking life.
And fuck "Through the Fire and Flames" the intro is on fucking keyboard for chrissakes and anyone who has the game to say otherwise obviously should have been a fucking abortion.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
I've got Bomberman: Act Zero collecting dust on my shelf. A friend talked me into it as a prank - worst piece of junk I've ever played. I wouldn't accept this as a free gift.
Jul 8, 2008
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (PS2) - Because it's the PS2 version that's why I regreted buying it. You'd think if a companyw as gonna make a PS2 version of a game that's also on the 360 then they'd at least make it look fucking playable. You can't even tell if what your shooting is an enemy until you're standing of it's corpse.


Most Refined Escapist
Jul 4, 2008
Xmen legends-2 was a poor sequel to it's predecessor,
I regret getting prince of persia 2 and 3, The whole edgy thing really didn't work out for me and the bloody glitches that it had...
gauntlet seven sorrows is currently collecting dust. I don't know why, I just dont feel like playing it anymore


New member
Jun 20, 2008
Halo 3. I wasn't gonna buy because i knew it was going to be the same exact garbage that the second one was with slighyly improped graphice. But my dumbass friends finally pushed me into buying it, at full price nonetheless, because it is the only game the queers play. I beat it once, played online with my friends a little bit and now it remains in its case unless my friends manage to coax me into playing with them.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
m_jim said:
God Hand - I was reminded of this game when I saw the picture of one of the articles in last week's Escapist issue. I dropped 20 bucks on the game, played it once, then put it away. The camera swings wildly, the controls are wonky, and the dialog is uncomfortably bad.
^This is called missing the point - but hey, everyone can't like everything.

For me:
San Andreas - I don't play RPGs because I don't like RPGs - therefore - for me - adding RG elements to a game makes it worse.
That along with the unsympathetic characters, drawn out sections and a woeful lack of 'fun' just took the series too far away from what I had always loved about it.

California Games - My brother threw a strop back in the day and wouldn't let me play on this his C64 so I went out and bought the version for my Spectrum... my god it was unplayably bad, even for three quid.